Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 18 (1995)(Alchemist Research).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   5 Paul Howard
   5 By Paul Howard.
   5 36 Budges Road
   4 i-m-i-m-i0m0i0
   4 i)m)i)m)i)
   4 J7:A?>A??>>BC
   4 Desmond Tyler
   4 10 INPUT "Binary input ";N
   3 |~~__OOGGCCAA
   3 Marcus Prichard
   3 Lloyd Garland
   3 Graham Collier
   3 Andy Davis
   2 var no1,no2,result:integer;
   2 result:=no1+no2
   2 mw>CFECFCEC?A>
   2 mw<<??==>>apJKJNJQ
   2 m>>AA>><<apKJKJHJ
   2 j"m"j"m"j&m&j$m
   2 f&&o//i+o+i)o)((
   2 dq+&+&+&+&+&+&+&r+
   2 dq&+&+&+&+&+&+&+r&
   2 Wolfgang & Monika Haller
   2 Roy Benson
   2 Robert Skene
   2 Richard Main
   2 Psi-co of United Minds
   2 Paul Westlake
   2 Old Kilpatrick
   2 Miles Kinloch
   2 Mark Harris
   2 LET Z$="":FOR N=0 TO 21:
   2 Justin Thorpe
   2 John Elliot
   2 James Waddington
   2 Deja Vu is a very funny thing. All  of  ushave  experienced  it  at  one   time   oranother,  yet  there  is   absolutely   noexplaination why it happens.
   2 Dave Fountain
   2 Christian Aymard
   2 By Miles Kinloch
   2 Ben Douglas
   2 As usual, I have my own  conclusions,  butbefore I make my claims, what  exactly  isDeja Vu?\
   2 AN18.C    a"
   2 AN12,3  CP/M:
   2 A A D D V V E   R R  T
   2 >>AA>><<KJKJHJ
   2 <<??==>>JKJNJQ
   2 50 PRINT "Hello, ";A$
   2 26 Spotland Tops
   2 249 Dumbarton Road
   2 10 LET N = 0
   2 10 INPUT "Enter a number 0-10 ";N!
   2 00e$d0e$d0e$d0
   2 +.532533226
   2 &&o&+i+((&
   1 you'vegradually been transferring to disc  afteran upgrade to a +D or  other  disc  system(even though I've had my  +D  since  1994,there are vast shelves and boxes of  tapesstill to be  done!),  you  may  have  comeacross  "half  programs"  -  BASIC   progswithout  headers  due  to  something  elsebeing recorded just over  the  start,  andthus unloadable.
   1 written the article, prompting him to%
   1 writeln(result);
   1 writeln(result)
   1 write, WITHOUT checking with me first,&
   1 write to me as mentioned above.
   1 would grow. A bud needs  to  know  its&
   1 world has lost a precious thing. 
   1 will blossom; the flower  that  blooms&
   1 whereas the Spectrum would need it  to  beentered as:5
   1 where X is the GOTO line  number  (if  youdon't choose a statement  number  as  wellwith  POKE  23620,  the  jump  won't  takeplace).  That  would   confuse   lots   ofnon-AlchNews readers! You could  write  anentire program behind REMs - and  rememberthat in 48k mode you can "black out"  REMsetc with embedded colour codes. You  couldhave a hidden REM (maybe line  0  of  yourprogram to make it uneditable -  use  POKE23755,0) with a flashing copyright messagefollowed by a blacked  out  command  line.Anyone  who  deleted  the  colours   mightwonder about the BASIC after the REM,  butthey probably wouldn't guess the secret!
   1 we take a first look at Pascal.
   1 was rubbish, alien?,  it  looked  more&
   1 valuableinformation, I'd like you to take time outto read this advert  for  my  PD  library!\
   1 usual  address  or  via  MGPD,   AlchemistSoftware or Fountain PD.B
   1 using the software, you should formally   'buy' it, at full price, in other words   the prog you previously bought is like a  sampler, limited. If  you  buy  the  prog after the set time  period,  you  get  thefull version of the prog + maunals etc.
   1 used   by   the'odd-man-out'  block,  is  to  be  found -remember to  clear  to  the address 5^
   1 use LET PNAME=40 and GOSUB PNAME)!
   1 us a visit
   1 up any weeds and  watering  his  prize&
   1 unseen, will  only  wilt  and  wither.&
   1 uni-scroll,compressors etc. provided that you send methe necessary media (C90 tape or a 3.5" +Ddisk) and a SAE.o
   1 two part series.
   1 two in our series.
   1 transmittedsimultaneously. Each  channel  allows  themusican to control a seperate  instrument,but the information co-exists in the  samewire. Each piece of equipment  'tunes  in'to the information being  sent  to  it,  alittle like a  television  receiver  tunesin to a particular television channel.
   1 to me asking or trying to involve me in   this dispute in anyway, I will not answer their communication, or if they include a reference to this subject within, say, a  letter (or in any other communicative
   1 to like this at all. You see, it's"
   1 to all the  errors  of  the  +D. 
   1 tips about filing.
   1 tips  and  excellent  ideas   by 
   1 this matter, and look forward to any$
   1 this letter - & may I remind you, you%
   1 think I'd better give it a rest!.!
   1 thefollowing:-
   1 thecharacteristic  'building  time'   betweeneach screen normal for a graphics display.W
   1 theNecronomicon. This is not a hard task  andyou soon find yourself in a big dark wood.W
   1 the sound cards LINE IN socket, you then  have to sound sample the incoming speccy  loading  tone,  producing  a  sound  file,which you then load into the emulator.
   1 the many who put  in  some  darn 
   1 the last report! More  proof  of 
   1 the gardener busy at his toil, digging&
   1 the bouncers dont like people who talk&
   1 the Z80 Emulator.
   1 the Emulator.  Some  tricks  and 
   1 that quenches their thirst, the  oasis&
   1 that footage of the so-called alien#
   1 that I had replied to his letter, (via a  third party, Mr Mark or Marcus Pritchard) to Mr Davis, which in turn led to Mr Davisgetting on my case, and prompting
   1 teleporting
   1 telepathiceavesdropper!). How telepathy takes  placeisn't very well documented. Some  accountssay you have to be within a certain radiusof the contacted person; some say you haveto be  in  eye  contact  with  them.  PaulDaniels (sorry to mention  him  here,  butthere you are) once  did  a  trick  on  TVwhere someone wrote down a number and  putit in an  envelope,  then  another  person"telepathically" told him what the  numberwas. They could have  done  it  by  littlesignals, like people  at  auctions  (NB  -Never  sneeze  at  an   auction   or   youinvariably end up with a grandfather clockcosting  you  half  a  million  quid!)  orpeople who cheat at  cards.  <Speaking  ofPaul  Daniels,  when  the  US  alternative'magicians' Penn and Teller first appearedon UK TV, he  droned  on  about  how  sicktheir magic was. My, what a  short  memoryMr Daniels has - can  he  not  recall  hisHallow'een special  in  1986/87  where  hemade it look like a stunt went  wrong  andthat he was killed? I seem to  recall  farmore
   1 taken it a little to far with ORIC & ZX81 emulators!.5
   1 synthesizers
   1 supposedlysupporting him.
   1 supernatural.
   1 subtraction,multiplycation  and  division  for   smallchildren.?
   1 standard-formattedinformation between one place and another.It's main role as a standard  is  to  makesure that the information  is  transmittedin  sucha  way  that  any  MIDI-compatiblepiece of  equipment  will  understand  theinformation received.
   1 spelling!.
   1 sort or another.
   1 somepossibility that Deja Vu is an  echo  fromthe future, being picked up in brain waves- perhaps in our  sleep,  since  there  isvery little to stimulate the brain.
   1 solice in another mad column!
   1 software (a video titling pack) from Prismpd.-
   1 so room 11 WEST of kitchen has 12100114   wich means North to room 12  next doorP
   1 section.  Once  again,  AlchNews 
   1 scandal! Sort of.
   1 savesDIMensiong a large  array  and  using up alot of memory.But  if  you are reading theinformation with a  restore LINE number ofroom and READ description routine then anyrenumbering of the program will cock it upIt also becomes  very  difficult to followas you  are  developing  and  testing yourgame.
   1 root and  flourish;  tendered  by  the&
   1 reference in my reply.
   1 recorded over!
   1 reason is simple - I think this dispute   between Mr Davis & Mr Sherwood is taken   up to much of AN & is a matter betweenz
   1 read(no1,no2);
   1 read (no1,no2);
   1 psychic powers, or any other form of$
   1 programming   remarks   to   our 
   1 program example1(input,output);
   1 program example1(input output);
   1 probably   true   thatnewer/better versions  of  this  prog  areavailable, having said that, the author   has  stated  at  the  end   of   the   JPPinstructions, that he is through with  theemulator, so maybe there aren't!.
   1 printutilities, ZX printer simulators for IF1 /128 / +D (which makes a  full  size  Epsoncompatable  printer  behave  like   a   ZXprinter), Spectrum ROMs for the SAM,  pluslots  of   well   programmed   games   andutilities.
   1 pre-saved snaps.
   1 popular,manufacturers  dropped  their  prices   tocompete with one another until, ten  yearslater, piracy took over, prices soared andthe Spectrum commercial market collapsed.
   1 polyphonic
   1 poetry from Miles Kinloch.
   1 plus three other people.
   1 pleasure is  gone,  forever,  and  the&
   1 pleased to report that the 128k sound cameout of the speakers, rather than  the  PCsbeepy  internal  speaker,  although  as  Icould'nt alter the speed of the emulator  (369% remember), the music was too fast tosound tunefull!
   1 player 1 deals.  first  card  is  King  ofspades. player 2 puts down king of hearts,king of diamonds. player 3 puts down 8  ofdiamonds (miss a turn) play goes to player2 who puts down 8 of clubs (player 3  missa turn), 9 of clubs, 9 of diamonds  player1 places 10 of diamonds,10 of spades,9  ofspades player 2 places 5 of spades,  6  ofspades, player 3 places queen  of  spades,jack of spades, nominates hearts, jack  ofhearts, nominates clubs, ace of  clubs  (5cards for  next  player),  ace  of  hearts(another  5  cards,  making  10  for  nextplayer)
   1 playedsimutaneously  from   one   keyboard,   byconnecting the  two  instruments  togethervia MIDI and playing the keyboard  of  oneof the two instruments.
   1 personalitiescompletely, and that Barry was'nt to speakto him at all. Barry  was  still  confusedabout it all when  he  went  to  bed  thatnight, but he promised Ste that  he  woulddo  as  he  asked  and  not  talk  to  himtommorrow.
   1 overcharge!
   1 over! A ceasefire, initiated  by 
   1 oursubconscious and the dizzy sense  of  DejaVu is triggered!=
   1 ourcollective intelligence.  We  now  have  acombined IQ of 2! Yes, mine  is  1.98  andDok's is 0.02! And Dok's just  said  "Keepon truckin'!" Yeah, great stuff... ehm?
   1 otherwords ensuring that the article is   correct, and gaining my backing,J
   1 other machines  to  run  on  the 
   1 one last thing- if you have only one  cardleft, then you must say 'last card' beforethe  next  player  commences   his   turn,otherwise he can tell you  to  pick  up  9cards.
   1 ofcommands. These are few and far between intype-in books, but here's  a  rough  guideanyway:]
   1 of this great new library.
   1 of colour would turn into a desert;  a&
   1 now to set up the objects
   1 not  printing  this  letter   in 
   1 no of parts+1 (ie: 1-38+pt 0=39)
   1 microsoftcompletely, as they appear to be trying totake over the entire computer industry.Z
   1 means you are  going  to  read  and  writewithin a program called example1.  If  theprogram did not  require  input  data  youcould just have
   1 me to have to write this report to set therecord straight.:
   1 [email protected]
   1 massiveAN18.40 : undertaking - an index to issues1
   1 makealterations to the music on screen as  yougo.1
   1 mad, but theres little impact.
   1 long may the gardener  look  after  it&
   1 localconstabulary showing no action was  taken,we will be happy to print it. But, at  themoment, we only have  Mr  Sherwood's  wordwhich,   judging   by
   1 living things, they need  nourishment.&
   1 life-force;
   1 lies and fabrications abound.
   1 lenL lenH STOP  ?
   1 leads  the  way   in   adventure 
   1 keyboardsynthesizer may be able to play as many as16 notes together. You can select from thesynthesizer's range of  preset  voices  orblend new notes. If  you  synthesizer  hassplit keyboard capability,  you  can  evenhave  two  different  instruments  playingtogether  -  a  melody  and   a   backing,perhaps. There are generally  three  typesof information which you can send  throughthe MIDI  -  notes,  program  changes  andpitchbend.
   1 j"m"j""!m!j"m"j
   1 j"m"j""!m!j"m"
   1 itparticularly suitable  for  microcomputersin  which  the   memory   is   necessarilylimited.^
   1 it'sindefinite. This is true, but if there wasa third DEFINITE element, imagine  how  itwould change our thinking. There could  bemore than three;  think  of  twenty-valuedlogic! Like infinity, we can only  imaginethis idea despite its potential existence,and  to  me,  this  is   what   makes   itinteresting.
   1 isparticularly good for number crunching andbusiness type application programs.O
   1 isirrelevant for many purposes.
   1 is..Pointy-Brackets-Man>
   1 is very similar  to  the  BASIC  statementINPUT NO1,NO2. You are allowed to use  theno1 and no2 variable  names  because  theyhave already been declared  in  the  "var"statement.
   1 is shorter than:-
   1 is read as  "result"  becomes  no1+no2  inmuch  the  same  way  as  BASIC.  Strictlyspeaking this could  read  'let  result  =no1+no2' to show that we are  summing  thevalues  of  variables  no1  and  no2   andassigning this value to a variable  calledresult.
   1 interprets your programs.
   1 interesting bit).
   1 instrumentdevelopment  in  the  last   few   decadesclosely  parallels  that  of   calculatingmachines. Traditionally, instruments  weremechanical  -  skins  being  hit,  stringsbeing  plucked  or  bowed,  and   so   on.Gradually, the increasing need for greatervolume  in  live  performances,  and   thedemands of recording, led  to  instrumentssuch   as   guitars   and   pianos   beingelectrified - and finally, over  the  pastfew  years,  purely   electronic   musicalinstruments, such  as  synthesizers,  haveappeared.  Just  as  calculating  machineshave evolved from the mechanical abacus tothe  Intel  Pentium,  the  latest  musicalinstruments are filled with microchips.
   1 inslow-motion, his body  slammed  back  intothe seat and it threw his  head  back,  hesaw the front of his van collapse and felta sharp pain in  his  legs,  the  steeringwheel shot forward and  slammed  into  hischest, winding him and  pinning  him  intohis seat, the van  lurched  backwards  andhit a wall behind, the  back  of  the  vancollapsed and the shutter door barrel thathe had in  the  back,  shot  forwards  andsmashed into his shoulder which  made  theseat crush him against the steering  wheelas it shot forwards.
   1 innovation
   1 ingenerations to come. Some fifty years  agothe average height was 5  foot  6  inches.Now, kids are being born and by  the  timethey are 12, they are at  least  six  feettwo - bigger than their fathers!
   1 incompetant!
   1 in the morning, after 50 pints of!
   1 in squeaky voices after a few  Hoopers&
   1 if you put down a jack, then you  nominatea suit for the play to change  to.  so  ifyou put down a jack, and say hearts,  theneither you can put down a  heart,  or  thenext player has to.
   1 if you put down a 3, then it  is  worth  2cards each. the rules  for  this  are  thesame as for 2's except that aces  and  2'scancel this one.
   1 if you put down a 2 then  it  is  worth  3cards each, so if you put down 3 2's  thenyou make the next player pick up 9 can be cancelled with either a 3 or  anace. players can still 'pass the buck'  byadding more 2's.
   1 if you put down  an  ace,  then  the  nextperson must pick up 5  cards  unless  theycan put down a 2 or a 3, which will cancelit.
   1 h{-+-t+r-t+
   1 how to program in BASIC.
   1 him  out   to   be   even   more 
   1 hidden animals is very close.
   1 here is an example game. (3 players)$
   1 have taken, because I have no desire to behostile to any one.=
   1 has  a  similar  effect   to   the   BASICstatement PRINT RESULT, that is,  it  willoutput the value of the  variable  result.Not ice how  there  is  no  ;  after  thisstatement. This is  because  a  semi-colonbefore an "end"  is  unnecessary,  as  the"end"  itself  tells  us  the  end  of   astatement   has   been   reached.   If   asemi-colon is put in, most compilers  willallow it by inserting a blank line  beforethe end.
   1 hardware that would emulate their favoritemicro on the humble PC.A
   1 hard  work  to  bring  you  this 
   1 greatmathematicians  and  philosophers  of  theseventeenth century.C
   1 great Zenobi titles, plus a tips 
   1 goesSkiing,  Horizons,  Jason's   Gem,   Kane,Matchpoint,  Mcoder  II,  Milk  Race,   OpThunderbolt,  Personal  Banking  Roadtoad,Rollaround,
   1 genial hand of green-fingered Andy.#
   1 full. I have now, but  it  makes 
   1 fromPsychokinesis? You might  not  be  workingout the computer's decisions, you might bedetermining them! Needless to say, scepticme failed completely, but you have to  trythese things, eh? <But, how can  you  readthe mind of a computer? Ed.>
   1 from our resident Mr Grouch.
   1 from   Chris   Taylor   of   The 
   1 form) which has been written on another   subject, I will politely skip over theP
   1 forest.Hazy sunlight filters
   1 for the cup?
   1 for  an  approximate  rendition  but  128kusers who  have  the  necessary  3-channelsound need a completely different  syntax.Don't  be  disheartened   by   all   theseincompatibilities (wow, that  word  has  5i's in it!) - there are many  effects  andcommands unique to the Spectrum too. Whichother  computer  can  claim  to  have  the128k's SPECTRUM command, the  COPY  screendump,  the  OVER  attribute  or  even  theutterly useless VAL$ command?!
   1 following.
   1 first, I will not give you permission to  use my name!, if you do, IT WILL BE ATP
   1 few months, Alchnews has taken  a  slight shift towards the IBM compatible PC.N
   1 falsestatements, is not very worthy! Ed.>)
   1 extremelysophisticated  devices.  Instead  of   thelimited  number  of  notes  which  can  beplayed on  a  computerm  and  the  limitedenveloping facillities,  you'll  be  facedwith a bewildering array of possibilities.Typical, medium-priced synthesizers  allowyou to play chords of up to eight notes ona proper  keyboard.  Almost  all  machinesoffer an array of preset sounds, so if youwant the sound of a piano, or violin,  youmerely have to press the  correct  button.Presets aren't the whole story though, youcan twiddle  to  your  hearts  content  toproduce almost  any  sound  you  desire  -imagine creating a new instrument!
   1 experience when ordering a piece of#
   1 estimated!) will be sent to Mr Davis, and I hope will be published in AlchNews.O
   1 each statement in the  loop  is  convertedinto machine code one hundred  times,  andwith BASIC  the  interpreter  must  remainresident in memory (usually  in  ROM)  allthe time, taking up valuable space.
   1 drummachines had a very characteristic  sound,so any record made with a machine  insteadof a drummer was  instantly  recognizable.In  today's  pop,  you  can  identify  thebacking rhythm to more than one song! But,as  technology  advances,   it's   gettingrather more difficult to tell.  Most  drummachines offer  some  preset  rhythms  andalso have memory facillities  which  allowyou to create and store  your  own  rhythmpattern.
   1 drivershead,'bastard' he shouted  over  and  overagain as he tried to punch and  kick  thisman who had murdered him.t
   1 dramatically
   1 down to the ground.The noise of
   1 dodgy new sci-fi on SKY, but as I've$
   1 disks), however you're not  really  payingfor the duplication  costs  more  for  theactual  software,  which  in  fairness  isusually  a  little  more   advanced   (andsometimes better ) than most  PD  software(in theory!).
   1 didn't I just say that?!)
   1 details from a new company.
   1 delete   the   DATAstatements  to  reduce  the  size  of  theactual program. Hang on while I just checkthis out.p
   1 decoded   andtransferred will  initially  be  loaded toaddress FE01.D
   1 couldPrecognition
   1 corespondence from them, along as it is   not on the dispute I have mentioned.N
   1 controlrespectively the line to be jumped to  andthe statement number within the line to bejumped to. Worked it out yet?  By  POKEingthese two (remember that they  are  systemvariables and not BASIC variables!) we canforce a jump to a statement within a line.Without deleting  the  previous  line  10,enter:
   1 connection with Prism pd, check with me   first, however if you do check with meP
   1 connecting
   1 conceivable communication).
   1 comments towards every one who writes for AlchNews.3
   1 clocked up 345  lines  in  tasword,  I&
   1 charity?!)
   1 certainly don't want to be involved in anylegal action that may or may not result   from this dispute.f
   1 cause havoc.
   1 calculations,
   1 bye bye DOK
   1 byanti-Catholics, and some other people likethat who I've forgotten.D
   1 brother's cousin in law.
   1 blooms. For without  the  appreciation&
   1 better service, and whom  has given me theopportunity to write this column, which ifnothing else has helped me improve myy
   1 bemisconstrued."
   1 beingspecialised, may not be held in  stock  byall dealers-  especially  those  who  dealmainly in games. If  you  don't  have  thesoftware don't worry since you will  stillbe able to  understand  what  is  involvedeven if you cannot run the programs.
   1 beequivalent to a normal GOTO, but I haven'ttried it out yet.=
   1 beenestablished, which comprises of:$
   1 beauty will be  gazed  on,  before  it&
   1 barren wasteland in  which  no  talent&
   1 assemblers,
   1 asequencer. A sequencer is a  device  whichremembers what has been played and  allowsit to be played back. There are two  types- real time and step  time.  A  real  timesequencer  plays  back  exactly  what  themusician has played, whereas a  step  timesequencer  literally  steps  through   thetune, with the musician playing each  notein turn, filling in individual  slices  oftime, until the tune is completed.
   1 as opposed to:-
   1 arecompatible with the BBC. It also uses manyof  the  important   keywords   that   theSpectrum might have had if the  microdrivecommands weren't included! Quite a few  ofthem are included in  Andy  Wright's  BetaBASIC, though.
   1 are in my debt to the sum of 10p,  so%
   1 aprovisional
   1 another, is referred to as an EMULATOR.   (coo!, is'nt this educational!)I
   1 andtransportability and better compatability!-
   1 andmicro-computers, and  is  now  extensivelyused for writing commercial packages.R
   1 andexploration coming very much from the demoand utility coders out there.J
   1 and keep its gates open.
   1 and each of these steps could  be  furtherbroken down until you  reach  a  level  ofsimplicity at which the recipe is possibleto  follow  even  when  the  cook  is   asuniformed as your computer.
   1 and   West  to room 14  back garden#
   1 amulti-millionaire without need for it'.(
   1 although Albert Harper has added  that  heis hoping to get the  file  translated  toEnglish.\
   1 almostinevitably  the  case  for  home  computerowners it may be  much  harder  to  adapt.Sometimes this can be so much so  that  itseems difficult to understand  the  claimsthat LOGO is easy to learn.
   1 allowing   adescription  of  128  charcaters  which isfour lines  long.  The  first 8 charactersof each room contain  the deatils of exitsto other roms in the game.
   1 all work equally well
   1 all in all whose the idiot now?" 
   1 agree with his explanations, I have#
   1 afour-statement  line,  etc,  will   simplycontinue from the next  line.  Jumping  tostatement   zero   wouldm
   1 advantages.
   1 action , Mr Sherwood requested why my namefeatured in this article.C
   1 accessedindividually, but is stored  as  a  singlefile.7
   1 accepted them, I sought no apologies & Mr Sherwood has offered none, however, with  the article published in AN, I felt that  was the end of the matter.
   1 about the 2nd series of THE X FILES,$
   1 a statement.
   1 `1 each (large box)
   1 ^ No objects being carried if 0
   1 Zenobi Reviews:
   1 Zen and the Art of Noise:
   1 ZX Microdrive, needs slight attention - `4(`6 outside W Europe)?
   1 ZX  Power  supply  for  48/48+  -  `4  (`6outside W Europe);
   1 Z80 supports the 3 major joysticks, which can be controlled  on  the  PC  by  eitherkeys, mouse, or PC joystick (yep you  needa new joystick for the PC, the atari ones don't work to the best of  my  knowledge),the full version of Z80 also supports userdefined keys.
   1 Z80 also comes with the software included on the original HORIZONS tape eg. PSIONs  BASIC  character  generator  &  WALL  -  abreakout clone.
   1 Z80 Support:
   1 Yours sincerely,
   1 Your first attempt to break down the  task(the initial  algorithm)  might  be  quitesimple:[
   1 You'll remember  that  Sherwood  loves  totell people that I don't get on  with  theabove. Not so. Recently, Bob  was  lookingfor a  programmer  to  convert  the  MUSICMAESTRO program. I gave him a complete  +Dconversion of  the  above  program,  alongwith details of the  programmer  who  madethe conversion. Bob's letter of thanks wasaddressed  'Dear  Andy',  which  was  verynice!
   1 You'll probably have seen illustrations oflogic gates in Maths or Physics while  youwere at school, but for reference they areall shown in the screen which should be onthe next page of AlchNews.  If  not,  Andymessed things up!
   1 You will have noticed that in the last&
   1 You should get the  following  output.  Ifnot, check that you have type the  commandcorrectly:^
   1 You play the part of  Brian  and  you  arehelping  your  friend   Rodney   Prentice.Rodney works for the High Mage and  was  abit upset when he caused  the  High  Magesbook, The Necronomicon, to disappear.
   1 You now have the following picture:#
   1 You need to  plan  what  you  want in yourAdventure first of  all  so  work out somekind of  story  line.  Feel  free to adaptideas (i.e  STEAL  )  from  other games orbooks   but   make   it   something   thatrepresents a style unique to you.
   1 You must score as many baskets as you  canby either simply throwing the ball in  thenet or using the slam dunk.o
   1 You might be wondering at this moment  howthe sound chip can be  accessed  from  48Kmode  anyway;  suffice  it  to  say   thatalthough  you  can't  use  the  128L  PLAYcommand, the chip is still  sitting  thereand al that is needed are a few  carefullyaimed OUT  instruction,  to  bring  it  tolife.
   1 You might  expect  PRINT  to  preceed  the"HELLO" but instead  the  list  shows  thevalue to 245.  The  Spectrum  uses  valuesabove 164 to signify  BASIC  keywords.  Ifyou consult a list of these in your manualyou'll find that 245 is the value,  calledthe TOKEN, used for PRINT.  Looking at thevalues for the tokens, you can now fill inthe keywords:
   1 You know, these days, equality  is  a  bigissue. Black or white, male or female, andso on. SO WHY IS IT THAT IN THE OJ SIMPSONTRIAL,  11  OF  THE   JURORS   ARE   BLACKWOMEN!!?! And I suppose they'd try to  sayit was all perfectly  fair.  (even  thoughit's december as you're reading this,  andthe OJ  trial  is  dead  &  buried,  I  amtapping  in  September.)  I  think  OJ  isinnocent by the way, so you can all have agood laugh at me when you  read  this,  asthey'll find him guilty just to  prove  mewrong. <You were right, he  was  innocent,but he'd like  his  gun  and  false  beardback, for some reason... Ed.>
   1 You have already seen one example  of  thetechnique, in issue 16. Now it's  time  toexplore  a  little   further.   To   recapbriefly,  the   principle   behind   pagedgraphics is to define and then confine  tomemory data for entirely seperate screens.This data can take the form of high or lowresolution graphics, even text - perhaps acombination. Each of those screens of datacan be called up in turn,  in  very  quicksuccession,
   1 You complete a problem, go on to the  nextlocation and so on. The text of  the  gameis well written but lacks atmosphere.  Thevocabulary is good and you should have  noproblems with it. The  game  does  containgraphics but they are  sparse  and  simpleand don't really add to the game.
   1 You can understand what  the above does sonow we  check  that  the  player  wants tomove somewhere and  jump to the subroutinethat deals with that.
   1 You can see  part  of  the  BASIC  programemerging already, but there  are  still  afair number of question marks.r
   1 You can multiply the number  of  cards  topick up by putting down more  aces,  so  3aces means they have to pick up 15  cards,and so on. If you put down aces,  and  thenext player does as well, then  the  cardsto pick up go onto the 3rd player, or  youif there are only two playing.
   1 You are at the edge of a vast
   1 You (the writer) are still free to publishyour article, with ny name in it, but if  it results in any kind of action, legal orotherwise, against you, I WILL NOT VOUCH  FOR YOU OR YOUR ARTICLE, WHICH YOU WILL   HAVE WRITTEN WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.
   1 You  will  know  that  the  computer  willremember all the  variable  anyway as longas CLEAR and RUN  are avoided and the gamerestarted with GO TO.
   1 You  don't  win  nuthin  but  you  have mypermission to feel smug.B
   1 You  can  use  the  main  routine  withoutmodification  to  create  your  own  pagedgraphics.   Just   replace   the   drawingsequences (Lines 50,70,80  and  Lines  260onwards) with your own graphics  routines.If you do not use fixed elements like  thestars, you will not need a Line 50 outsidethe drawing  loop,  and  Line  70  can  bereplaced as a CLS as none  of  the  screenneed be preserved. Don't make your programtoo long, as it must not use  memory  thatis required for the pages.
   1 You  are  on   the   edge  of  a  roof.Theguttering is very  week.  In  it is an oldleather cricket ball.i
   1 Yes, it's true! Following the  changes  ofAlchemist Software, I've decided to  startup my own PD library, Impact PD. It's  themain PD games source, but  also  has  somedemos and lots of utilities for the +D andthe Spectrum generally. Impact  PD  is  incontact with Speccy users worldwide,  fromFrance and the UK to Poland  and  Romania,and best of  all,  there  are  NO  COPYINGCHARGES! Simply send an SAE for a  printedcopy of the catalogue, or a +D  3.5"  discor tape for a  Tasword  textfile.  Any  PDcontributions are very  welcome,  whateverthey may be.  3"  and  5.25"  disc  aren'tsupported because I don't have the drives!
   1 Yes, even if you choose to upgrade to a   PC, it does'nt mean the end  of  the  roadfor the spectrum.e
   1 Yes, and this is a true fact comimg  up...A  friend  of  mine  told  me  this  afterhearing about P.P.D and it's owner...y
   1 Yes it's very  true  indeed,  3  week  oldsocks under the bed ARE the secret of  theuniverse.]
   1 Yes and that  was  completely  relevant...much like  the  fact  that  we  being  theclever people we are have  both  got  jobsand have only a small ammount of  time  inwhich to play with our speccies! And  whenI get that time, I  load  up  soundtrackerand mess about with that,(as at the momentmy +D is dead and I'm using tapes and cantbe bothered to spend a lot of time waitingfor stuff to load!!),and when Dok gets thefree time, he sits on his  bed  and  playshis blooming SONY PLAYSTATION!!  BUY  ONE!THEY'RE NOT REALLY BAGEL TOASTERS  DESPITEWHAT THE ADVERTS SAY!
   1 Yeah. This is me at this  TW  128  tappingthis text on a  REALLY  HOT  June  day  in1995! Oh! My name  (by-the-way)  is  KIZZYand I code demos for THE KNIGHTS!
   1 YOUR TIME: This all takes a certain amountof dedication and my own  belief  is  thatthis should  come  free.  People  who  maycharge for their time are very  likely  inthe worng 'business'.
   1 YOUR OWN RISK, should an offended party   want to take legal action.D
   1 Writing  adventure   games   in  basic  issomething that is not as hard as you mightthink. But you may well ask what the pointis when  there  is  Quill  ,  PAW ,GAC andother less  well  known  writing utilitiesthat can  be  used  to  write professionaladventures easily and quickly.
   1 Writers are like flowers, and like all&
   1 Wow,  that  feels   better.   thanks   forlistening. erm, what shall I  write  aboutnow then. British Telecom...p
   1 World Games
   1 Wondered what JPP stood  for?,  it  is  ofcourse what you type on the speccy to get LOAD "".\
   1 Wolfgang Haller
   1 Wirth's idea was  that  Pascal  should  beused to teach students  to  program  usingfundamental  concepts  of  structure.  Thelanguage itself encourages the  programmerto  think  about  the  structure  of   theprogram before starting  to  write.  Wirthbuilt into it a  range  of  features  thatallows the programmed solution to  containthe structure of the information  that  isto be processed.
   1 Why should twins  be  more  likely  to  betelepathic? Identical twins are formed  bythe egg splitting into  two,  so  the  twohave  the  same  genetic  makeup,  but  itdoesn't mean their minds are any closer  -not in biological terms, anyway.  And  whyare there no recorded cases  of  triplets,quadruplets, quins etc  having  telepathicpowers?  Strange.  Are   you   born   withtelepathy, or  is  it  something  you  can"pick  up"?   (How   about   an   AdvancedTelepathy course at universities?!).
   1 Why not try:
   1 Why not try at the beginning?
   1 Why not set up  your printer to print thisout anyway. Makes typing  in the program alot easier._
   1 Why  is  this  not  happening  to  the  PCmarket? The simple reason, as I see it, isdue to a market monopoly by a small numberof  American  megacorporations.   In   theSpectrum's heyday, there were  many  smallsoftware houses, but in the PC market  twoor three big companies  snap  up  all  theprograms.  The  two  main   culprits   areMicrosoft and IBM - indeed, I'd hardly  besurprised at a takeover of the  latter  bythe former after the  disastrous  flop  ofOS/2 Warp. And then where would PC  ownersbe?
   1 Who was it that woke up one  morning,  andsaid, I wonder  what  would  happen  if  Iheated some bread? What could induce  suchmind-bogglingly strange  thoughts  into  aman's mind? And as for the idea spreading,how did that happen. If I went out with mymates  and  said  hey  lads,   I've   justdiscovered a great  new  snack,  you  justhave to heat some  <name  of  food>,  theywould  probably  ask  me  what  I'd   beensmoking! but not this guy. The inventor oftoast, I salute you!
   1 Which is the best emulator?, well  if  youwant to stick with  shareware,  I  suggestJPP.X
   1 Which is better?
   1 Whenever using Tasword, ALWAYS  make  surethat  emulation  is  set   to   number   7(Spectrum 128 + M.G.T.).l
   1 When you  look  at  the  routines you willunderstand why.9
   1 When upgrading to the  PC,  they  realisedthat as good/bad as the PC  is  (dependingon your opinion!), it's just not like the old 8-bit  micros  (eg.  robust,  compact,nice  &  cuddly,  in  selection  of   nicecolours (cream for C64, green for AMSTRAD & varying shades of grey & black  for  thespeccy) etc), so in their infinite wisdom they decided to design PC software/
   1 When the tone has finally  driven  you  upthe wall, key OUT 65533,7:  OUT  49149,255to shut it down.d
   1 When the program has been written, it (thesource  code)  is  translated  once,  intomachine code (the object code). When  thishas been done, the compiler is  no  longerneeded. This means that it can be  swappedin and out of memory onto disk or cassetteas required. When  the  program  has  beencompiled,  the  memory  space   previouslyoccupied by it is released  as  additionalworking area.
   1 When controlling the 128K sound chip  frombasic, it is best to use 48k BASIC at  alltimes. This is because in 128K  mode,  thesound  chip  spends  some  of   its   timechecking  for  the  keypad   dongle   thatSinclair thought was such a good  idea  atthe time!
   1 When I once used this by accident,  I  gotthe report "N Statement lost, 1:90".  Thisis a strange error to get while running  aprogram and anyway,  line  1  had  only  2statements in it! (The maximum allowed  is127). On the 48k, CLEAR makes the computerforget where RETURN should go back to,  sothe  more  sensible  message   "7   RETURNwithout GOSUB"  is  given.  Another  errorreport,  "1  NEXT  without  FOR",  can  beproduced by printing the expression VAL "1.2", a valid number but one  containing  aspace. In 48k mode, this returns the  morerelevant "C Nonsense in BASIC".  Strangelyenough, VAL "1. 2" with  the  space  afterthe decimal point is perfectly acceptable!
   1 When I  load  the  complete program beforerunning I  have  38421  bytes  left. Afterrunning I have  35875  bytes  left. So thearrays and other  variable  take up aroung3K of memory. By  deleting the actual datasatements  I  can  reclaim  around  1K  ofmemory. It's not needed  at the moment butif you decide  to  write  a very large andcomplex game you wil be glad of it.
   1 When  the  correct  password  is   finallyentered, the program  will  continue  fromthe next line following 20.  The  BBC  andAmstrad   can   change   MODEs,   allowingdifferent text sizes, graphics resolutionsand colours - but large numbers of coloursare a drain on memory.  The  Spectrum  hasone high-resolution full colour mode  with32-column  text  and   16   low-resolutioncolours,  which  should  suffice  for  anytype-in programs! Note that changing  MODEclears the screen and may not occur withina PROCedure.
   1 When  synthesizers  are  mentioned,   mostpeople immediately think of  the  keyboardinstruments, which are  by  far  the  mostcommon type of synthesizer. But since  theheart of the synthesizer is really just  abox of electronics for  producing  sounds,which can be triggered  by  some  kind  ofsignal, there is no reason, in theory, whyany kind of instrument cannot be used  fortriggering the electronics.  In  practice,it's  a  slightly  different  story.   Forvarious technical  reasons,  the  keyboardremains   the   most   popular   kind   ofsynthesizer instrument, although  you  canbuy guitar synthesizers, which are  playedexactly like a guitar, but  sound  howeveryou wish. There are also drum synthesizers- as distinct from synthetic drum machines- which are triggered by striking a seriesof pads.
   1 What? You think I'm talking  mince?  Well,I'm afraid your slightly  mis-informed  mydear ignorant person!i
   1 What you will  find  is plenty of for/nextloops. Loads if if/then/goto's and lots ofdata statements.  LOTS  &  LOTS  & LOTS ofDATA statements.
   1 What would  infinity  multiplied  by  zeroequal?  Anything  multiplied  by  zero  iszero, but anything multiplied by  infinityis generally held to be infinity, since itis the largest quantity. It's  a  questionof which  takes  priority,  like  divisionover addition. I think I'd  opt  for  zeromyself, but it's a debatable point.
   1 What this little routine  does is to splitup ant text that  is  typed in into a VERB(first word typed)  and  a NOUN (last wordtyped) format.  This  allows  for  a greatdeal of  flexibility  in  recognising yourinput.
   1 What makes Z80 different from JPP, is  thefact that it's newer, and maybe because ofthis has more features than the  nearly  4year old JPP.
   1 What is Shareware?, well, like PD softwareit's reasonably cheap  software  (free  ifincluded on one of those PC mag covery
   1 What annoys me about TV  programmes  aimedat console owners  (like  Gamesmaster  andBad Influence) is the  way  they  announceold  games  remade  for  the  consoles  asgreat, original,  first-time  classics.  Atypical  example  is  Super  Bomberman  byHudson  Soft.  I  played   this   on   theMegadrive and it reminded me of something.Back at home I  loaded  up  Eric  and  theFloaters on  the  Speccy  -  yes,  it  wasreleased by Hudson Soft.
   1 What am I talking about? <Yes please, WHATare  you  talking  about.   ED.>,   SPECCYEMULATORS!._
   1 What  do  I  think?  Well,  I  have  mixedreactions. First, I  strongly  agree  withgetting rid of inches. I'm an engineer andwhen I study  technical  drawings,  I  seesizes like 29/47". How many  of  you  knowwhat the decimal equivalent of 29/47" is?
   1 Were you the rebel  who  programmed  thesemessages?  If  so,   congratulations   foradding a bit of  humour  to  the  SpectrumROM!  As  usual,  my   address   for   anycorrespondence is:
   1 Well, what do you reckon?  I'd  very  muchlike  to  hear  of   your   thoughts   andsuggestions on the subject.o
   1 Well, we've got this far. Maybe we  aren'tcreating beautiful music  yet,  but  we'rewell on the way.d
   1 Well, ok  then,  maybe  Mankind  does  notdepend on me to hand in this article,  butI had better get it done anyway...  I  hadmost of it written out earlier on, but dueto litle accident, the power went off  andI forgot to save it!!! (WHOOPS!)
   1 Well, I'm off to build a time machine now.If I get anywhere, I'll make a  report  inAN19 (or AN65 or AN1!).k
   1 Well, I thought (after a letter from Andy)that I'd  release  ALL  my  previous  (andfuture) demos in  to  the  Public  Domain!Yep, that's right! EVERY program I've everwritten is to be placed in to the PD.
   1 Well,  whats  this  I  hear  about   Prismchanging name??? I bet that  "The  Master"<For those who don't know, at  the  heightof groups making  their  stuff  non-PD  soPrism couldn't distribute them,  PD  Powerreported that  a  brand  new  clip  artistcalled "The Master" was going  to  producestuff  -  for  Prism  only.  However,   itappears that the mysterious  "Master"  wasnone other than Sherwood himself  and  thearticle was nothing more than  propaganda!Ed.> has got a mug thats  says  "You  donthave to be a deranged power-mad despot  towork here but  it  helps!"  (Alledgedly!!)but honestly, why  bother  to  change  thename?? mud sticks you know!
   1 Well,  I  think  that's  about  all   thathappened on my  night  at  Whiskey's.  Thefunny thing is though, was that  I  didn'tget a hangover! I thought that was good...Dok seemed  to  always  tell  me  to  stopshouting whenever I spoke quietly  though!Served him right for drinking the bar dry!<What? No lager?  Och!  .DOK>  <Aye!  .Ed><Hey! I never wrote that!  .Real  Ed>  <Ohnot again... .Really real Ed(Honest!)>
   1 Well what else? Oh yes, You know that  guyfrom Prism Pd, whatsisname, you know,  thesilly one]
   1 Well thats a tricky one, but I can offer abit of help on this.>
   1 Well that's about it this time  round,  ifyou want to contact me, write to me at:Q
   1 Well really I think that covers everythingto get going.7
   1 Well here we are again! This is me, Orson,and I have just decided that I would writeanother article for this. Dok's just  thisminute finished his, and he wasn't  reallynasty to anyone at all!! What's wrong withhim these  days?  Anyway,  time  for  someamazing info!
   1 Well firstly, on this version is support  for the microdrive, and it's awful LOAD  *"m";1;"NAME" syntax, now how you transfer the original  microdrive  cartridges  intothe PC is beyond me,  but  know  doubt  itwill be tackled in  the  huge  instructionfile that comes with the emulator.
   1 Wec Le Mans
   1 We'll start by setting the  pitch  of  thesound that we want: we can use 0 to  4096.We'll use 2050 for the sake of argument.|
   1 We will also take a  look  at  how  Pascalprograms are compiled and show examples ofhow when you come to write  a  program  inthis particular language,  you  must  workwithin a precisely defined form  for  eachstatement.
   1 We live in a capitalist society  but  thatdoesn't mean we have to  abandon  all  ouridealism.  To  mis-quote  someone  who  isprominent on  the  Sam  Coupe  scene,  'PDsoftware  on  the   Spectrum   should   bepositively  encouraged,   by   any   meansnecessary!'
   1 We can now add a new  line  to  our  BASICprogram:2
   1 We at AlchNews are  extremely  privelidgedand honoured to print in public,  for  thefirst time, one of Paul's short stories. Ihope  that  the  transfer  from  paper  toscreen doesn't affect the readability.
   1 We  start  with  his  lies  to   his   newcustomers. He's been pointing out  in  hisliterature that Prism is  the  only  groupleft, since Alchemist Software has  closedand AlchNews 17 was the last. If he  wantsto use the excuse  that  he  printed  thiswhen I DID announce the closure, ok.  BUT,what  about  MGPD?  They  haven't  closed,neither has CHIC PD!
   1 Ward 3: Dangerous loonies
   1 Want   toAN18.37 : program  that  masterpiece   butAN18.38 : don't know how? Ray Smith  shows]
   1 Waddington   has
   1 WRITING A READ FILE. The same as READING AWRITE FILE but the  other  way  round,  egOPENing a file IN and trying to PRINT # toit. (I hope these hash  signs  don't  comeout  as   pound   signs   in   AlchNews!).
   1 WORM DUNK: 50p
   1 Vision's World of demos:
   1 Virtual corny Reality more like. 
   1 Victoria Road
   1 Vic Bishop is something  of  a  POWERPRINTexpert. Should you  wish  to  drop  him  aline, send an SAE to:i
   1 Vic Bishop
   1 Very little has been discovered about  ourbrain. Yes, we know a rough map of it  andwhere activites and pleasures react.  But,we only use approximately 1/10th  (10%  toyou metricophiles) of it. Can we really beso ignorant to believe that God created uswith so much waste. It's my  opinion  thatit was built this size  for  us  to  grow,both   physically
   1 Various Spectrum and QL books, manuals andover 100 magazines from 1984 onwards.O
   1 VU File ZX81: 10p
   1 VTX-5000modems, which you  can  use  inconjunctionwith the DEMON BBS to  get  a  free  EMAILaddress.d
   1 VDU 23 means that a graphics character  isto be defined. The number following 23  isthe character (eg A=65 in  ASCII,  but  onthe Spectrum only UDGs can  be  redefined,not normal characters) and the next 8  arethe  decimal  values  for  each  row.  Anynumbers after this do something else!  VDU19  means  that  the  palette  of  logicalcolours is to  be  changed.  The  Spectrumdoes not have a palette so these can be  apain in the ar... I/O port. <I/O? I shouldhope it's just O! Ed.> On the Amstrad, thecommand SYMBOL is they equivalent  of  VDU23.
   1 VARIABLE NOT FOUND. This is a +D error  aswell as a Spectrum one! It  is  very  veryunlikely that you'll see this error unlessyou force it. It will crop up if  you  tryto save a numeric or string array when thevariable does  not  exist,  eg  CLEAR:SAVED1"ARRAY" DATA A$().  This  command  failseven if A$ IS a variable, so it  won't  befound in many programs!
   1 Using Tasword 128 on the Emulator!
   1 Using IF-THENs, line 20 would take up  twoseparate lines:9
   1 Upgrading to the Z80 Emulator
   1 Unfortunately, Mr Sherwood wrote to me in early August about some article that Mr   Davis had written in AN16, and under what I interpreted to be a threat of legal
   1 Unfortunately, Mr Davis let slip my name  in connection with AN10b article, which ishow Mr Sherwood found out that I hadx
   1 Unfortunately I found the game didn't giveyou much scope to  explore.  You  progressfrom one location to another whithout muchof a chance to make up your own mind.
   1 Un film de la Roy Benson
   1 UPDATES: David Ledbury would like  to  getrid of his old  software  sharpish.  Thereare LOTS of very good programs  and  gamesat  very  cheap  prices,  including   fivecovertapes for `1. Due to recent  removalshe's lost the details of  those  who  havecontacted him,  so  please  get  in  touchagain at the Lyme Avenue address.
   1 UPDATE: A Scotland trip is planned in 1996*
   1 Type in any country's name  in  the  worldand find it's capital in an instant.N
   1 Type in an English word  and  it  will  betranslated  into  German  in  an  instant!Includes more than 450 of the most  commonwords.
   1 Tyler. By Des  Tyler  (hang  on, 
   1 Two very  important  guests  have  paid  avisit to Alchemist Research  in  the  pastfew months. The first  was  our  pal  DAVEFOUNTAIN.
   1 Two days  ago,  somethng  happened  to  uswhich/
   1 Two  commericial  games  are  included   -CYBERNOID &  PASSING  SHOT  (an  enjoyabletennis game, if I could play tennis!), & anumber of demos like DRILLER & TRANTOR.
   1 Try out this program to print  the  entirecontents of the store:@
   1 Trowbridge
   1 Trevor Mossman
   1 Treasure Island
   1 Toyota Celica GT Rally
   1 Tony Jeenes
   1 To summarise:  If  you  genuinely  believeyour  advert   was   correct,   place   anindentical one in any commercial  computermagazine, and then let  me  know.  I  willthen  contact  the  Advertising  StandardsAuthority, and we'll see who's right.
   1 To sum up, I would say that this  game  isthe best of the three. I  would  recommendgetting it._
   1 To make Sherwood happy, this issue carriesthe  letter  from   Marcus   Prichard   toSherwood IN FULL,  which  makes  him  lookeven worse! What bothers me though is  thequestion that  if  there  is  a  complaintabout  mis-representation  of  a   letter,quote or  article,  the  broadcasting  andpublishing guidelines clearly  state  thatthe complainant should make his  complaintknown to the controller or editor  of  thepublication. Has Sherwood, or Marcus, donethis? Not at all. In fact, Marcus  has  nocomplaint about the quotes! So, that  onlyleaves Sherwood and  he  certainly  hasn'tlodged an official complaint. It's  hardlygoing to strengthen any  court  case  whenthe judge  asks  if  he  made  an  initialcomplaint to me and he says "No"!
   1 To convert this to Spectrum  BASIC,  asidefrom the semicolon in the INPUT, we  wouldneed to use an IF-THEN command. Don't  tryto be clever and use an infinite  FOR-NEXTloop because that is a classic example  ofpoor program structure  ("bad  manners"!).Therefore  our  password   program   wouldtranslate to:
   1 To control  this  loader,  all  that needsdoing is to  over-write  the three byte opcode, that pokes the  address at FF15 withA, with  a  jump  to  an  address  of yourchoosing, where  you  poke  FF15  with thecontents of the A register and then eithertest D, if  you  wish  to know which blockwas  last   loaded   and   where   it  wastransferred to, or  the  the address to bejumped to, pointed to  by  the HL pair, isto be  made  to  -  in  the  case  of thisloader, the  address  the  block  has beentransferred to  is  held  at address FF02.Each
   1 Thomas Tank engine
   1 Thomas Eberle, SUC
   1 This worked perfectly. Odd,  since  all  Idid was give the SCREEN$ input a  separatevariable. I assume that, for some  reason,SCREEN$ cannot be used in certain types ofexpression.  I  don't  know  if  this  bugoccurs in 48k mode, but knowing Alan Sugar(not  personally,  mind!)  I'd  guess   itdoesn't.
   1 This will normally give the answer  23755.If it doesn't, note down  the  result  andsubstitute 23755 in the program below  foryour figure.
   1 This time i'll take you through the actualcreation of a sound effect on the AY  chipand  outline  the   method   of   directlycontrolling th hip from BASIC.
   1 This time he talks sense...
   1 This service is  to  supply  programs  forusers of the "Z80" or compatable emulatorson the  PC.  Our  proudest  collection  isGREMIN GAMES, over  30  games  by  GremlinGraphics, including all MONTY  titles  and'new' ones  like  Lotus  Turbo  Challenge.
   1 This service has been temporarilly removeddue to one or two complaints from  readersabout cheques being cashed, but  no  goodssent. Enquiry letters and calls have  beenignored.
   1 This seemes to upset Mr Brenchley quite  abit as he believed this  dig  referred  tohim. But, quote  of  the  century  fom  MrBrenhley is this:
   1 This program could result from an  initialalgorithm something like:C
   1 This one requires more explanation! XOR isan abbreviation for exclusive-OR. The rulefor the XOR gate is "Return  1  if  eitherinput is 1, unless both inputs are 1". XORis unlikely to be used outside  the  fieldof mathematics! Another name  for  XOR  isNEQ or non-equality, eg the output is only1  if  the  inputs  are  unequal  to   oneanother. The normal OR gate  is  sometimescalled an  inclusive-OR  because  it  alsoreturns 1 if both inputs are 1.
   1 This makes the files  more  transportable,especially as they can be read by  the  +3using SLOWDOS, or on the +D  with  DOSCOP.Then, all you need do is rename the  fileswith their  _T  suffix  and  then  can  beloaded  directly  into  Tasword   on   theoriginal Spectrum.
   1 This latest action, falsely  claiming  thesupport of a group / organisation  to  winsupport is remarkably similar to his  liesabout the  Bradby  Boys  Club.  One  neverlearns!
   1 This just served to check where everythingwas once  I  had  started  to  move thingsaround.[
   1 This just checks all  seven objects to seeif the object location  is the same as theone you are  in.If  none  of them are thenthere is no match made.
   1 This is version 1.0, and as it was writtenin  1992,   it's:
   1 This is how he upsets neutral  groups,  bytelling slight fibs which he  thinks  willbe untracable. Yet, as  ALL  the  articlesfrom issue 10 to this one  prove,  he  hasbeen caught out EVERY TIME!
   1 This is a feature  of  the  game  I  quiteliked. The "HELP" command  gives  you  twoclues instead of just one. So if after oneclue you are still stuck, you can ask  foranother.
   1 This guide is only very  approximate,  butought to help out in many  situations.  Ifyou really want to play Alien Blasters butcan't  run  it  without  errors,  send   aphotocopy of the listing to me  explainingthe problem and I'll see what I can do. Itwon't be a waste of time,  it  will  be  achallenge!
   1 This gives:
   1 This game is definately the  best  out  ofthe three I have played this issue.M
   1 This emulator  emulates  the  48k  speccy,with  Kempston  joystick,  although   tapesupport is included, the  author  has  poopooed the use of this  feature,  claiming that it may have bugs.
   1 This building time is still required,  butneeds only take place once for each screen- before the main  display  starts  -  andthen this screen is confined to a suitablearea  of  memory  from  where  it  can  berecalled almost as instantly as required.
   1 This brings  us  back  with  time  travel.Although  there  are  several  disagreeingideas about it, lets  just  say  that  ourlife is already planned out and the futurehas  already  been  created.  In  physicalterms, you could imagine your life like  aroad. You can either build it  as  you  goalong, or it's already built and you  justmove along it as you live.
   1 This 'Brief report' (okay so I over#
   1 This  is  Micro  Spec  Software's   latestprogram.  When the computer  asks  you  inwhich  year  a  big  event  happened,  yousimply select from a choice of three yearswhich one you think is correct. But  watchout, it's not easy!
   1 This  article,  while  not  an  exhaustiveguide to  BASIC  variations,  should  helpfans  of  type-in  listings   to   convert"foreign" keywords and  syntaxes  over  tothe Spectrum. I've  used  BBC  BASIC  heresince  most  type-in  books  not   writtenexclusively   for   the
   1 Thinger,Breakaway, Chequered Flag,  Chess,  CluedoCodename Mat, Confuzion, Cyrus  is  Chess,Daley  Thompson  Decathlon,  Digger   Dan,Exodus, Fighter Pilot,  Flight  Simulator,Haunted Hedges, Highway Encounter,  HobbitHorace and  the  Spiders,  Horizons  tape,Make a Chip, Mr Freeze, Kentilla, Komplex,Matchpoint,   Personal   Banking   System,Planet of Death, Roadtoad, Snooker,  Spawnof  evil,  Star   Trader,   Super   Cycle,Survival, Tarzan,  Travel  with  Trashman,Ugh!, Vakyrie 17, Viper III, Vu  Calc,  VuFile, Zig Zag, Spectrum + user  tape,  abcliftoff, Countabout,
   1 They stole a million
   1 They charge the same money as the rest  ofthe   country,   but   our   exchange   isantequated. the signal's crap and the 'newfeatures' dont work (caller  ident.  etc.)so why should we pay the same money?
   1 They are all available at Albert Harpers  ALBHAR Shareware, I think  you  will  findAl's address at the end of AN.r
   1 These two games are  almost  identical  ingameplay. Okay, the Megadrive  has  bettergraphics and sound but then, Eric and  theFloaters was released twelve years  beforeSuper Bomberman. I'm not a regular  viewerof Gamesmaster (thank goodness!) but  theysang its praises as an  original  puzzler.If only Patrick Moore owned a Spectrum...
   1 These data statement set  up the rooms andthe first  eight  characters represent thedirections NOrth SOuth EAst WEstt
   1 There, I said it! So all this  talk  aboutthe  various  governments  of  the   worldtaking control of it is impossible, if youthink about it, because the  'connections'between the people are just ordinary phonelines. So, tomorrow, if everyone  hung  uptheir phone, the internet would  cease  toexist.
   1 There's  no  reason  why  you  should   bediscouraged from using MIDI,  because  youare a computer programmer  rather  than  amusician. In some  ways  you  can  have  apositive advantage. If you can program  inmachine code, there's nothing to stop  youfrom  writing  your  own  MIDI   software,tailored to your own needs, since there islittle available for the Spectrum.
   1 There is one minor problem,  however.  Forsome reason, leave a couple of blank linesafter the end of your document, and put inan end-of-line marker. I use this:
   1 There is more  humour  present  this  gamethan in Dungeon Romp. On the whole I wouldsay that I prefer Fistful of Necronomiconsto Dungeon Romp.
   1 There is an important  difference  betweenPascal and BASIC apart  from  the  way  inwhich it is understood by the computer.{
   1 There are several ways of doing this.:
   1 There are about 5  of  these unless I comeup with some more while writing it.M
   1 There are  two  memory  addresses  in  theSPectrum which together act as  a  pointerto the start of the BASIC program -  theseaddresses are 23635 and 23636. To find outwhere your BASIC program starts, enter thefollowing direct command:
   1 There  have  been  previous  attempts   toimpose  a   standard   for   communicationbetween  musical  instruments  which  havefailed to become generally  accepted.  Thestory seems different  for  MIDI  -  afterRoland and Yamaha agreed  to  it,  it  hasbecome a world standard.
   1 There  are  still  two  great   lists   ofhardware, software  and  books  doing  therounds. Should you want one, send  an  SAEto:
   1 There   are   many   differences   betweenmainland   Europe   and   the   UK,   botheconomically and culturally.  The  EC  hasrecieved very bad press regarding Brusselsregulations,  such  as  how  straight  ourcucumbers   should   be.   Now   that   isabsolutely ridiculous. But, there are somesensible rules, such  as  the  recommendedmaximum number of hours to  be  worked  inone week. The figure 45 is suggested  -  Icurrently have to work in  the  region  of70.
   1 Then, when you need to  print,  return  tothe  main   menu   (this   is   important,otherwise it will crash!), and then  pressF9  again  and  then  choose  emulation  6(Spectrum 128 +If.1), but by holding  CTRLas well as ENTER. Now, you can press P andprint your document.
   1 Then,  we  got  into  Doks  house  and  wethought: "Hey! Lets write some demo text!"And we thought  "oooashhhblleeuu"  And  wethought "T
   1 Then design a  map.  You  need to plan outall the rooms you  need and the directionsthat link them all up  (  OY , when are wegonna get on  to  some  coding ),(Patiencebuddy , It's just down ther a few lines )
   1 Their  catalogue  contains  thousands   oftitles, all at very  low  prices.  Besidesnew titles, he can also get some  classicstoo.  Theres  even   provision   for   +3,Microdrive, Opus and +D  programs.  For  acatalogue,  send   an   IRC.   Also,   seeelsewhere   in   this   issue   for   moreinformation.
   1 The way that I usually code  MY  demos  isthis:/
   1 The vocabulary of the  game  is  good  andslightly more complex than the usual  verbnoun input. The room descriptions are alsofairly well written but lack atmosphere.
   1 The viruses, one carried in an  Anti-virusprogram,  wrecked  files  and   left   themessage "Smoke me a kipper, I'll  be  backfor breakfast - unfortunately some of yourdata won't".
   1 The translation is roughly 'seen  before'.There are actually a number  of  differentwords to describe  it,  but  most  Englishspeaking countries use the French term.
   1 The starting problem of getting  into  thedungeon  is   perhaps   a   little   hard.Fortunately, after typing help a couple oftimes I was soon on the right track.
   1 The start address of the section of blocksstarts at CF00.9
   1 The speccy sound is reproduced through thePCs  internal  speaker/bell,  and  if  youthought the original speccy beeps were bad, then you have'nt heard the  PCs!,  pressF5 as soon  as  you  start  the  emulator,thats what I say!.
   1 The sound will be produced by  Channel  A.The pitch for it goes into registers 0 and1. Register 0 holds the lower  eight  bitsof the pitch, Register 1 the  upper  four.It looks like this in binary.
   1 The sound effect  that  we'll  create  nowwill just be a simple one, to keep  thingslight  and  to  introduce   you   to   thefundamentals.
   1 The sound channel switching comes from the"mixing desk", or AY Register 7.J
   1 The software I have selected this time is RICK DANGEROUS  and,  hopefully, from whatyou read you  will  learn  how  to controlFirebird's 'Bleep' loader.
   1 The second game is again  in  a  humouressvein. It revolves around the  exploits  ofBrian Woodlouse and his attempt to recoverThe Necronomicon.
   1 The second  loader  operates  in a similarfashion to the first  so you can break outof it at any point  while it is loading tolearn what it is loading and to where.
   1 The room pointer is now updated.If a validdirection has not  been  entered then line218 will be encounteredk
   1 The reporters had to leave when the policearrived to question him, and he thought hehad done a good  job  clearing  the  otherdrivers name and reputation. He  told  thepolice much the same that he had told  thereporters and even though they  looked  asthough they did'nt  believe  him  totally,they went away feeling that there  was  nomore to the case. He  was  to  be  chargedwith reckless  driving,  attempted  murderand was advised to seek counciling to  sethis suicidal tendancies right.  As  for  asentence, because of  the  extent  of  hisinjuries, and his mental frame of mind  atthe time of the  accident,  it  looked  asthough he would get away with probation.
   1 The recent  complaints  about  Prism  havecome from parties you  have  insulted  andcaused trouble with in the past, and  havecontinued  to  do   so.   In   this   pastfortnight, I have receive copies  of  yourinsulting and threatening letters to MilesKinloch, Marcus  Prichard,  Albert  Harperand Robert  Skene.  It  appears  you  havebecome extremely obsessed, simply  becausethese people have made it absolutely clearyou are in the wrong. This is strengthenedby the recent complaint made to  you  fromMarcus Prichard for using his name in yourpropaganda material without his consent  -caught by your  own  trap.  Of  course,  Ineedn't repeat the  phrase  Bob  Brenchleymade about you, which certainly  sums  youup! What concerns me,  and  a  great  manyothers, is why you just won't leave peoplewho disagree with you alone. You  continueto write further insulting and threateningletters, often in  the  moment  of  anger,which makes  you  even  more  loathed  andshows dozens more errors in what you  say.A good example
   1 The reason people seem to be 'taken in' issimply because I CAN BE  TRUSTED.  I  havepages of evidence which show  Sherwood  tobe a liar, scheming and untrustworthy,  wehave two new pages here, from  his  letterto Albert and Chic's statement to  myself.What  does  he  have?  A  severe  jealousyproblem. He has gone too far to be trustedagain. Soon after  he  set  up  Prism,  hecaused trouble with Alec Carswell and madethe first move. The fact that  nobody  haslistened to his latest plot concerning theHall of Shame, dragging it on since  JUNE,also proves that he is clutching at strawsin  a  desperate  attempt  to   win   backsupport. His action make move him one stepcloser to being popular again,  but  thesearticles and my exposure of his lies  movehim  back  two  steps!  Taking  this  intoaccount, Prism will be nothing more than afaded bad memory in a  few  years  time  -roll on 1998!
   1 The reason I haven't  used a for/next loopby the way is because I don't like exitinga subroutine if a loop isn't completed.   Spectrum basic allows up to 10 loops to benested but really  as  long  as a carefullcheck is made it's  up  to  you how you doit.
   1 The reason I have made  this  decision  isbecause I believe that the Prism-Alchemistsituation  has  now  reached  an  impasse.Although  it  has  been  proven  you  haveindeed lied, insulted, abused and caused agreat rift in  the  Spectrum  community  -facts proven by several parties, you  failto see your errors and correct them.  Yourfeelings appear to be that  everyone  elseis wrong and they are all against you.
   1 The purpose of this  article is to explainhow a specific set  of routines can be puttogehter and easily adapted to make a gamethat   YOU   can   understand   fully  andcustomize to your own requirements.
   1 The purpose of line  155  if  so that if adirection is not  input  then we make surethat v$ only  contains  3 letters to checkit against the  contents  of our verb listwhich will be defined later on.
   1 The program then successively calls up thepage blocks to create the  animated  pagedgraphics sequence.  In  effect,  the  DESTlocations become the  new  SRCE  locationsand are in turn called from  memory  usingthe POKE and USR routine in Lines  220  to250.
   1 The program then loops through the drawingroutine again,  and  the  whole  cycle  isrepeated for a total of eight times,  witha slightly different 'frame' being createdeach pass.
   1 The program starts by setting  the  screencolour to black and then RAMTOP to  27999.A  small  machine  code  routine  is  thenplaced above the cleared RAM space by  theroutine in Lines 170, 180,  190,  200  and210. The purpose of this is to handle  thetransfer of the screen  data  'blocks'  tomemory as they're created and,  later,  asthey're recalled from memory for  display.Line 40 sets the initial high byte  valuesof the variable  SRCE  (source)  and  DEST(destination) which subsequently  regulatethe  memory   values   when   the   screentransfers take place.
   1 The problem here was  that  the  cartridgeemulation  was  only  approximately  120k.AlchNews far exceeds this! I  wondered  ifit  would  be  possible  to   extend   thecapacity of a cartridge,  since  they  areonly simulations of the  real  thing.  Thereal cartridges were around  100k  becausethey couldn't hold any more.
   1 The paging technique can  call  individualscreens from memory in any order and  morethan once in any sequence if  desired.  Soit's quite possible to construct a  paging'sequence'  or   perhaps   eight   screensalthough there are very much fewer screensin  memory.  This  useful  memory   savingtechnique is especially effective if  careis taken to ensure that  the  graphics  ofthe  repeated  intermediate   screens   donothing to detract from the 'flow' of  theanimation. Thus, an example, in a sequenceof paged graphics depicting  a  stick  manwalking you could well have pages 1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5 and so on. But, where space isat a premium the similarity  of  images  2and 4, 3 and 5 is such that very little ofthe effect is lost if each  pair  is  madethe same. This gives a sequence 1,2,3,2,3,1 and so on. The sequence  is  still  fiveimages long, but now  only  three  screensare used.
   1 The only way that  the  governments  couldcontrol it is if they got  hold  of  everysingle phone line in the world.  And  thatis a pretty awesome  task.  But  the  mostmajor   threat   is   that   the   largestcorporations in the world will  'buy  out'all  of  the  major  internet  sites,  andcharge people a percentage  of  the  moneythat moves across the internet.  Now,  i'mnot on the net, (It's all BT's fault as myphone line is crap, but I'll come  to  hatlater (I may even come to THAT later,  nothat, but I'm too lazy  to  correct  it!!!)erm, where was I? Oh  yeah,  but  it  doesseem that people are not going to want  topay a certain company some money just  fordoing nothing really. So, what will we  dothen? Well here's my advice to anybody andeverybody on the 'net:
   1 The old faithful who have owned  Spectrumssince the early 1980s  will  remember  howexpensive Spectrum games used to  be.  Onecould pay up to ten pounds (it was worth alot back then) for  a  simple  game  in  astandard plastic box, most  of  which  areappalling by today's standards (even thoseof 8-bit users).  But  as  home  computersbecame
   1 The next thing you'll need is a decent ARTpackage. I tend to use lots  of  differentones as some perform certain tasks  betterthan others.
   1 The next stage is to break each step  downfurther -  a  process  known  as  stepwiserefinement. You  will  meet  this  conceptagain, particularly when you are designinglarger programs that cannot  be  conceivedimmediately or in one go. In  the  exampleabove you could further refine step 1 as:
   1 The next program line  shows  how  stringsare stored:5
   1 The next language in the course is Pascal,in which  structures  from  an  even  moreimportant  part.  In  fact,  the  languagecannot exist without them. For  the  BASICprogrammer who is used to  going  straightto the keyboard and gradually developing aprogram by adding a little  bit  here  andchanging a  little  bit  there,  this  canseem completely alien although if you haveadopted  structured  habits  in  BASIC  itwill prove far easier to adapt.
   1 The next bug in my  growing  list  is  onewhich me old mate Miles  Kinloch  informedme about. It doesn't quite  hold  with  mytheme because it's  machine  code  relatedand not BASIC, but it only occurs  on  the128k
   1 The new address  for  Alchemist  Software.The service has been revamped with lots ofnew services and offers.l
   1 The name of the  string,  A,  comes  firstfollowed by two bytes giving the length ofthe  text.  ASCII  codes  for  the  stringitself follow immediately afterwards.
   1 The most pleasing aspect  of  this  latestincident is  his  end  sentence  in  his  letter  to  Albert  Harper,  as  mentionedearlier:
   1 The most  important  lesson  to  learn  inPascal is to stay away  from  the  machineduring the initial  design  stage.  To  dothis, you need some aids to  planning  theprogram. Flowcharting is certainly one wayof helping, but flowcharts are  themselvesunstructured  and  should  only  be   usedsparingly. Another, and better,  techniqueof program design is to use an algorithm -a  step  by  step  method  of  solving   aproblem.
   1 The man stood there dazed, 'Whoa,  what  arush !' he giggled, the drugs  were  stillaffecting him. 'Recognise  me  you  littlesod ?' Ste asked him, 'Yeah, your that guyI trashed a while ago. And got  away  withit. Wow this is some mad dream !' he  saidlooking down at his body which  was  stillsprawled on the bed.
   1 The last two are virtually  impossible  totranslate due to all their  numbers  beingentirely unrelated to the Spectrum, eg theBBC's *TV  144,  which  makes  the  screencontinuously wrap upwards, would require apiece of machine  code  for  the  Spectrumplus an interrupt routine. Similarly,  *FX200,3  which  disables  ESCAPE  and  BREAKwould need a machine code routine for  theSpeccy.
   1 The last notable case was with  the  IEBA,launched by the staff of the ZAT magazine.Sadly, it's policies were rushed  for  thefinal issue of YS, and it's management was'odd' to say the least.
   1 The labours of Hercules- To  complete  thefirst task just strangle the lion!L
   1 The keyboard synthesizer already  has  thefacillity  to  sound  like  virtually  anyinstrument you choose. So if  you  add  anability  to  program  its  performance,  awhole new world of music opens up even  tothose people whose fingers are all thumbs.Enter MIDI, a system which allows  you  toadd programming to the synthesizer.
   1 The instruction  I  am to over-write, justafter the  decode  routine,  is  a  LD HL,T
   1 The humour in the game follows "Red Dwarf"but this is not a bad thing.F
   1 The highlight of Dave's visit was  rippingoff my local convenience  store  by  aboutthree quid! Bet he daren't show  his  facein Woodhouse for a while!
   1 The garden gives great joy to many, so&
   1 The first rule for any type-in program  isto enter it in 48k mode. You'll  soon  getused to the single keypress idea,  and  ifyou really need  it,  there's  a  list  ofwhere each keyword is on the  keyboard  inall Spectrum manuals. There are  two  mainreasons for this: the 48k is  more  suitedto  type-ins  (eg  fewer  bugs!)  and   itautomatically adds a space to commands.  ABBC listing might contain:
   1 The first part  of  the  graphics  routinebegins at Line  50  and  simply  draws  atrandom positions on the screen. These  arefixed in position and  although  they  areincluded  in  each  page,  they  are   notredrawn each time - so they  do  not  formpart of the main  drawing  sequence.  Line70's purpose is to blank off  (in  effect,overwrite with spaces) the bottom of  eachscreen but without erasing  the  stars  atthe very top. A loop of eight screens  hasat this point already commenced (Line  60)and  the  graphics  routine  continues  bydrawing  first  the  horizon  (Line  260),sides of the road  (Line  270),  the  roaditself (Line 280), then  a  flapping  bird(Line 290) - in each instance READing datafrom the block at the end of  the  program(Lines 230 onwards).
   1 The first of the two sections is loaded toaddress 6E00  and  the  final  byte of thesection to F9FF.d
   1 The first language covered in this course,LOGO, was designed to be easily accessiblefor beginners in  computing.  But  if  youwere   brought   up   on   BASIC
   1 The first graphical music  dictionary  foryour  Spectrum.   Has  loads  of  options,including:  Musical  Terms  Finder,   NotePosition Finder, Note Length  Finder,  andgraphical explainations.
   1 The first five bytes store the name  DAVIDexcept that the first letter has 96  addedto it to indicate it is a long  name,  themiddle ones have the usual 32 and the lastletter has 160 added on  to  indicate  theend of the name. The last five bytes storethe number.
   1 The first byte is  the  ASCII  code  of  Bminus 128 for string arrays. The next  twogive the number of  bytes  following.  Thenext byte is the number of dimensions - inthis case 2, followed by two pairs  givingthe number of elements in  the  array  andthe maximum length of each element.  Theseare immediately followed  by  the  stringsthemselves. The space at the end is  addedon to the word ARRAY to fill  up  the  sixcharacters allocated to each string.
   1 The first byte F plus  64  for  a  numericarray variable. The next two  contain  thenumber of bytes following, low byte first.Count them, you'll find there are 13.  Thenext byte gives the number  of  dimensionsand the following two store the number  ofelements reserved. After  that  there  aretwo numbers, each stored in five bytes.
   1 The first  of  Zenobi's  offerings  is  aninteresting little game by K.  Bunyan.  Itseems to revolve around a  bet  which  youlost in the local pub. You play  the  partof  Bernard  who  has  lost   a   drinkingcompetition and  must  explore  the  localdungeon.
   1 The file that comes with the  emulator  isall in, yep you guessed it!, spanish!,P
   1 The evidence is there. If you want  it  onpaper, send an SAE.=
   1 The emulator comes with a few snaps, so   I loaded one - manic miner!.F
   1 The emulation is simple, with no thrills  The game plays at normal speed, and it's  interesting to note that the PC display   of the speccy screen has being designed   to look like a tv screen, so the speccy   screen is oval, despite the monitor screenbeing square, it works quite well giving agenuine nostalgic feel.
   1 The door opened before Ste could move, andhe nearly fell backwards to see  the  doorpass through  his  lower  body  as  if  itwas'nt there, the driver got  out  of  hiscar and Ste jumped  out  of  his  way,  hecould'nt understand what was happening andhe just watched the  driver  walk  towardshis van.
   1 The doctor that had talked  to  Ste,  toldhim that they were able to  save  his  armbecause the nerves were still intact, theyhad tried  to  save  his  legs,  and  evenstitched them back in place, but, his bodyhad rejected them a week  later  and  theydied. They were very apologetic  and  verysuprised to see him in such a good mood.
   1 The direction variable  now  hold the roomnumber you can move to.A
   1 The concept of Pascal was not totally new,as Wirth took many of  the  ideas  from  alanguage commonly used in universities andgovernment research establishments,  knownas Algol 60, but where as  Pascal  startedout in  a  similar  environment,  teachingstructured programming on large  mainframecomputers,  it  has  progressed  to  beingwidely   used
   1 The computer  also  has  a  seperate  areawhere it stores the variables  set  up  bythe program  as  these  change  while  theprogram is running and need to be  updatedcontinuously. So when you  type  LET  A=6,say, the computer stores the line as  partof your program  and  puts  the  name  andvalue of the variable  into  the  variablestore.
   1 The complete MC tutor: 50p
   1 The command NEW erases  any  old  programsand variables in the computer - you cannotretreive it, so beware.k
   1 The cheque was brought to  him  after  thedoctors had  gone  and  he  shouted  Barryover. The nurse that had brought  him  thecheque stood and smiled at him as he  heldit in his hands. 'They did'nt put my  nameon it' he told Barry, he asked for  a  penand  the   nurse   passed   it   to   him.
   1 The cheapest CP/M library ever seen.$
   1 The car swerved onto the opposite side  ofthe road and stayed there for a couple  ofyards, Ste thought he was safe so  he  puthis  foot  lightly  on  the   ecxelleratorhoping to get past the idiot  in  the  redcar without any trouble. As he started  tospeed up again, so did  the  red  car  andjust as it was a couple of feet away  fromhim it swung towards him.
   1 The block number.
   1 The big issue  in  the  UK  is  that  thislatest change is a small part in a cunningplan to run the UK  from  Brussels.   It'screated more anti-Europeans and has  givenus something else to discuss  besides  theweather!
   1 The address  to  be  jumped  to after eachblock has been  loaded  - This will alwaysbe an address within  the loader until thelast but one block has been loaded, then ajump is made to that  block and it in turncalls the  loader  to  load  in  the finalblock of the section.
   1 The address  of  where  256  bytes  of theblock are to be transferred to:I
   1 The above routine will  take the words GETand BALL from the input and act on them soGET THE BALL`
   1 The above makes  sure  that  we are sayingwhat we want to get or drop.F
   1 The United Minds Team
   1 The Secret of Little Hodcome- To enter thecottage, first climb the vines. Then  takethe nail to the well and scrape  away  theloam. Take the brick and  smash  the  shedwindow. Enter  the  shed  and  search  theflowerpots to find the cottage key.
   1 The STEP -1 ensures that  the  numbers  goDOWN in steps of one -  but  what  if  youleave it out altogether? As expected,  theloop is ignored. What actually happens  isthat the BASIC interpreter  finds  a  loopwithout a negative STEP and in  which  thestart value is higher than the end one. Ittherefore skips the loop, but this can  dounusual things. Try this (be  careful,  itresets the computer!):
   1 The SPectrum places a number greater  than40 in the higher  order  byte  ofthe  linenumber field to signify end of program.{
   1 The Rectory
   1 The Outer Limits this week had a scientistwho invented lots of nanobots which  wouldin theory eliminate  all  defects  in  thecarrier. This man who  was  about  to  getmarried got cancer, so he broke  into  thelab and injected himself with the solution(the robots  were  VERY  small!)  but  thenanobots gave him gills and  eyes  in  theback of his  head  (like  teachers  have!)because they thought that not having  themwas  a  defect.  I  think  something  likenanobots might be possible in the  distantfuture, but I doubt they'd  be  programmedwith the structure of  gills  and  things.Anyway, wouldn't  they  be  programmed  toknow what maximum fitness in a human wouldbe?
   1 The O-zone
   1 The Next Day
   1 The Microman
   1 The Gold Collection
   1 The Emerald Elf-
   1 The Domes of Sha- Trouble getting  out  ofthe valley? Well, first of  all  you  needthe cube from the elder. Now get Grunt  tofetch the object from  the  ice.  Climbingone of the trees you  will  find  a  nest.Switch the two eggs and go  to  the  giantstone doorway. Pressing  the  button  willopen the doorway.
   1 The Devil's Hand
   1 The Cricket ball will be found in room 6  At the edge of the roof (which later on inthe game will be in an unstable gutter)   and is recognised by the NOUN "BAL"
   1 The BBC controls  external  devices  (discdrive,  printer,  monitor  etc)  with  thenearly   famous   star   commands,   stillavailable on modern Acorn machines such asthe Archimedes. Some ROMs have unique starcommands (I have a printer dump chip whichuses things like  *PRINTERS,  *GIMAGE  and*TIMAGE) but here are  some  common  ones.<PRINTMASTER!  I  used  to  have  that  onSideways RAM! Ed.>
   1 The ? sign means PRINT on the Amstrad  andPOKE on the BBC. INKEY should be  replacedby CODE INKEY$. On the  BBC,  some  commonshortened commands are G.  =  GOTO,  I.  =INPUT, N. = NEXT, P. = PRINT and V. = VDU.The last, VDU, is a very  strange  commandwhich  is  unique  to  the  BBC  and  verydifficult  to  convert  across.   It   canproduce   sound,   colour   or   graphics!Followed by a single number,  VDU  is  thesame as PRINT CHR$.
   1 The 98 is ASCII code for B plus  32,  thisshows the computer it is  dealing  with  anumeric variable. The 15l
   1 The 8K RAM:
   1 The 48k editor would by default  tack  thespace onto the end - the 128k editor wouldnot, and that nasty red cursor would shoutat you when you pressed  ENTER.  Now  ontoconversion of  commands.  String  handlingcan be a problem because the  Spectrum  isprobably the only machine to use A$ (A  TOB)! You will often see the commands LEFT$,MID$ and  RIGHT$  in  type-ins  which  usestring handling.
   1 The 3 emulators that I have looked at are SPANSPEC (spanish emulator), Z80, JPP.P
   1 The 'odd-man-out' then moves all the bytesof this section  to  the  tail  end of thesecond  section,  enables  the interrupts,scans the  keyboard  for  a combination ofkeys being  pressed  and  will  call 'LoadBytes' and load  in  a  section of code ifthey are being  pressed  (this is for someuse known only to  authors) and then jumpsto  the  start  address  of  the  game, ataddress AB4D.
   1 The 'odd-man-out' block was transferred to5D00 and the  JP,  Address,  pointed to byHL, is identical.z
   1 The  two   addresses   23618   and   23620respectively contain the values for NEWPPCand NSPPC, so  line  5  says  "go  to  thesecond statement in line 10". But will  itbe able  to  get  past  line  7  with  theominous STOP command? Try  it  by  RUNningthe program.
   1 The  system  variables  NEWPPC  and  NSPPC(isn't   that   a;
   1 The  semi-colon  in   both   these   linesindicates the end of a statement.K
   1 The  second  section   is  loaded  to  thescreen, to  4000,  and  is  0600  bytes inlength.[
   1 The  reference  block  was  transferred toC900, the address at FF02 says so.L
   1 The  programmable  drum  machine  isn't  asubstitute for musical talent.  You  stillneed to be able to understand rhythm,  andto 'hear' the desired effect in your mind.What the machine does is to  free  musicaltalent  from  a   dependence   on   manualdexterity - and in this case from  a  needto purchase an expensive  and  bulky  drumkit.
   1 The  loader  loads  individual  blocks  ofencrypted code to  an  area  of memory andmoves them from there to another address.}
   1 The  last  program  showed  how  a   BASICprogra, was  stored  in  memory,  but  anyvariables set up by the program are storedseparately in a  special  variable  store.There are two memory addresses - 23637 amd23628 - that contain the  address  of  thestart of the  store,  and  another  two  -23641 and 23642 - that point to the end.
   1 The  famous   'Sherwood   sees,   Sherwoodcopies' method is  in  action  again.  Hisletter states:  "No  doubt  you'll  confirwith Davis. Declining to reply  will  onlystrengthen the  evidence  that  you  fullysupport Davis". Some seven days earlier, Iended my letter to Sherwood with a requestfor him to reply, should he fail to do so,IT WILL ONLY STENGTHEN HIS GUILT!  As  forthe term 'confir', that is exactly how  hespelt  it.  One  wonders  if  it   is   anillegally acting tree - a CON FIR. Hang ona minute - illegal trees  -  SHERWOOD?  Isthere a connection here!?
   1 The  expenses  of  running  a  PD  libraryconsist of the following (Note: these  areonly my personal views and  are  not  laiddown guidelines by some sort of regulatorybody).
   1 The  draft  copy  of  the   IEBA   Servicedirectory, which features  the  names  andaddresses of  all  8BIT  related  servicescurrently runs to 30 A4 pages!  The  finalrelease version is expected soon after youread this.
   1 The  channels  are   controlled   by   theindividual BITS of Register 7. If Bit 0 isRESET (Remember, in the  AY,  a  RESET  orZERO bit means ON), then channel A will beON, giving out a TONE.
   1 The  best  multi-computer  magazine  since"Your Computer", some 13 years  ago!  Manyhave tried and failed by 8BIT  is  a  surewinner. Coverage is between Commodore, PCWand Spectrum, with more  emphasis  on  thelatter.
   1 The  author  continues  to   support   andimprove Z80, and this shows. This prog  isshareware and so does cost about `3,  withthe full version costing about `15 from BGSERVICES.
   1 The  Spectrum  48k can,  at  most,  handleeight or nine seperate screen  pages,  butonly in to colours. You are  also  limitedto the amount of screen available. This isbased  on  using  about  66%  (is  it   anoffence to say two thirds?!) screen  depthwhich accounts  for  4K  per  screen.  Addanother 2K or so for  the  program  itselfand the practical limit does appear to  beeight  pages,  and  this   is   what   thefollowing program - "Roadway  Perspective"is based on.
   1 The  'odd-man-out'  block  will  then pokefive reference bytes  at  the start of theprinter buffer (used by the second loader)and then call the second loader to load inthe other section  or  sections and a jumpis made either to the start address of theloaded software  or  a  routine which willset up  registers  and/or  move the loadedsoftware once again.
   1 The   story
   1 The   documentation   included   was   ok,although which ever emulator you get,  thedocs have to be printed out on miles worthof paper!.
   1 Thats all for this issue. Next time  we'llcover more aspects of the Z80 emulator.Q
   1 That's better,  now  that  I've  got  yourattention, maybe you will learn  the  mostimportant thing of all time!p
   1 Thanx and bye!
   1 Thanks to: Albert Harper
   1 Thanks for keeping quiet, and  as  mypart of the  promise  I  have  enclosed  acheque for four million pounds,  stick  itin the bank  and  meet  me  at  ManchesterAirport on the 15th at 12:00 noon,
   1 Thankfully, Ferry's English was far betterthan my  Dutch  (it  appears  that  'HurdyGurgy' is  not  a  word  after  all!).  Hemanaged to pick up a very cheap electronicorganiser and immaculate Spectrum +2a fromsome very nice  people  who  had  a  greatinterest in The Netherlands, which pleasedhim a great deal.
   1 Thank you.
   1 Thank you for your recent letter.!
   1 Thank you for your  letter  of  9/8/95.  Iwill have one  more  try  to  resolve  thematter regarding 'free' software, then  ifyou still prefer your view on the  subject- see end of letter.
   1 Test Match
   1 Temporarily  removed,  due  to  inefficentservice.2
   1 Telephone: 0113 232 6726
   1 Telephone: (0171) 476 5915
   1 Tel: 01952 462135
   1 Tel: 01625 617262
   1 Tel: 01494 871319
   1 Tel: 01353 777006
   1 Take a stroll, and you'll  always  see&
   1 Tables Wizard
   1 TONE   -SWITCH-
   1 TO PEEK 23641+256*PEEK 23642
   1 TMF1 demo:
   1 TIME TRAX, & some of the decidedly"
   1 THe important point  in  this  process  isthat  you  have  considered  the   problemfirst, and not just started  on  the  taskrandomly. In terms of Pascal  programming,the method is very similar. At this stage,you would  write  each  step  in  ordinaryEnglish. Each step is then refined furtherand further refined until it ends up as  aPascal statement. Each step in the initialalgorithm may well represent  a  differentprocedure  or  function  in  the  finishedprogram - but in  a  complex  program  theprocess of refinement may mean  that  eachstep actually  embraces  a  whole  set  ofprocedures by  the  time  the  program  iscompleted.
   1 THEN GOTO 20
   1 THE 6TH DIMENSION: No-one knows!  I  thinkit should be Reality.  In  our  dimension,things are either  real  or  unreal  (likesupernatural  things!)  but  returning  tomulti-valued  logic,  there  could  be   adifferent number  of  logic  values?  (Howabout four and a half?).
   1 THE 5TH DIMENSION: Space. This is  a  loadof rubbish!  Infinite  or  not,  space  isstill three-dimensional; it's just that wearen't  quite  sure  of   it   yet.   Timefunctions differently in space.
   1 THE 4TH DIMENSION: Time, apparently. Theseare all measurements - why not weight?  Orluminosity?  Or  even  psychic-ness?!   (Idon't  think  that  last  one  has  an  SIunit!). Time is a  man-made  concept.  Arethere really a past and future or is therejust an ever-changing present?
   1 THE 3RD DIMENSION: Depth. Our  line  wouldnow become a thin cuboid, like a sheet  ofcard. Incidentally, this is our dimension!But is it four-dimensional because we  usetime?
   1 THE  2ND  DIMENSION:  Width/thickness.  Inthis dimension, our line would be visible,but would have no depth so  could  not  betouched. Odd.
   1 THE  1ST  DIMENSION:  Length.  A  line  isone-dimensional,  but  it  would  not   bevisible  to  us  because  in   the   firstdimension it would have no thickness.  I'mglad I don't live there - I'd keep bumpinginto things!
   1 THE  10TH  DIMENSION:  I  once  saw  a  TVprogramme, probably  Horizon  or  Equinox,which  showed  what  the  tenth  dimensionwould  look  like  to  humans.  For   somereason, they forgot to  specify  what  thetenth dimension was. Their model showed  agrid  of  green   squares   on   a   blackbackground  with  flickering   lines   andshapes on it. How do they  know?  Some  ofthese programmes really annoy me!
   1 TASMAN, creators of the excellent  TASWORDwordprocessors still sell their three besttitles.[
   1 T.A.W. supply adventure games for  a  widevariety of computers, including  CP/M  andthe Spectrum.  Most  software  is  writtenwith PAW, GAC or QUILL and can be suppliedon  tape  or  disk.   The   22   page   A4Spectrum catalogue goes into great  detailof all their available  titles,  giving  awell written scenario,  game  type,  partsand prices. This catalogue  details  seven128k   adventures   and   over   64
   1 Sutton-In-The-Isle
   1 Sutton in the Isle
   1 Supplier   of   ZX   Microdrives,!
   1 Super trux
   1 Super Monaco GP
   1 Sugar's  legacies  continue   to 
   1 Sub-Editor:
   1 Str M. Kogalniceanu
   1 Still with me? Right, all you gluttons forpunishment can sit and  read  this  lovelylittle story...c
   1 Still reading. You sad person. This is theChristmas  issue.  You  should  be pullingyour cracker or stuffing a turkey v
   1 Still enougth to  provide  a fairly decentdescription.6
   1 Steve Winter, Chic
   1 Ste watched as  his  legs  dissapeard,  'Ihope to see you too !' he said  under  hisbreath. He turned to look at his body, thesurgeons were dashing about doing all theycould to save him, 'I think i'd better getback aswell before this  cord  breaks'  hesaid as he lay down on the operating tableand fell into his body. As soon as he  laydown, he  fell  fast  asleep  due  to  theanesthetic the surgeon had given him.
   1 Ste was  suprised  to  find  that  he  hadmissed him, so he tried again, he put  hishand through the  window  and  watched  inamazement as his hand passed  through  thedriver's shoulder, 'What the  hell  !'  hesaid in dis-belief as he pulled  his  handback. He looked at his  hand,  turning  itover a couple of times, then back  at  thedriver who was reaching to open the door.
   1 Ste took the thread  in  his  fingers  andpulled it out of his head. All of a suddenhe felt his body deflate  like  a  balloonthat was letting air out,  'He's  arrested!'  shouted  the  man  who  had  his  headthrough the van window. Ste felt  the  airrushing out of his body and  he  panicked,he felt his head where he had  pulled  thecord from,  there  was  a  hole  just  bigenough to fit his finger inside,  he  feltwarm air rushing out of it and  he  shovedhis forefinger inside to block it, he feltit go all the way in up to his knuckle butthe air was  still  escaping  through  hishand as  if  it  was'nt  there,  'Shit  !,what's happening ?' he said as  he  lookeddown to see his legs  had  dissapeard.  Hewas still holding the cord  in  his  hand,only now it looked like red glass  insteadof clear, 'The cord', he thought 'it  musthave to stay in my head to keep me  alive'with that he jammed the end  of  the  cordback into the hole that he had  pulled  itfrom.
   1 Ste started laughing  again,  harder  thanbefore and in more pain, 'This  just  getsbetter and better, when do I get the money?' he asked. Barry was suprised to see himlaughing so much  'You  can  ask  for  thecheque at any time, it's in  the  hospitalsafe. Twenty thousand pounds is'nt  reallya great deal of money you know, and to himit's
   1 Ste sighed with relief and let go  of  thecord carefully, it stayed in place  as  hehad hoped. He followed  the  cord  to  seewhere it led and found it to  be  attachedto the same place on his body's head,  'Sohow do  I  get  back  in  my  body  ?'  hethought, 'I can't stay out here if I  wantto live' he stood  up  and  looked  aroundagain at the police car.  The  driver  wasstill sat in  the  front  seat,  taking  abreath test. 'If he's drunk i'll kill  himwhen I get back in my body' Ste thought ashe approached the car  to  listen  to  theresults.
   1 Ste saw the headlights coming straight forhim, it was the same car that  had  nearlyhit him  on  the  motorway,  he  tried  toswerve to get out of it's way but  he  wastoo late. He felt the crunch as it hit himhead on, he jerked forward  and  his  headslammed onto the steering wheel.  He  feltlike   this   was   all
   1 Ste pulled himself upright with  his  leftarm, this made him  wince  in  pain,  'Sixweeks !, i've  been  out  for  six  bloodyweeks, and what the hell  happened  to  mybloody legs ?' he shouted. A nurse at  theend  of  the  ward  heard  him  and   camerunning, 'You're awake at last !' she saidsmiling, 'Yes i'm awake but where  are  mybloody legs ?, my arm is back in place butI have'nt any legs !'. The nurse looked athim in  suprise,  'I'll  go  and  get  thedoctor, he'll tell you all about it',  sheran off towards the  door,  still  holdingthe  empty  bed  pan  she  was  taking  toanother  patient.  'Tell  him  I  want  mybloody legs back !' Ste shouted after her,laughing.
   1 Ste looked suprised to hear this,  and  hegot a greater shock when  he  saw  someonepass through the wall on  the  left,  lookstraight at them, then  walk  through  thewall on the right. 'Hey wait a minute' Steshouted. 'It's no good she can't hear you,no cord !' Barry said looking sympathetic.'But she looked at us, she saw us  !'  Stereplied, dazed.
   1 Ste looked at the man and could  see  thathe had the same sort of cord  attached  tohis head, the other  end  went  through  awall to the left of him. 'I was in  a  caraccident, some drugged  up  bastard  swunghis car at me !. What's happening here  ?,I mean, how come we can come  out  of  ourbodies and watch what's going on around us?. And what the bloody hell is this ?'  hemotioned towards the cord in his head.
   1 Ste looked at the body on the  bed,  'Thisis my new life, but without the  drugs  !'he said as he fell into the shell of  DeanWhitehouse and fell straight to sleep.
   1 Ste looked at him seriously,  'Don't  tellanybody what i've told you about  swappingbodies and i'll make you rich. Tell them Iwant the cheque now, i'm going to  supriseeveryone.  By  the  way,  this  guy  is'ntmarried or anythingy is he  ?'.  'He's  noneed to get married, he can have any womanhe want's with all his money, What are yougoing to do  with  the  cheque  ?',  Barryasked as he stood up, 'Just tell  them  tobring it here and i'll  show  you  !'  Stereplied.
   1 Ste laughed, 'I remembered you saying thatas long as the cord  was  connected  to  abody, I would still be alive. So I swappedbodies with this other  guy  for  a  shortwhile. It  worked  perfectly,  it  does'ntmatter who's body you're in as long as itsa  body  without  a  spirit',  he  laughedagain. Barry looked at him  in  amazement,'You mean you can  actually  take  someoneelse's body, but how ?'.  Ste  was  almosthysterical with laughter, 'It's easy,  allyou need to do is pull the  cord  out,  itdoes'nt hurt !, and swap  it  for  someoneelses, what's more, I found I could  reachinside a body of someone who is unconciousand pull them out without any trouble'  hewas laughing so  much  that  it  hurt  andtears were streaming down his  cheeks,  hesniffed loudly and said 'I'm going to  getthe bastard that put me here'  he  laughedand groaned at the same time.
   1 Ste got up and rushed to the van, 'I can'tbe, i'm out here, this is'nt a dream,  i'mdead' he said to the ambulance-man who hadsaid he was alive, he did'nt hear him.  Helooked into the  van  and  found  that  hecould walk through the metal of the  door,right up to himself. He  listened  at  hismouth and could hear breathing,  'Shit,  Iam alive, but if  thats  true  what  am  Idoing out here, he  stood  up  and  lookedaround, he was half in and half out of thevan,  he  looked  at   the   ambulance-menhurrying about and at the police car  withthe driver who had put him here sitting inthe front seat talking.
   1 Ste  looked  at  the  man,  'You'd  betterbelieve it buddy, fix me  up  as  soon  aspossible !' he groaned. The  ambulance-manlooked at him in  dis-belief  'My  god  !,you're still awake and you have a sense ofhumor aswell, after all that you're  goingthrough !'. Ste smiled at him  and  wincedas another sharp pain seared  through  hisentire body, 'I don't want to be  here  !'he thought to himself, 'I can't take  muchmore of this pain.
   1 Ste  asked  the  nurse  for  a  couple  oftablets to ease the pain and help him  getto sleep, which she almost  threw  at  himafter hearing on the  early  evening  newshow it was him to blame and not the  otherpoor guy.  'Good  !'  Ste  thought  as  hedrifted into sleep, 'everyone is  startingto  hate  Steven  Lloyd,  and  love   DeanWhitehouse, the poor innocent victim',  hegiggled to himself as he fell fast asleep.
   1 Starting at  address  5D32,  which, if youremember, was a load  HL, D
   1 Star Wreck (ii):
   1 Star Wreck (i):
   1 Star Micronics
   1 Staffs.  ST3 5BH
   1 Staff Writers
   1 Split into two to  preserve  our 
   1 Spellunkler 5:
   1 Spectrum sale.
   1 Spectrum / SAM Co-ordinator: Andy Davis   CPC / other machines: Brian WatsonL
   1 Specialising libraries idea:
   1 South to room 10  the cellar
   1 South Wales
   1 Sound has become one of the features  mostpeople now  look  closely  at  on  a  homecomputer, although there was a  time  whenmanufacturers made  them  with  little  ornone, and didn't  see,  to  care  if  thatinfluenced sales! In addition to the musicyou can make, almost  fitted  as  standardare connectors to synthesizers  and  otherkinds of music instruments.  The  standardis called MIDI - Music Instrument  DigitalInterface - and opens up a whole new rangeof possible uses for your computer.
   1 Sound from microcomputers has come a  longway from the buzzes and bleeps produced bythe earliest models  with  sound  effects.However, no matter how good the quality ofsound,  it  is  far  from  performing  andrecording  quality,  not  to  mention  thedrawbacks of trying to  play  music  on  aQWERTY keyboard. Even at  it's  best,  themicro falls some way short  of  a  purposebuilt musical instrument,  unless  it's  a`1000+ PC.
   1 Sorry for that very  poor  ripoff  of  thefamous Pacemaker's song, but it was all  Icould think off.d
   1 Something much loved by BBC programmers isthe fundamental system of procedures.  Putsimply,  a  procedure,  or  PROC,   is   asubroutine with a name  allocated  to  it.The  piece  of  BBC  BASIC  below   shouldillustrate this - I've followed it by  itsSpectrum counterpart, but see if  you  canconvert it  first.  (Note  that  procedurenames   may   not   contain   spaces,   soprogrammers use _).
   1 Some of the speccy emulators I am going toreview are shareware, so they are limited,if  however  you   like   them   you   canbuy/upgrade to the  full  versions  (whereapplicable) which include more features.
   1 Softsell is the  last  remamining Spectrumsoftware hire  library.A
   1 So, you all want to know about what I willwrite about then... well, I  suppose  thiscolumn could be an outlet  for  my  ideas,and just my general opinions of stuff  andthat. So here we are, about to embark on anew era in crap articles...
   1 So, while we sleep, echo  brainwaves  fromthe future are picked up psychicly are arestored in an uncharted part of the  brain.When we awake, we don't know what has beenrecieved, nor can access them like  we  dodreams. Then, when the event happens,  thesimilarities   are   compared
   1 So, when I got my PC, the first  thing  tobe installed was Z80. I'd had the  machinean  hour,  almost  completely  zapped  thecontents of the hard drive, and though thereassuring views of Tasword would ease  megently into the PC world!
   1 So, how could it  happen?  Since  you  arerecalling memories and  feelings  as  theyhappen (again), they must have been placedinto your brain in some way.
   1 So, as this  loader  doesn't  print to thelower part of  the  screen,  I suggest youover-write the  three  byte  op  code thatpokes 'DF SZ' with  NOPs, just in case youforget to do so  before making a return tobasic -  remember,  when the 'odd-man-out'block decodes itself,  the  loader must beas it was before any alterations were madeto it or the decoding will not be correct.
   1 So, PC users can now  request  a  copy  ofAlchNews on a PC disk as TAP  files.  I'vealso found that you can use Tasword 128 okby saving to drive 0.  If  you  make  surethat the location of your TAP files is theA: drive, it's  just  like  +D.  And,  theSpectrum with +D can use  DOSCOP  to  readthe  files  which  need  no   modification(except for the filename) to be loaded andviewed. See Tasword Tutor  in  this  issuefor more details.
   1 So, I'm going to clear the machine to wellbelow 6E00,  the  follow  on address afterthe moved first  section  of the game, setup  the  registers  and  call  the  secondloader, but having  over-written the threebytes of it  that  again  poke  DF SZ withzero.
   1 So, I can  now  alter  the routine just totest the JP, Address  pointed  to by HL.  I will allow the  loader  to load this andall the other  blocks  in, though will notpermit  the   loader   to   jump   to  the'odd-man-out' block start address - I willlook at it and  decide then what actions Imust take to alter it so a controlled jumpis made to an  address of my choosing onceit has called  the  loader  to load in thefinal block  of  the  section  ...  I willLD (FF15),A, INC  HL,  INC  HL, LD A,(HL),DEC HL, DEC HL,  CP  CD  (to test the highbyte of the  jump  address  and jump to myBREAKOUT routine if  A  does not hold CD),INC D, JP (HL).
   1 So,  knowing  where  everything  should beloaded   to,   a   single   save   can  beconstructed from the  three sections, plusa screen save, and it  is just a matter ofwriting a basic  loaded  to have created aback-up copy of Rick Dangerous.
   1 So why learn Pascal?  Apart  from  forcingyou to adopt good programming  habits,  itcan have certain  advantages  over  BASIC.Its main use is in longer programs,  whereit  can  be  significantly  shorter   thanBASIC   and   much
   1 So what's the point of  saving  memory  onscreens? Well, they'll load  more  quicklyfrom cassette and take up less space on  adisc.  This  technique   is   particularlyuseful for black and white  screens  whosecolours are unnecessary  extra  bytes.  Infact, the  Videoface  digitising  softwaresaves imported screens without any coloursso that you can add them yourself  if  youwant to, or alternatively  leave  them  asthey are.
   1 So what makes Z80 different from JPP?.&
   1 So should Mr Davis OR Mr Sherwood write   (or phone, fax, visit etc)D
   1 So my response to Mr Sherwoods letter was the truth - I had not read the articleP
   1 So if you are thinking of  getting  a  PC,maybe this xmas, you  don't  have  to  saygoodbye  to  your  speccy,  you  can  justemulate it on your PC!.
   1 So for plain CHANNEL A TONE ON, the  valuewe want for register 7 is 255-1 or 254.  Ifind it easier to write 255-1 in a progra,making it easier to follow.
   1 So for a single loop such as:
   1 So far, so good. But how can  you  end  updesigning a Pascal program unless you knowwhat   Pascal   looks   like,   and   whatstatements are accepted. The answer is  tolook at some examples.
   1 So Dok sent  off  his  lovely,  (honest!),reply to Mister Sherwood and do  you  knowwhat? Mister Sherwood writes  back  sayingthat he had acknowledged Dok's  reply  andthat a reply would be on it's way! But  weall,(alledgedly),  secretly   think   thatMister Sherwood  was  s
   1 Sintech  is  the  last  big  NEW  Spectrumsoftware supplier.  Send  SAE  for  a  bigcatalogue. Also  available  as  a  Taswordtextfile  from  Alchemist  Research,  sendmedia and SAE.
   1 Sinclair News closedown:
   1 Sinclair News 3:
   1 Since the demise  of  commercial  softwarefor the Spectrum, PD software is  now  itsveryX
   1 Since that one article in AN10b, I have   written nothing about Prism Pd, until now!e
   1 Since  the  shareware  version  does   notsupport +D, the only alternative seemed tobe  Microdrive.  The  emulator  creates  asingle file which acts like  a  microdrivecartridge. All files saved in the emulatorto microdrive go into this single file.
   1 Simply type in a few bits  of  informationabout someone and you will be  told  theirbirthstone, what famous things happened intheir year of birth, famous prople born intheir month and how  many  days  old  theywill be on  their  next  birthday.  Simplyprint it  out  and  put  it  inside  theirbirthday card.
   1 Silviu Stroie, RAMTOP magazine
   1 Shropshire
   1 Should you not  be  interested in what youhave looked at, just do  an INC D and a JP(HL)  for  the  loader  to  load  the nextblock.
   1 Should we care? Who do you fancy 
   1 Should expect their 'work'  to  be  calledsilly? Who's the  idiot?  I  think  that'sobvious, and he's  still  not  willing  togive up his turn of wearing the silly  hatyet! Ed.>
   1 Ship of doom
   1 Sherwood, to make sure he understands my  position.3
   1 Sherwood has been  pestering  them  again,much in the same way as Miles. But, in hisletter,  he   requests   payment   of   anoutstanding bill run up by them. How  muchis it? TEN PENCE! Not only  that,  but  itcost him two second class  stamps  in  hisletter and SAE for the reply!
   1 Sheepsoft PD
   1 Shadows of the Past
   1 Setting any object  number to -1 indicatesit is being  carried:  The loop checks allobject numbers.If its the same as the roomyou are in it is possible to get it.
   1 Service Directory Compiler: John Walker   C64 Co-ordinator: Leon BebbingtonK
   1 September  saw  the   arrival   of   FerryGroothedde  at  Alchemist   Research.   Hedecided to stay for a  couple  of  nights,make some plans about our incorporation ofhis UC&US magazine, do some shopping,  andhave a good time.
   1 Send blank disk  and  SAE  for  catalogue.Thousands of titles, with  many  differentemulators.^
   1 Send an SAE  for  their  comprehensive  A5catalogue dealing with the Amiga, Amstrad,Atari, Commodore, PC and Spectrum. Lots ofSpectrum hardware and spares available  atthe lowest prices.
   1 Selanswei 25
   1 See you next time round
   1 See address earlier.
   1 See SUC address
   1 Secretary: Brian Watson
   1 Scotland,   a   bleak,   barren   desolatecountry, with a race  careful  with  theirmoney, parading around in  skirts.  Or  sopopular folklore would  have  us  believe.How many US  TV  programs  can  you  countwhich  have  the  obligatory   Englishman,dressed  in  pin  striped  suit  with   animpeccable home counties accent?  (Ok,  sothe woman in Frasier is  from  Oop  North,but you know what I mean.)
   1 Say you saw on screen
   1 Saturday 28th October 1995
   1 Sales of consoles are dropping,  accordingto a recent  survey.  People  seem  to  beopting for PCs, which  are  more  flexibleand  useful  than   games-only   machines.Unfortunately, PC software prices are justas extortionate, if not more so. When  youbuy Microsoft Whatever  for  Windows,  allyou basically get is a few discs, a manualand  a  big  shiny  box.  Certainly,   theprogrammers will have  put  in  a  lot  ofwork, but Bill Gates is nonetheless  happyto charge many times the  necessary  pricein order to boost his already  overflowingaccount.
   1 STREAM USED. Er, basically, the stream  isalready in use! Either use another  streamor CLOSE # one of them so you can reuse itfor the new  channel  (and  I  don't  meanITV!).
   1 STORAGE: My own library consists so far inexcess  of  60  discs,  +3  discs  (and  acomplete set of duplicate back-up copies),that's  some  130  branded  high   qualitydiscs.
   1 ST JOHN SWAINSON: Tried to intervene. Whenhe pursued Sherwood about what he  exactlywanted, his  questions  were  not  clearlyanswered.
   1 SPECIAL FILES. There is no +D DOS  commandto create these. In fact, the filetype canonly be set to Special by loading  in  thefiletype sector with LOAD  @,  POKEing  itand then resaving it! <Or by  ERASEing  itand then using a recovery program to alterit. Ed> Special  files  are  few  and  farbetween,  and  generally  used  for  fileswhich don't  quite  fit  under  any  othercategory,  such  as  "bad  sector"   filescreated by some disc doctor programs.
   1 SPACES>  ": NEXT M
   1 SOUND channel,volume,pitch,duration#
   1 SHAME'), and so I was not aware of my namefeaturing in the article, and by default  (having not read the article) I did not   know of the reason for my name to feature in this article.
   1 S.C. sells a wide range  of  Spectrum  andSAm  software,  including   an   excellentwordprocessor,b
   1 S  T  R  I  N  G  A  R  R  A  Y
   1 S  T  R  I  N  G
   1 Route De Bel Air
   1 Ronald Raaijen
   1 Romantic Robot TRANSEXPRESS: 50p 
   1 Romantic Robot
   1 Roger G41DE
   1 Roelof Koning, SGG
   1 Rock and Wrestle
   1 Robert Skene &
   1 Robert Puchase, Technium 220
   1 Righty-O then, what else can I talk to youabout? Ah! I know! I can tell you about mywonderful night at a cool  nightclub  thatDok took me to.
   1 Right. That's it! Time for me  to  get  tosleep I think!8
   1 Right, okay that's all the totally  insanetext you're going to  get  from  me!  (hoohoo!) (eh?) And  no  silly  ED's  commentsthank-you-very-much-Editor! <Why not? .Ed><Oi! .Real Ed> <Now this is getting  sillyOrson .Ed's assistant>  <Pardon?  A.Davis><What
   1 Right, armed with the software,  you  needonly one more item<
   1 Right, all you do is,  you  put  the  sameline on several times. So, should there be12 winning tickets, and you have three  ofthem,  you  will  have  3/12ths   of   thewinnings, as  opposed  to  1/10th  of  thewinnings. So, for an eight  million  poundjackpot, you'll win  2  MILLION  QUID,  asopposed to a rather piddling 800,000 quid.So, by just spending an  extra  2  quid  aweek, you can increase  your  winnings  by1.2 million pounds. Not bad eh!
   1 Right, I hope this article has been of useto someone. Otherwise, I've wasted half anhour typing this for nothing.  Nothing,  Isay! Not a scheckel! (Sob). If you'd  liketo swap programs, info, ideas or  anythingSpeccy-related, write to me at the addressbelow.
   1 Right,  you  may   be   wondering   what'shappened to us  recently,  why  we  haventreleased any really new demos, and why  wehaven't written back to anyone yet.  Well,we've  done  a  demo   called   StrawberryFields, (which is nothing do do  with  theBeatles), and it's AVAILABLE  FROM  M.D.L.NOW!! Ahem, it's pretty cool and  we  likeit so there. Also, we've both been workingalot and also! Yes, also, The United Mindshas got 2 new members! That strange bloke,ehm, Ben Douglas? Yes!  He  of  the  magicunderpants has called  himself  Devious  Dand invited himself to join  U.M.  Hurrah!And that other person, Datasoft  his  nameis, well, he phoned Dok and said: "I'm nowa member of The United Minds."  (Or  wordsto that effect) Dok  says  he  knows  whatDatasoft said, but I'm not going  to  tellyou! All you need to know is that Datasoftand Devious D have joined U.M. and at lastsomeone else has got to  code  our  demos!Hurrah for hols and ginger beer!
   1 Right,  that's  my  advert  -  here's  thearticle! It's really more of a  list  thanan article. Anyway, here are TEN +D errorswhich  are  omitted  completely  from  themanual (they only include eight, and thereare   probably   still   more!).   So   inalphabetical order:
   1 Right! I  shall  now  run  the whole thingagain, but  this  time  I  shall  call thefinal  decoder,  at  address  5D38, beforereturning to basic.  I  shall have to pokeaddress 5D51 with a C9, though will make anote of what  is  there  now, which, as ithappens is 31,  the  first  byte of LD SP,XXNN.
   1 Right! Got  your  assembler  and  the  artpackage? OK. Let's continue...H
   1 Right then.having said all  that I need toprovide   you   with   the  initializationroutine that sets everything up.t
   1 Right then and  welcome  to  those  reallyreally interesting parts of this  swellinganchovy we know as 'Alchnews'. I just knowyou all looove what I  have  to  say,  butplease, don't kill yourself just because Ididn't write anything in AN17. That was  aslight mistake  due  to  erm,  things  andthat.  Well,  I  actually   thought   thatAlchemist was closing down everything, anddid not find out that Alchnews was stayingalive until it was too late. So to make upfor that, Here I am! (thunderous applause)And I'm going to do you extra bits to makeup for last  issue.  Phew,  what  a  largeintroductory paragraph this has become.
   1 Right  then,  that's  me  lot   for   thisquarter. Any queries, points of  interest,fan mail, letters, or  anything  else  youwant to send me don't hesitate to  contactme at the usual AN address.
   1 Richard Wilson
   1 Richard Laymon - Savage:
   1 Richard Coles
   1 Restricting  the  memory  requirements  inthis  way  leaves   free   ever-increasingamounts of RAM but do  remember  that  theprogram itself has to fit  in  there  too!You may  well  reach  a  point  where  theactual definitions for the extra  graphicsscreen have to take up more room than  theRAM space you've managed  to  allocate!  Acompromise therefore has to be established-  and  for  each  machine  this  can   betranslated into practicable limits for thenumbers of screen pages available.
   1 Remember, too, that NOT PI, SGN PI and INTPI are less wasteful than VAL "0", VAL "1"and VAL "3": the only time it pays to  usethe number, is when a VAL already  exists.For instance:-
   1 Remember that the numbers go in reverse  -Lower First, Upper Second.D
   1 Remember  that  typing  thing  is  to yourcomputer  can  burn   between   2  and  25calories an hour.Good  news  if you overdothings over the festive season.
   1 Remember  that  now  all  you  have  to doprogram a completely  different  map is tochange the DATA  statement to whatever youwant.
   1 Register 8 controls the volume of  channelA, which can be from  0  (silent),  to  15(loudest). We've chosen 15. If we now makeanother attempt to RUN the progam, we hearsomething!
   1 Reading between the lines, you can clearlysee that even he admits there are far moresupporting Alchemist Research than  Prism,otherwise there would be  no  need  for  aphrase like this.
   1 Rarely  found  in  type-ins  are   commandabbreviations.  The  Spectrum's   commandsmust be  typed  out  in  full,  but  othermicros   have   shortened   versions
   1 RUNning the program  gives  the  followingoutput:1
   1 RETURNing from the  drawing  routine,  theprogram goes to a POKE  routine  beginningat Line 240 to copy the 4K screen into itsappropriate  place  in  memory.  The  DESTaddress is now incremented by a high  bytevalue of 16 (16*255=4K) to create  the  4Kstorage space needed for the next page  ofgraphics.
   1 REPEAT-UNTIL loops are fairly  obvious  inhow they work, but converting them  acrosscan be more difficult than it would  seem.One of these  loops  will  keep  REPEATingUNTIL  a  condition  is  fulfilled.   Thiscondition  is  like  the  one  in  an   IFstatement. Consider this  example  in  BBCBASIC:
   1 READING A WRITE FILE. If you OPEN  a  fileOUT, making it a write file, and then  tryto INPUT # from it, you'll see this error.When using OPEN #, try to  specify  IN  orOUT depending  on  whether  the  file  hasalready been created.
   1 RB. well I was going to have a good natter*
   1 RB. I wanted to  talk  about  THE  ROSWELL*
   1 QL's,Spectrums, cartridges, keyboard membranes,disk drives, monitors and the Z88.  Flyersusually  go  out  with  all   letters   toAlchemist Research, but send an SAE to theabove address for the latest  catalogue  &deals.
   1 Programming:
   1 Program example1(output);
   1 Profile 2: 50p
   1 Prism pd, so I will now direct these$
   1 Prism VTX 5000 Modem - `4  (`6  outside  WEurope)1
   1 Premier Collection 2 - 9 games
   1 Points to note:
   1 Plus two C64's, five data recorders, Musicmaker hardware and software, lightgun  and30 games.]
   1 Please note,  it  is  common  courtesy  toenclose a SAE with  your  enquiry  to  allservices. If  purchasing  from  a  privateindividual, make confirmation the  articleis still for sale and try not to send cashunless a premium delivery service is used.
   1 Please make cheques/PO  out  to  D.Morris,please note that I cannot answer  anythingthat arrives until Christmas -  I'm  goingto Marburg Uni  in  Germany  and  will  betotally Speccy less!!!  -  You  have  beenwarned
   1 Please feel free to write as  I'm  a  niceperson  (well  I  think  so  anyway!)  andalways like to make new  Speccy  contacts.Bye!
   1 Please DO NOT use my name in connection   with Prism pd, in any articles you mayP
   1 Pleasant View
   1 Playing 'switch'- a really good card game.up to 3 people can play  What  you  do  isthat you deal each player  12  cards,  andthen the remaining cards are stacked  facedown on the table. one is  taken  off  thetop and placed face up  next  to  it.  Theperson to the left of the dealer puts downa card which is either of the same suit orthe same number, then tries to either  putthe next card either side  of  it  in  thesame suit down, or the same number in  anysuit. the aim is to get rid  of  all  yourcards. So, if  the  5  of  spades  is  thestarting card, you can put down, say,  the9 of spades, then either the 10  or  8  ofspades, or any 9. When you can't  put  anymore cards down, play passes to  the  nextplayer. If you can't put a card down, thenyou pick one up off the pile that is  facedown. Some cards do special things-
   1 Player 1 plays 9 of hearts player 2  takeshis turn- player one has  not  said  'lastcard' pick up 9 says player 2 to player 1.(the discard pile is turned over  and  thetop card is put down,  as  there  were  nomore cards left to pick up) first card  is9 of clubs player 2 puts down 10 of clubs,jack of clubs, nominates spades,  plays  8of spades (miss a turn) says  'last  card'player 1 plays 8 of  diamonds,8  of  clubs(players 2 and 3 miss a turn, so player  1gets another go.) player  1  places  4  ofclubs, 4 of spades player 2  picks  up  1.player 3 places 2 of spades  (pick  up  3)player 1 places 2 of diamonds (pick up 3),but then plays ace of diamonds which makesit (pick up 5) player 2  must  pick  up  5player 3 plays jack of diamonds, nominateshearts, then places the 10 of  hearts.  Hehas played all of his  cards  and  is  thewinner of the game (phew!)
   1 Player 1 places 2 of hearts (cancelling 10card pick up), player 2 places 2 of  clubs(pick up 3) player 3 cannot put down a  2,and has no valid aces or 3's, so must pickup 3 cards. player 1 places king of  clubsplayer 2 places queen of  clubs  player  3places queen of hearts player 1  places  8of hearts (miss a turn) player 3 places  3of hearts (pick up 2) player 1 places 3 ofspades (pick up 4) player 2 cannot cancel,and must pick up 4 cards. player 3  placesace of spades (pick up 5) player 1  places7  of  spades,  7  of  diamonds  (changingdirection twice, back to normal direction)player  2  places  7  of  clubs,  changingdirection. player 1 picks up 1.  player  3picks up 1. player 2 places  3  of  clubs.player 1 picks up 1. player 3 places 6  ofclubs, 6 of diamonds player 2 plays  queenof diamonds Player 1 plays 5 of  diamonds.Player 3 plays 4  of  diamonds.  player  2plays 4 of hearts. Player  1  plays  6  ofhearts, 7  of  hearts  (change  direction)player 2 picks up  player  3  plays  5  ofhearts
   1 Planet of Death
   1 Planet Earth
   1 Phil Glaves
   1 Peter Beardwood
   1 Perhaps you may care  to hack out the gameand  write  another   loader   for  it  sothese   back-screen   messages   are  madeavailable and  you  can  read through themand learn  some  interesting  things aboutthe game and the author.
   1 Perhaps some of you may  have  worked  outalready  that  this  game  is  a  kind  oftribute to "Red Dwarf". You are  Dave  andyou find yourself waking up after  a  verylong sleep. The game  follows  closely  tothe plot of some of the scenes in the
   1 Perhaps not the  most  useful  of  programlines, but anyway, the message  will  onlybe printed if both conditions are true (1)- 1 AND 1! Of course, you can have a wholestring of ANDs. Try to  work  out  whetherthe following would stop the program:
   1 Pentiumprocessor. This will be guaranteed to killIBM and Microsoft forever. They  are  onlyjust getting up to 32 bit  OS's,  and  yetthey are heralding them as the best  thingsince sliced bread. but  here's  the  mostpuzzling thing... Why oh why  <(c)  pointsof view> do they say Win '95 is a  32  bitOS, when chunks of it are still 16- bit???
   1 Paul Newman
   1 Paul Fairman
   1 Patrick Morriss
   1 Patrick Morris
   1 Pascal was invented in 1970  by  ProfessorNiklaus Wirth of the Federal Institute of Technology  in  Zurich,  and  named  afterBlaise   Pascal,   one   of   the
   1 Pascal on the other hand is  designed  forthe job. At this stage Pascal  programmingis  similar  to  writing  a  machine  codeprogram in  assembly  language  where  thecompleted source code is assembled to giveyou the machine code.  The  difference  isthat designing a Pascal program  is  much,much  simpler  than  writing  in  assemblylanguage.  Pascal  is  thus  an  effectivecompromise, but long before you reach  thestage of trying to run the program, it hasto be designed.
   1 Pascal on the other  hand,  is  usually  acompiled language.<
   1 Pascal is available in several versions tosuit each of the  home  computers  coveredhere, ready to  be  loaded  from  tape  ordisk.  These  are  available  from  normalsoftware
   1 Pascal User Group:
   1 Paper magazines
   1 Paged graphics - the technique of flippingfrom one  graphics  screen  to  another  -offers  considerable  potential  in   manydifferent types  of  application  where  afast change over  from  one  screenful  ofdata to another is  desired.  Although  anobvious use is in computerised  animation,paged graphics can of  course  be  put  torather more serious uses,  an  example  ofwhich is graphs, or illustrating  seperatescreens of figures, such as may be used invarious types of financial program.
   1 PRINT VAL "A+1"
   1 PRINT VAL "5+1"
   1 PRINT PEEK 23635+256*PEEK 23636
   1 PRINT LEN ("" AND N = 0);LEN
   1 PRINT A   ?  ?  ?
   1 PRINT "This was printed!"
   1 POKE 23618,X : POKE 23620,1
   1 POKE 23610,81 gives
   1 POKE 23610,81
   1 POKE 23610,80 gives
   1 POKE 23610,80
   1 PO BOX 121
   1 PLAY ("CEGEC" AND N = 0),
   1 PETER DEANE would like a  +D  or  Disciplefor his Spectrum +2.>
   1 PD Collection Vol 1
   1 PD  libraries  are  a  vast   archive   ofsoftware, consisting of  programs  writtenby authors who wish to share their  skillswith all other users. Libraries exsist  asa focus, to collate titles and offer  themto anyone who wants them for a small  copyand administration charge.
   1 PCW+ Magazine
   1 PC, CP/M, CPC, PCW support
   1 PASCAL.AN18.53 : Reviving our  languages  series,1
   1 P.S. Just a quick ad. A small team  of  uswant to start a PC demo  group,  but  we'dlike a competent PC coder to code our workfor us. If  you'd  like  to  help,  pleasewrite to the address above.
   1 P.S. Hoo Hoo! (Urk)
   1 P.S. - I have sent a copy of  this  letterand  yours  to  Mr.  Davis  at   AlchemistResearch\
   1 P.M. Reynolds
   1 Over the last few  months  (alright,  halfhour!)  I  have  been  testing  3   speccyemulators.^
   1 Over 100 games, software on  tapes,  disksand microdrive cartridges  for  all  abovemachines. Also availablel
   1 Other points to note  above  are  the  ENDcommand (it's best to use STOP or force anOK report with GOTO 1i
   1 Orson The Strange Strikes Again
   1 Original Programming: Dominic Morris$
   1 Operation Wolf
   1 Open letter to dodgy PD libs:
   1 Onto telepathy. I've always liked the ideaof being able to  hold  a  really  privateconversation without anyone  else  hearing(unless
   1 Only God knows,(alledgedly), why he's donethis... My pet cat thinks it's because  hewants to gain more support  by  not  beingcalled Prism anymore because  of  all  theGOOD  THINGS  BEING  SAID  ABOUT  IT.  Butthat's  just  my  cat  who  can't   speak.Personally? I think he's  a  really  funnyman. Look, I'm laughing, ha ha  ha,  watchas I roll about with mirth  at  the  sheerfunniness radiating from  him.  Roll  RollRoll. (parp!)
   1 One way is to  have  a room description onseperate lines  of  the  program  with theexits defined as line  numbers of the nextdescription
   1 One thing which has been overlooked by allare computer  disk  sizes.  Will  they  bechanged?  Possibly  not,  since  they  aremeasured imperially throughout the  world.But, if they were, the new sizes would be:
   1 One thing a number of you who I  discussedthe emulator with will  know,  is  that  Isaid that if I ever got a PC,  I'd  mainlyuse it to play ELITE under  the  emulator,because when it runs at the faster  speed,it is more challenging and is improved  ina number of ways. Well, it's now been fourmonths and it hasn't been played ONCE!
   1 One of the last things you may need to usewhen you own a PC is Tasword! But,  it  isthe unofficial standard  in  the  Spectrumworld, so is a must.
   1 One of the disadvantages of BASIC is  thatit is normally an interpreted language.   This means that  as  each  instruction  ismet, that instruction has to be  convertedinto machine code and then executed.
   1 One of the  best  CP/M  libraries  in  thecountry. Most of the titles will  work  onCP/M for the +3.d
   1 One PC key you are going to need to know  about, is 'F5', this key disables the PCs emulation of the speccys sound!.t
   1 One  of  the  characteristics  of   Pascalprograms is that they often tend  to  lookunnecessarily  complicated  when   dealingwith a simple task. For example,  look  atthe following program to add  two  numberstogether and print the result. It is  muchlonger than the BASIC equivalent, althoughit will still run faster. Don't be put offby appearences, however.  Once  you  startdealing  with  more   complicated   tasks,Pascal becomes more  and  more  economicalcompared to the equivalent BASIC:
   1 Once this  further  decoding  is done, thescreen data  is  transferred  from CFOO toits correct place  of  4000.  Then all thecode from where  the  screen data ends, upto the second loader,  at FAOO, is shiftedto 5E00.
   1 Once the  final  block  is  in  place, the'odd-man-out' block then uses the bytes ofthe first block  loaded,  and those of theloader, as a reference to decoded the restof its own  block  and  then moves all theother blocks  of  the  section, usually totheir  final   addresses   -  the  sectioncontains the loading  screen,  part of thegame and another  loader,  which is almostidentical to the first,  but not quite, asit  will  make  a  return  to  the callingaddress of wherever it was called from.
   1 Once it perishes, its  power  to  give&
   1 Once all that has  been done you can startthe   programming.   Don't   worry   aboutproblems  to  solve   just  yet.  I'll  becovering that next time.
   1 Once again, I will  simplify  what I do asmuch as possible to make it easier for youto follow what  I  am  altering within theloading system, and why.
   1 On the screen we see 0, OK 40:1 telling usthat our program has  finished,  and  fromour  TV  speaker,   we   hear   a   steadycontinuous  tone.  That's  a   tone   fromChannel A, at Volume 15, Pitch 2050.
   1 On a plus side both versions support the  speccy 128, I tryed this out and  the  128mode is good,  although  the  tape  testerdoes'nt work on this shareware version forobvious reasons.
   1 On a final  note,  the  author  lists  hiscollection of speccy snaps, and boy he hasgot zillions (of speccy  snaps  that  is),maybe he'd like to send a few this way?.
   1 On RUNning, the second  statement  is  notexecuted because the  BASIC  editor  comesacross a REM and skips  the  rest  of  theline. So what? Well, using my  new  methodit is possible to store  BASIC  statementsin REMs! Note that 128k users must use 48kmode to get this to work, because commandsmust be entered  as  single  keywords  (egjust L for LET and  not  the  entire  wordtyped in  letter  by  letter).  Enter  thefollowing line:
   1 Okay.Our decoding routine is sorted out.  What  about  getting   the  Map  into  thecomputer  in  the  first  place  and  thenmoving around.
   1 Okay, then, I will do as I did in the lastcolumn and  bring  on  another machine andwrite about what I am doing as I do it...}
   1 Okay, that's about it from me again,  timeto go!0
   1 Okay! I'm  going  to  over-write the threebytes at address  CD06  with  NOPs and theother three, at address  CD54, with a jumpto my  BREAKOUT  routine  within it, whichwill print  out  all  the  register valuesbefore making a  safe  return to basic.   It will  not  be  necessary  at this pointto tests either the  D  or the HL registerpair as  I  only  wish  to  know where thereference   block,   as
   1 Okay! Having done that, I can now save offthe screen  by  doing  a  SAVE "NAME" CODE52992,6912 and the part of the game so farloaded in with  a  SAVE "NAME" CODE 59904,4096. Might  just  as  well  save  off thesecond loader, too, just  in case I make amistake along the  line  and won't have tore-do all the  work  I've  done up to thispoint ... SAVE "NAME" CODE 64000, 512.
   1 Okay  then  ,  no  machine  code,no  fancygraphics and no  soundtracker music (apartfrom whats playing  in the background thatis)
   1 Ok, how many people have  discovered  thatwhen chatting up some gorgeous girl  at  abar, they turn  out  to  be  with  anotherwoman?? No one?? Its just me?? Oh...  Ehm,ok  then..!?!  <Perhaps  it's   the   barsyou're visiting. Ed.>
   1 Oi! You! Yes, you! Look  at  me  when  I'mwriting at you!9
   1 Oh well, time for me to go, as this has toget sent to Andy right away, and  Its  allmy fault!! (boo hoo etc etc!!)r
   1 Oh no! Only two hours to submit my articlefor alchnews or the earth will  explode!!!All of mankind is depending on me!! Betterget this disk sent off A.S.A.P.
   1 Oh dear. Andy isn't going
   1 Oh dear, I've run out of  ideas.  Ah  yes.I've forgotten whose  it  was,  but  in  aprevious AlchNews  article  somebody  said"Why are people  who  claim  they've  beenreincarnated always ex-famous people (likeMary Queen of Scots)?". Well they  aren't,it's just that they're the only  ones  whoget on television!  I  have  an  excellentbook with a whole section on  supernaturalevents and,  amongst  other  things,  theyhave someone who  regresses  to  a  GermanCatholic   girl   who   was   killed
   1 Oh  yeah!  Seen  my  latest   demos   "THENAMELESS DEMO" and "SOLSTICE" yet? If  notthen you should be able to get  them  fromyour nearest PD library by  the  time  youactually read this.  Please  let  me  knowwhat you think of them.
   1 Off course, any  piece  of  software  thatruns on  one  computer,  but  emulatesP
   1 Of course, with the speccy being the most popular micro, it has the most number of  PC emulators. So if you  were  to  emulatethe speccy, which emulator would you buy?.
   1 Of course,  all  machines  that  use  thissound chip, do not use the same ports, butthe values and principles of  control  arethe same.  Next  time,  we  shall  have  atinker with Envelopes.
   1 Obstacles in the game tend to need  a  bitof  thought.  Most  of  the  problems  arelogical  and  can  soon  be  solved   withcareful thought.
   1 OUT 65533, Register Number
   1 OUT 49149, Value for the register!
   1 OK. You are now ready to start the  actualcoding of the damn thing (and I think MOSTdemo coders out there will agree, you willcall it by names FAR stronger  than  "damnthing" before it is finished)!
   1 OK!  First  you're  going   to   need   anASSEMBLER! Now there are numerous  around,but I personally use  and  prefere  "LASERGENIUS" by OASIS!
   1 OK!   So   what's   that   then?   H$
   1 Number 2-  Oh  sod  this,  it's  a  reallyboring section.9
   1 Number 1- The bloke who invented toast.'
   1 Nr Longton
   1 Now, using the ASCII codes for letters andnumbers, see if  you  can  make  sense  ofthis:Y
   1 Now, something about  negative  loops.  Ifyou wanted to count backwards from  10  to0, you could use:e
   1 Now, most of you  will  know  the  programREMSTORE - it allows you to store code  inthe lines of a Basic program,  eliminatingmulti-loads for short pieces  of  code  orwhatever.  Well,  the  multiple  TAP  fileformat  is  like  this.   Each   file   isindividual
   1 Now, add one more to the list - MICRO SPECSOFTWARE.  A relatively new  company,  butwith some very good titles.o
   1 Now, I know some of you out there will  bethinking  "But  what   of   the   problemsregarding "Mr" Sherwood  and  PRISM?"  Butthe REAL issue  is  "What  about  all  theGENUINE,   HONEST   and   TRUSTWORHTY   PDlibraries that are  denied  the  right  todistribute my demos?". It  is  with  theselibraries in mind  that  my  decision  wasmade!
   1 Now, I fully accept that this article was about an incident that took place 2 years ago, and that since then things may have  changed.
   1 Now you come to  the  main  block  of  theprogram.  The  statements  "begin"   (notethere is no  semi-colon  as  this  is  thestart of multiple, or compound, statement)and "end." will occur at the beginning andend of every Pascal program. The full stopafter "end" indicates that it is the  verylast statement of this particular  programand signals a halt.
   1 Now try a numeric array:
   1 Now to start, I do write for AN, but that does not mean I read the entire Alchnews  magazine when it comes out.o
   1 Now to start exploring.  First  enter  thefollowing  simple  program.  Type  it   inexactly as shown. Make sure you don't  addany  extra  spaces  than  necessary  (justbetween PRINT and A in line 30). You  willuse this  to  discover  how  the  computerstores programs.
   1 Now this is where it starts to get tricky,the theory is that if after  a  period  oftime (usually  30  days) you are stillz
   1 Now that thing have been set up I can giveyou the routine to work out the exits fromthe rooms and how to move around.u
   1 Now that the serious bit is over, lets  dosomething more relaxed (Ooer!).I
   1 Now press F7 and determine where you  wantto do your filing. It's all  a  matter  ofpreference. I usually keep a directory  inZ80  called  TASFILES,   where   all   thetextfils
   1 Now in an attempt to avoid duplication,   I am going to focus  on  the  things  thatmake Z80 different from JPP, after all thebottom line with the  emulators,  is  thatthey both emulate the speccy.
   1 Now for the final few bytes. The value  13is used to indicate end-of-line (eol). Thevalue 14 indicated that the following fourbytes are the coded form for  a  numericalconstant, in the case 2. The  code  14  isused to indicate a numerical  constant  inthe variable list table (vlt). Here, then,is the final picture, but with  PRINT  nowshortened to PRNT to fit on the screen:
   1 Now apart from the fact that I don't want to get involved in this dispute, IL
   1 Now I might be wrong about this, but I've read that this might be PD.E
   1 Now  you  can  tell  that  this   is   theshareware version of Z80, as although thisis the only emulator where you can controlthe speed of the speccy emulation, on thisversion the speed cannot be altered and isset to 369%!, although the full version   has variable speed (upto 345%), it means  that you have to buy the full version in  order to have a more practical version  ofthe emulator, trying to play  manic  minerat a speed of 369% of the original speccy is impossible!.
   1 Now  that  both  computers   and   musicalinstruments are employing the same kind oftechnology it's relatively  easy  to  sendinformation from a computer to  a  musicalinstrument, or vice versa - what  MIDI  isall about.
   1 Nothing amiss in  the  basic. It just setsup the screen  colours,  clears to addressC350 (5[
   1 Note also that the note continues to  playeven  when  the   program   has   finishedrunning. You can list the program, make  aprintout or whatever - the chip  continuesmaking a noise, until you tell it to stop,unlike the BEEP command.
   1 Note  that  AND  can  only  be  used  withstrings (you  can  also  use  OR  but  theresults will be  less  predictable!),  butnot just PRINT is  used  for  strings.  Tofollow are some examples; the first one is128k only due to use of the PLAY  command.In each case, N should be set to either  0or 1. They  may  not  work  as  I  haven'ttested them and they're hard to  work  outin your head!
   1 Nobody makes anyone start  a  PD  library,you do it because you  want  to.  If  yourmotive  is  making  money  (out  of  otherpeoples programs) then you  really  shouldconsider a  move  onto  PC's  and  Amigas;these  two  computers  are   still   'HighStreet' machines  and  big  generators  ofprofit. The Spectrum is not  in  the  sameleague; it's a hobby computer,  consideredobsolete and therefore ignored  except  bythe  dedicated  hardcore  (and  there  areplenty of those all over the globe).
   1 No1: Dave Fountain
   1 No, seriously, Dave was as good a bloke inperson as he is on paper. One thing  whichsurprised me was that he was a vegetarian.There he is - a six foot skinhead Millwallsupporting,  Bovver  boot  wearer  -   noteating meat!
   1 No point in denying it. I can prove it youknow!/
   1 No no no not that sort   **
   1 No UK citizens could avoid  M-day  on  thefirst of October. For those of you off ourhallowed shores, this  day  signified  theend of almost all  imperial  measures  fortheir metric equivalents.
   1 Nick Faldo plays the Open
   1 Next time we  wil  be  looking at flags inmore detail.  Defining  our  word list andlinking it all  up  with  our problems andpuzzles.
   1 Next issue: What IPD manager  Paul  Howardexpects and delivers of  the  Spectrum  PDscene.Z
   1 Next issue we will continue  our  look  atPascal and examine some of the  procesuresavailable in the  language  and  how  theycompare to the procedures found in BASIC.
   1 Next issue : AlchNews 19, March 1996$
   1 Next  you'll  need  a  MUSIC   compositionpackage. Now there are numerous  of  thesearound  now-a-days,  but  I  prefer  SOUNDTRACKER or SQ-TRACKER! Both produce  standalone INTERUPT drivable  (does  this  wordexist?) code files.
   1 New AlchNews header and selector: AN9%
   1 Neon Publishing
   1 Neil Thompson
   1 Needless to say it folded,  as  did  theiroriginal magazine, ZAT, soon after.M
   1 NOT is  only  one  of  many  logic  gates.Remember that all other logic  gates  havetwo inputs but only one output. The  othergates are AND,  OR,  NAND,  NOR,  XOR  andNEXOR  (strangely  enough,  both  XOR  andNEXOR are the names of Speccy games!). ANDand OR are Spectrum commands, but NAND andNOR can be emulated using NOT AND and  NOTOR. The XOR gate and its opposite,  NEXOR,are the least commonly used and so are notin Spectrum BASIC, but if you want to  seethem in action (and waste a bit of  money)then get an Amstrad CPC!
   1 NOT can be useful if you want a  value  toalternate  between  0  and  1.   The   twoprograms below illustrate  this.  (POKEingthe system variable CHARS-lo at 23606 with1 will move the text  up  one  pixel,  andwith 0 will return it to normal).
   1 NO G+DOS LOADED.  A  rare  error  to  see,since  it  only  ever   appears   in   onesituation. If the  BetaDOS  command  PRINTUSR 8 is used and no +D DOS is in  memory,this message will be seen.
   1 N and O are  respectively  the  lines  andcolumns  to  be  read  from,  but  when  Iprinted Z$ afterwards it always  came  outas  the  last  character  read,   repeatedtwice. So if  the  last  three  characterswere BYE, Z$ would contain EE.  I  checkedmy routine  thoroughly,  and  in  the  endtried a different method:
   1 My next problem was with the +D emulation.It seems to be VERY temeramental.  If  youaccidentally put in a HD  disk,  it  wouldreport a format error and would  not  readany other disk, DD or not. A  full  systemshutdown and restart  is  the  only  knowncure at the moment.
   1 My monitoring routine  will  now look likethis:/
   1 My latest  'discovery',  however,  is  thebetter  use  of  single  TAP  files.  Thisallows you to save  files  just  like  youwould to disk,  except  you  don't  get  acatalogue (unless you use  a  tape  headerreader).
   1 My first experience of  the  Z80  emulatorwas on my PC at work. The  machine  was  anice 486, used mainly for  my  engineeringcomputations
   1 My first difficulty was there was  no  48ksound through  the  PC  speaker,  although128   music   was   coming   through   theSoundblaster speakers. This was traced  toa wire actually off the PC  speaker.  Whenit  was  connected,  I  was   subject   tohorrible squeals  of  a  Spectrum  speakeremulation.  I  was  severely  tempted   toremove it again!
   1 My address is:
   1 Multi-valued logic could not exist in  ourdimension, where things are either YES  orNO.  Perhaps  some  other  dimension   hassingle-valued logic  where  everything  istrue! This might cause problems  though  -truths and falsehoods would both be  true,making a slight paradox!  Actually,  in  asingle-valued logic dimension,  falsehoodswould  not  exist.  But   falsehoods   notexisting is false - aargh! On the topic ofdimensions, let's look at them.
   1 Multi-system
   1 Mr V. Bishop
   1 Mr Staniford
   1 Mr Sherwood's Reply?
   1 Mr Sherwood has written to me to offer hisside of my article, and while I do notP
   1 Mr P. Deane
   1 Mr J. Thompson
   1 Mr F. Ridout
   1 Mr Davis & Mr Sherwood.
   1 Mr Andy Davis, Bsc. Alchemist Research&
   1 Mr A. Marshall
   1 Most serious Spectrum users will have comeacross  the  popular  method  of   storingmachine code in REM statements. But I  betthat nobody has ever done  before  what  Idiscovered today! Normally, any  statementfollowing a REM is ignored. Try this:
   1 More of a problem can be NEXT commands. Onthe Spectrum, the loop  variable  MUST  bespecified. On other machines, the computerwill work out which loop is  referred  to.This is all very well with simple loops ontheir own, but sorting out all  the  BASICspaghetti of  nested  loops  can  be  veryconfusing! If you see a statement such  asA=1, try putting a LET  on  the  beginningsince  many  versions  of  BASIC  do   notrequire LET (although it can still be usedas a "redundant" command).
   1 Monte Carlo Casino
   1 Monika & Wolfgang Haller
   1 Misc. covertapes for the above, 20p each.)
   1 Mini Office: 50p
   1 Mince is brown and  lumpy  rather  like...oo-err! I'd better not say that! Mind you,it  does  kind  of   resemble   my   inaneramblings doesn't it?
   1 Miles last made a complaint to Sherwood on7th August 1995. Only on the  10th  August1995 did Sherwood bother to reply. In  hisletter, Sherwood states:
   1 Miles Kinloch.
   1 Miles   sent   me   this   wonderful   andwonderfully  preseneted  little  piece  ofprose when the pressure of  work  promptedme  to  consider  closing  down  AlchemistResearch.  Thankfully,  a  compromise  hasbeen made. I have thanked you all for yoursupport in my letters to you,  but  do  soonce again in public, especially to  Mileswho has been a tower  of  strength  and  apillar in  the  foundations  of  AlchemistResearch.
   1 Mike Astbury, Beach Imaging
   1 Mig 29 soviet fighter
   1 Matt Beal, Fish
   1 Matchday II
   1 Match is a flag.
   1 Masterword
   1 Many thanx to Graham Collier (without yourdrive switch  this  would  have  been muchharder to sort out)g
   1 Malcolm Gent,
   1 Malcolm Gent
   1 Make the most of your ZX Microdrive - 50p)
   1 Magic Button (i):
   1 MORE FROM PAW - Basics:
   1 MILES  KINLOCH:  Miles's  questions   werecontinually evaded. In the  end,  Sherwoodterminated his subscription so  he  didn'thave to reply to his letters!
   1 MIDI offers the musician and  non-musicianalike many new  possibilities.  As  pricesfall, musical instruments seem destined tofind their  way  into  far  more  homes  -perhaps it'll be back to the old sing-songevenings round the  synthesizer!  And  youwill have the opportunity of being  reallycreative with your computer.
   1 MIDI is a standard just like a  Centronicsor RS232 interface <Those standard? What ajoke! Ed.> which you may have come  acrossin connection with your  printer  or  diskdrive. In this case, although MIDI is usedexclusively in the  world  of  music,  therole of the interface is exactly the  same-
   1 MIDI has been around since 1982.  Musicanshave  been  using  MIDI  to  trigger   oneinstrument from another. For example,  twosynthesizers  can  be   set   to   producedifferent   sounds,
   1 MIDI also allows a musician to  connect  adrum machine to a keyboard and synchronizea rhythm  track  with  the  melody.  Otherpossibilities   include
   1 MIDI allows up to 16 seperate channels  ofinformation5
   1 MICRODRIVE FILES. I  can  honestly  say  Ihave never seen one  of  these!  They  canonly be created from machine code  and  asyou can't do anything with them  using  +DDOS I don't see the point! Anyway, certainmachine  code  instructions  called  "hookcodes" are used in some older programs foruse with the microdrive. When the +D comesacross  one  of  these,  it  emulates  themicrodrive and creates one of these files.Useless really!
   1 MGPD comprises of a  collections  library,featuring utilities,  demos,  clipart  andmuch more. Prices are very cheap and  evenincludes media. No other service can matchthis.
   1 MDL is the  Minds  Demo  Library,  run  byScottish  coders  THE  UNITED  MINDS.  MDLspecialises  in  demos  and  general   A/Ventertainment with, once  again,  hundredsof ASW programs.  Pricing  policy  is  thesame as Fountain.
   1 MARK 'MIKTOR' HARRIS: Told to mind his ownbusiness by Sherwood!?
   1 M.R. Prichard
   1 M-DAY: Madness or Malleable?
   1 Lorton Road
   1 Lords of Midnight
   1 Look at the time. I'm going to do the restof  this  article  tomorrow.Time  to spendsome time with the wifey as I have been uphere for two hours.
   1 Long  variable  names  are  stored  in   asimilar  way  although  their  names   arescrambled rather more. Try this:t
   1 Logic 3 - learn  BASIC  programming  -  `4(very large + heavy)>
   1 Loading from +D in MC:
   1 Line 80 also checks  for  a null input andprints a  suitably  witty  message. Well Ireckon it is anyway.Line  140 checks for aspace to avoid  an  error  in the decodingroutine.
   1 Line 4 causes a  crash  to  48  BASIC  (inwhich,  incidentally,  this  effect   alsooccurs). If this loop was executed at all,the program would STOP (test this with theSTEP -1), but because the start is  higherthan the end and there's no negative STEP,the loop is skipped. So despite  the  STOPon its own line, line 4 is reached and theSpeccy is  reset!  Moral:  make  sure  youinclude negative STEPs where  needed  (andleave them out where they're not!) just incase  the  next  bit  of  the  program  isundesirable!
   1 Likewise, on the full version of Z80 you  seemingly load  speccy  games  from   tapedirectly into the emulator and  save  themout as snaps (no messing about with  soundfiles like JPP), you can do this by eitherusing the LINE IN  socket  on  your  soundcard or (good news for standard PC owners)via a special tape interface which can  bebought for a tenner  I  believe,  from  BGSERVICES.
   1 Like Z80, you can load speccy  games  intothe emulator, and save them as  snaps,  ifyou have a multimedia PC you can load  thegames by connecting a tape recorder to
   1 Letter, Steve Winter to Andy Davis.#
   1 Let's take the Pascal line by line:#
   1 Let's   consider,   for   instance,#
   1 Let me explain. Say you have a game,  withthree  loadable  parts:  The  loader,  thescreen and the code.  Normally,  we  wouldsave these as three files, no matter  whatsystem.
   1 Later Programming:
   1 Last, but not least, it should be pointed out that the full  version  of  Z80  comeswith  the  Multiface  128  emulated  &  +Dsupport.
   1 Lancashire
   1 LET C=VAL "INT (RND*6)+8"
   1 LET C=INT VAL "RND*6"+VAL "8"
   1 LET C=INT (RND*6)+8
   1 LET C=INT (RND*6)+1
   1 LET A=VAL "1+1"
   1 LET A$ = ("Zero" AND N = 0):
   1 LET A$ = ("One" AND N = 1)
   1 LET A  =  2
   1 LEFT$ (A$,A) is the equivalent of A$ (1 TOA). RIGHT$ (A$,A) is the equivalent of  A$(LEN A$-(A-1) TO LEN A$).  This  works  bycounting back from the end;  it  may  seemcomplex but it does work  for  all  RIGHT$commands. MID$ (A$,A,B) can be  translatedto A$ (A TO B). The rarer command TL$  (ToLast character) is basically the  same  asRIGHT$.
   1 L   O  "  ?
   1 L   L   O   "   ?   ?   ?   ?
   1 Koronis Rift
   1 Konami Coin-op hits
   1 Kobrahsoft
   1 Kickstart II
   1 Key Trilogy (Crash tapes)
   1 Kevin Gurd
   1 Keep at it!
   1 Karen Moore
   1 KOBRAHSOFT are suppliers of  some  of  thebest software around for the Spectrum  andSAM. Their biggest successes are the  tapeto disk  utilities,  along  with  such  +3applications like DICE,  DB2  and  so  on.Send an SAE and a  couple  of  stamps  fortheir catalogue:
   1 Just to enlighten non +2A owners, 23610 isthe error report address, eg POKE  23610,0gives "1 NEXT without FOR" (I think!).  Onmost Speccies, the two above POKEs cause ascreenful of question marks followed by  acrash,   but   some
   1 Just set the scroll  counter and CAPS LOCKon.-
   1 Just kidding! Des.
   1 Just as he finished the thought, the  painlifted, he opened his eyes to find himselfstood up outside the ambulance,  his  bodywas being rushed in through  the  hospitaldoors. 'I'm out again, how the hell did  Ido that ?' he said  out  loud.  He  lookeddown at himself and  saw  that  everythingwas in place, then he  followed  his  bodyinto the hospital.
   1 Just a sec. To save my fingertips and yourirritation  I'd   better  stop writingP
   1 Joyce Cook, Softsell
   1 Joyce Cook
   1 John Wilson
   1 John Westhead
   1 John Thompson would would  any  games  andutilities for the Amstrad CPC, Dragon  32,ZX81 and Vic 20. He is also on the lookoutfor cartridges for the Commodore 64. He isselling off some Spectrum  and  Dragon  32games if anyone is interested. Write:
   1 John Stowe
   1 John Garner, Datasoft
   1 Johan Koning, SGG
   1 Joe Blade II
   1 Jet Bike Sim
   1 James Waddington is turfing  out  his  oldgear, so theres a lot  on  offer  at  veryreasonable prices:f
   1 James Herbert:
   1 JOHAN KONING: Was told  by  Sherwood  thatthe whole matter had  "fizzled  out"  overthe Summer. Would not print Johan's letterin  his  magazine.  The  real  reason  wasbecause  Sherwood   was   continuing   thecampaign  in  his  magazine.  Should   hisreadership find out that he's  been  lyingto Johan as well as them and  himself,  itwould make him look extremely stupid!
   1 JIM LEESON, makes and sells printer cablesfor the +2a / +3 to any Centronics printerfor `10 including P&P.j
   1 J Waddinton
   1 It's very  difficult  for  us  to  imagineinfinity, simply because we can't  imagineenough of it!  Space  is  believed  to  becurved - but what's beyond the  curve?  Bythe way, don't tell anyone but when I  waslittle I thought that space was bounded bya brick wall. I saw nothing wrong with  mytheory until someone asked, "What would bepast the brick wall?". Don't worry,  I  amslightly more intelligent now! I hope.
   1 It's this last facillity of drum  machineswhich  points  the  way  towards  a   realmusical  breakthrough.   Until   recently,musical ability has always been  dependenton manual dexterity - being able  to  moveone's fingers quickly and fluently over  akeyboard, or being  able  to  hit  a  drumaccurately  and   on   time.   With   windinstruments, the tricky  skill  of  breathcontrol comes into it, too. The advent  ofthe programmable  instrument  changes  allthat.
   1 It's possible to  save  memory  on  screenfiles by removing the colours. This  meansthat when loaded, the screen  will  assumethe current attributes  on  screen  ratherthan overwrite them with its  own.  Normalscreens are 6192 bytes long  -  to  removethe colours, resave them with a length  of6144 bytes, but remember that the  colourswill then be lost  forever  so  you  mightwant to keep a colour copy somewhere.
   1 It's a very strange feeling that you  havewitnessed, or taken part in a sequence  ofevents before. If, like Andy, you seem  toexperience it quite often, you get a  sortof dizzy feeling  and  can  even  try  andalter events, but no matter what  you  do,it doesn't work!
   1 It's Christmas time  and  all  your  giftshave been stolen.  You must  find  all  ofthe presents before the big day  comes  bysolving various puzzles.
   1 It was such a successful & nostalgic idea that now there are literally  zillions  ofemulators for the PC - C64, AMSTRAD, MSX  DRAGON 32, ATARI (must  get  that  one!  -POLE POSTION!), although I think they
   1 It was pointed out to me that  you  missedone of the  categories  on  the  'Hall  ofShame  list'  -  'Unhappy  customers'.   Iqualify for  that  one  as  well,  if  youhadn't noticed!!
   1 It was a massive building with at least  adozen big windows covering the  length  ofit, he looked at  the  main  entrance  andwilled himself to the other  side  of  thebig oak door. Inside he  could  tell  thatthis bloke was'nt short of money, a  blackmarble staircase dominated the hall,  eachstep had a small hand-sewn tapestry  as  aslipguard, there  were  expensive  lookingpaintings all the way up the  wall  and  amassive crystal  chandelier  hanging  fromthe middle of the hall, he looked  to  thetop of the stairs, 'I'm  coming  for  you,you druggy bastard, have I got  a  suprisefor you !' he laughed as he  walked  alongthe balcony.
   1 It was  him,  still  in  the  van,  pinnedbetween the steering wheel and  the  seat.There was a gash in his fore head that waspouring with blood, his eyes  were  closedand the blood had ran down over them,  hisright arm had been  smashed  off  and  waspinned to the dashboard with  the  barrel.Ste could'nt believe what he  was  seeing,he was  stood  at  the  side  of  his  vanlooking at himself pinned against the seatin his van, then he realised,  'I'm  dead,you've killed me you  bastard'  he  lashedout  at  the  driver  but  his  hand  wentstraight
   1 It seems that now the cat is out of the   bag, all and sundry has been using my namein connection with Prism gripes of onez
   1 It plays quite well and there is plenty ofroom to go off and explore  on  your  own.Vocabulary and room descriptions are  bothgood . This  plus  the  graphics  gives  abetter playing atmosphere  than  the  lasttwo games.
   1 It must have only taken him  a  couple  ofseconds to wipe his eyes, but when he tookhis hand from his face he discovered  thathe'd drifted slightly into the next lane.
   1 It mentioned that one of the files was a  .GIF  (a  graphic,  similar  to  a  speccyscreen$ - only better, & more colourful!) of notorious porno  star  TRACI  LORDS,  Ilooked, and there was'nt. Damn.
   1 It makes no difference what  a  particularbook says on this subject -  misleading  /wrong information  is  published  all  thetime! I sent no SAE as it was for  details- I wanted the software ASAP so I sent youthe  disks  and  tape  straight  away,  asrequested by your advert.
   1 It is this which helps to make  it  fasterthan   BASIC,   and=
   1 It is quite a  complex loader, but as withmost specialist loaders,  there is usuallya weakness  that  can  be  used to controlwhat it does so as  not to allow it to runaway with itself as the authors intended.
   1 It is important to note that some  of  theemulators I  am  reviewing  are  SHAREWAREproducts.]
   1 Isn't it funny how  these  three  are  allconnected! The important thing to rememberis  no  matter  how  Sherwood  twists  anddistorts the Hall of Shame article,  MilesKinloch, Robert Skene and Marcus  Prichardhave made it  absolutely  clear  why  theywere listed and are willing to testify so,yet he still has  the  cheek  to  lie  andcover this up to try and win more support!
   1 Is there  anyone  left  he  hasn't  upset?Rumour has it there is a peasant farmer inOuter Mongolia somewherel
   1 Intruder Alert
   1 Introduction:
   1 InstallmentAN18.44 : Three, by Graham Collier..
   1 Infinity minus 1. This would  have  to  beless  than  infinity,   but   where   doesinfinity end and finity (?) begin? And whydo people say "fine night" for  "finite"?!How about infinity divided  by  two  -  oritself? I could go on for years like this,but  I've  finished   now.   Consider   ityourself.
   1 Incredible it may seem,  but  I've  listedmore previously undocumented errors  abovethan there are mentioned in  the  official+D manual! Someone has  GOT  to  write  toDatel about it! (If no-one  else  does,  Imight just do it myself!). To  round  thisarticle off, here are full explanations oftwo filetypes just  brushed  over  by  themanual.  Thanks  to  +D  guru  (!)   MilesKinloch for most of the information.
   1 Included with the emulator, are a number  of speccy related utility progs, includingSPCONV, which is designed to  convert  thespeccy snaps between the different  speccyemulator formats.
   1 Incidentally,  the  abbreviations  DEFPROCand ENDPROC mean  "define  procedure"  and"end procedure" - the DEFPROC is needed sothat the PROC can find the place  to  jumpto (its name).  PROCs,  like  subroutines,may be nested. Something the BBC needs butthe  Spectrum  does  not  (although   it'sequally permissible) is the bracketing  ofnumeric expressions which are operated on,eg the Spectrum's  CHR$  13  would  becomeCHR$(13)  on  the  BBC  and   most   othermachines.
   1 In this week's exciting episode of "Paul'sRantings"...6
   1 In this months ** Adventure Spot ** tm weshall be looking at how  to set up a BasicBASIC shell that  provides  the bare bonesneeded to get a workable adventure routinerunning.
   1 In this issue I will be doing another livehack for you watch how it is done.L
   1 In the thirteen he  listed  CHIC  COMPUTERCLUB. Yet, on 28/9/95, Steve Winter of theSpectrum  area  of  Chic  sent   AlchemistResearch a letter which is quoted below:
   1 In the same way, the OR truth table  showsthat at least one of the  conditions  mustbe true (1) to execute the statement afterthe THEN. This isn't exactly the  same  asthe word "or" in English, because  the  ORgate also returns true (1) if BOTH  inputsare true. So if the  Spectrum  asked  you,"Do  you  want  chocolate  cake   or   jamsponge?", you could have both!!
   1 In the potting shed"   1190 DATA ""
   1 In the list, of 29  people,  he  can  onlylist   THIRTEEN   who?
   1 In the letter, he  supposedly  quotes  thelist, yet no quote to why a list of  nameshas  been  quoted  -   allowing   him   tofabricate the reasons yet again!
   1 In the last issue, we gave  details  aboutSherwood writing to Marcus Prichard, wherehe claimed to have the support of  20  outof the  29  names  listed,  making  Marcusnumber 21. QUOTE:
   1 In the ever expanding Alchemist  Research,I pledged to give full support to emulatorusers, as it is a market  of  unbelievablesize. We already have a  small  corner  onthe Internet and an increasing  number  ofregistered emulator users who read the  +Ddisks. However, I thought it would be niceto make a completely self contained  issueof AlchNews, complete  with  copy  of  theshareware emulator, should anyone not haveit.
   1 In the October issue of FORMAT, he  writesa letter, pointing out that his letter  of31st May was not answered. Sherwood writes"It's no wonder  that  people  lose  theirpatience when they  feel  they  are  beingignored".  REMEBER  THIS,  it's  importantlater!
   1 In part two I covered the ROM tape loadingroutine, LOAD BYTES,  and the various usesit could be put to in fine detail.v
   1 In otherwords, before using my name in&
   1 In my opinion "A Dungeon Romp" tries to be"Retarded  Creatures  and   Caverns"   butfails. The game  is  fairly  playable  butdoesn't rise far above average.
   1 In for a penny, in for a 0.454Kg 
   1 In fact,  the  program  in  the  computersmemory is very similar to  the  charactersyou type in and a lot of  the  numbers  inmemory are ASCII codes of letters from theprogram. But the  computer  shortens  somewords - the keywords - and puts  in  extrainformation, literally between the  lines,to help it keep track of where it is.
   1 In fact the graphics in "Emerald Elf"  arenot too bad. They are not masterpieces butare fairly well drawn. The fact that thereis a graphic for each  location  and  thatthey change according to what is happeningis a good addition.
   1 In an example like this (not a  very  goodone, admittedly!), you need a  VAL  anywayfor the 5, so it pays to  include  the  1,too:-
   1 In Pascal any line can be commented by, byusing curly  brackets.  If  your  compilerdoes not support these, or are on  awkwardkey-shifts, (* and *) replace them.
   1 In  this  case  match  indicates  that  anobject does exist at  this location if SETto 1 but if set  to 0 then no objects havebeen found so "NOTHING"is printed.
   1 In  other  words,  writing  a  program  inPascal means that you plan  to  solve  theproblem before you start  working  on  thecomputer. The  planned  solution  is  thenrefined  and  refined  into  smaller   andsmaller details, until each stage  in  theprocess approximates to a procedure  whichcan be programmed. Then, and only then, isthe whole program entered.
   1 In  many  basics  this  is  very  easy  toprogram by using  LEFT$, RIGHT$,MID$. Alsothe INSTR$  function  is  one  of the mostusefull  string  functions  to  use  as itchecks a  whole  string  for  the specificword  you  want   to   find.  Perfect  foradventures ! Alas we have none of these sowe  willmake  do   with  good  old  Stringslicing using TO.
   1 Imaging everybody's surprise  when  AlbertHarper got a letter, dated 23rd  September1995 from Sherwood, regarding the Hall  ofShame!  Some  FOUR  MONTHS  on  from   theoriginal article (at time of writing) he'sonly just written to Albert about it!
   1 If, on the other hand, the statement   hadbeen:-0
   1 If, like me, you have a huge collection ofunlabelled4
   1 If, like me, you have  lots  of  books  oftype-in  BASIC  listings,  you  will  haveexperienced  the  phenomenon  whereby,  nomatter how  painstakingly  you  check  andrecheck the text on the page  against  thecharacters  on  the  screen,  the  programrefuses to run. This is  something  which,on the whole, affects Spectrum owners morethan other 8-bit owners, the reason  beingthat Spectrum BASIC (as the manual  admitsin   several
   1 If, by the way, you type in  the  keywordsas letters,  you'll  get  the  message  "CNonsense in BASIC". This  is  because  thejump is executed but the statement doesn'tmake  sense  (the  command   was   enteredwrongly - even the 128k editor "tokenises"entered commands when you hear the beep!).Jumping   to   statement   five
   1 If your a bit more serious,  then  go  forthe full version of Z80.B
   1 If you'd like to write to me,  my  addressis as follows:8
   1 If you would like to have a try at doing ademo and don't have the relevant  softwarethen write to me at the address at the endof this article, and I'll knock you  up  acopy of what could be termed  as  a  "DEMOMAKING KIT" with assembler,  monitor,  artpackage,
   1 If you want to swap programs or  write  tome about any subject  at  all,  my  luxurypenthouse is located at:l
   1 If you response was  to  type "GET THE OLDLEATHER CRICKET BALL" and the game refusedto accept it you  would  wonder why if youcan see it. The  KEY words in the sentenceare GET and BALL, VERB & NOUN.
   1 If you put down a 7, the direction of playchanges.2
   1 If you put down  an  8,  the  next  playermisses a turn. if you  put  down  two  8'sthen the other player will miss two  turns(two players), or the  other  two  playerswill each miss a turn (three players).  Soif the other players  are  all  missing  aturn, you can have two goes. i.e.  gettingto a point where you can't  put  any  morecards down, and then starting again.
   1 If you look at the  2nd,  16th,  30th  and37th bytes in the original table, you willnotice a pattern  ...  10,20,30,40.  Thesebytes are used to hold the low order  partof the line number, the preceeding byte isused for the higher order part.  The  nexttwo bytes in  the  line,  low  order  bytefirst this time, are  used  to  store  thelength of the line, excluding these  firstfour bytes.
   1 If you don't have a sound  card  connectedto your PC, I'm afraid your stuffed and   you will have to stick to buying/usingz
   1 If we now  RUN  our  program,  we'll  hearnothing. This is because the output is notyet enabled and the volume is at zero!z
   1 If this is  the  case  and  your  like  ismapped   out,   there   could   beL
   1 If they sell out to microsoft,  refuse  touse their service. Use other phone  lines,or  why  not  set  up  your   own   (free)internet, because  if  it's  free,  peoplewill   prefer   it.
   1 If the structure and  syntax  of  the  twolanguages are similar, it becomes simply amatter of translation of  learning  a  newvocabulary  but  then  applying  the  samerules. But there is also  the  case  wherethe difference between  the  languages  issuch that  to  some  extent  you  have  toforget all the rules you already know  andapply a new thought process.
   1 If the input is 0, the  output  is  1  andvice versa. (Any other number comes out aszero, including  negative  numbers).  WhenNOT is used in an IF - THEN statement,  itworks in exactly the same way:
   1 If a lot of objects are being carried tyoudon't  want  any  info  whizzing  off  thescreen before you can read it do you.y
   1 If GO  was  entered  before  the directionthen D$ will  contain  the first letter ofn$ which will be  N,S,E  or W otherwise itwill contain the  fist  letter of V$ whichwill be the  same.  This  means that GO isoptional but  we  need  to  check just thesame.
   1 IPD is  run  by  Paul  Howard  and  is  anextension of  his  software  house  ImpactSoftware. IPD will  stock  all  of  Paul'sgreat  new  titles,  plus  specialise   ingames, once again, many of which  suppliedfrom Alchemist Software.
   1 INVESTMENT: Further equipment in order  toprovide software on a  greater  number  ofdifferent mediums.  Back-up  machines  andinsurance to cover possible breakdowns.
   1 INVENTORY  to  list  the  objects  you arecarrying.3
   1 INVALID STATION. This is a network  error,despite the +D having no provision  for  anetwork! It occurs when  a  stream  numberoutside the normal range is used, eg  OPEN#99;"FILE" OUT.
   1 INVALID FILENAME. This should only  appearwhen  you  specify  a  filename  which  iseither an empty string or longer than  tencharacters.  However,  trying  to  load  acorrupted  file  which  is  still  on  thecatalogue often also produces this error -why this one I have no idea!  G+DOS  userswill come to hate this one.
   1 INVALID DEVICE. This will occur if,  whileusing microdrive syntax, you use a  letterother than the standard M. The reason  forhaving the letter in the first place is todifferentiate   between   microdrive   andnetwork  (*"N"),  but  the  latter   isn'tavailable on the +D anyway.
   1 INCIDENT, part of C4s sci-fi weekend,%
   1 IN WHICH YEAR...: `1
   1 IF A = 8 AND B > 4 THEN PRINT "A is#
   1 IF (1 AND (0 OR 1)) AND (1 AND NOT"
   1 IEBAestablishment, this can be found in  issue7 of 8BIT magazine, price `1.50.N
   1 I;" ";: NEXT I
   1 I've tried converting snaps to  load  withSPANSPEC (theres only  one  snap  providedwith this emulator, and thats in  BASIC  &spanish) but it does'nt seem to work.
   1 I've been sorting through my speccy  stuffand in order to get some room in my room Ihave to sell the following, so please helpme keep my room sparce!!! BTW  all  pricesinclude UK postage
   1 I've been fortunate  to  see  Paul's  workfrom the  beginning,  and  from  the  veryfirst draft manuscript he sent, I've  beenhooked. Paul's writing captivates you fromthe opening sentence and keeps you gaspingfor more until you reach the  final  page.Keep a close eye on his name, as I am surethat in the future, you'll see it adorningthe  cover  of  the  latest  best  sellingpaperback.
   1 I've  moved  house   after   my   previousarticles, by the way. My new residence  isvery nice, especially  the  padded  walls,but unfortunately the butler who  puts  onmy jacket for me always gets it the  wrongway around! Tsk, tsk. At least I've got  aSpeccy to type away on...
   1 I've  been  asked  to   comment   on   thediscussion of PD on the Spectrum,  and  inparticular to quotes from Martyn Sherwood,as featured in AN 17.
   1 I'm going to stop doing my +3  column,  togive some of the other (and newer)  peoplea  chance  to  shine.  (Well,  that's  theofficial version anyway)  Also,  there  isthe fact that I really  can't  fathom  outquite how the Formatting  works,  cos  I'mjust s
   1 I'll leave it to  you  to  decide  whetherthis latest change is  good  or  bad,  butI'll end with a now revised old saying:{
   1 I'll leave  you  all  to  ponder  that,  Ithink... (Remember - when in  doubt,  justcount  the  number  of   bytes   in   eachexpression.)
   1 I'd just like to start  by  talking  aboutthe internet. I know  that  everyone  elsehas done this already, but I probably  seeit  differently  to  all   other   people.Anyway, here I'll start by making  a  boldproclamation:
   1 I wrote this article in good faith, and onan assurance from Mr Davis, that my name  would not be disclosed (so that I would'nthave to be writing articles explaining my position, like this!).
   1 I wrote an article in AN 10b, about my&
   1 I wish you luck!
   1 I will now run  the loader again, but thistime I will let it  load both blocks 0 and1 - to discover  where  the first block ofthe section begins.  I  will  need to testfor D  holding  the  value  of  1,  else Iincrement D and JP (HL), not forgetting topoke FF15 with  A  at  the beginning of myroutine.
   1 I want nothing to do with this dispute,   and so if writers should include my name  in an article in connection with the Prismpd dispute or even with my article in
   1 I tryed this by  converting  a  couple  of.Z80 snaps to the JPP  format,  and  vice versa, and am pleased to  say  it  worked,and I was able to load snaps into JPP madeby other emulators.
   1 I tryed a snap version of AN17, and am&
   1 I told you towards the beginning that fivebytes  are  poked  to  the  printer bufferbefore calling the second loader, however,this must have been used in later versionsof the loader as  this  one uses the A, BCand  DE  registers  directly.  It  doesn'treally matter, though, as long as you, thehacker, are aware of what is what.
   1 I thought that since this  was  the  firsttips section(and  the  fact  that  no  onewrote to me with any suggestions)  that  Iwould give  some  tips  for  last  issue'sreviews. These are just a few tips to helpyou get started in case you are stuck.
   1 I think the matter  of  the  HD  disks  istrivial, and if you say you had  problems,so be it. I am still surprised though,  asi've never had any problems on the  PC  or+D with HD disks. The reason I use them isbecause I get them cheap or  free  from  acontact. If  you  really  wanted  to  sendsoftware, you could of at least sent  someon the cassette I suppled.
   1 I suppose a  better  way  to  describe  itwould be like putting each  of  the  threefiles on  seperate  disks  (oh-oh,  soundslike a Prism plot!). Why do this when  youcan put them all on one?
   1 I stand by that article, in which I was   critical of Prism pd.?
   1 I shall not  be  making  any  comments  orreports because I feel I  no  longer  needto. Your recent activities  prove  this  -trying to continue an  argument  some  sixmonths old is proof  enough  to  show  youhaven't anything better to  do.  You  havebecome obsessed with the whole incident  -most likely because I have cost  you  manycustomers, and your  job  at  Bradby  BoysClub. Another example  is  your  obsessionwith your opinion on HD disks -  a  matteryou would not let drop with  Mark  Harris,and now Marcus Prichard.
   1 I personally cannot see  any  other  groupwhich  Sherwood  is  having  a   sly   andcowardly dig at. When I was  contacted  byone or two customers who had  recieved  noword from Bill about some orders, I  spoketo Bill's son and told him  not  to  worryand that I would pass the  message  aroundto avoid any further strain on the family.In case any of you are wondering,  I  havesince spoke to Bill and he is well on  theroad to recovery.
   1 I once saw a computer program for the  BBCMicro called "Test Your Psi-Q". It was  intwo parts: Precognition and  Clairvoyance.In the former, you had to guess (erm, workout!) the computer's decisions  before  itmade them; in the latter, you had to  readthe computer's  mind  (!)  and  say  whichdecision it had made. This could easily bedone on the  Speccy  but  I  can  see  whynobody's ever bothered to! As one reviewerrightly
   1 I no more run a business than  a  footballfan  who  writes  a  fanzine   about   hissupported team.c
   1 I just thought I'd put fingers to keys andtap this open letter to  every  reader  ofAlchNews!]
   1 I inluded the  following lines while doingthe basic coding.;
   1 I hope this  has  whetted  your appetite alitle.0
   1 I hope they both welcome this fair, and   more importantly NEUTRAL stance that IP
   1 I hope that this text sets the record%
   1 I have written to Mr Sherwood  asking  foran  explaination  of  these   comments   -especially in view of the fact we made  itquite  clear  we  were  very  happy   withAlchnews in writing when he asked  us  forcomments.
   1 I have since  been  in  touch  with  thoselisted in the Hall  of  Shame,  expressinghow Sherwood has  distorted  the  originalarticle,  and  should  anyone   have   anycomplaint with me, as he  claims  that  13(or is it 20?!) have, to get in touch withme personally. Nobody will be surprised tohear that no-one has lodged  a  complaint,only Joyce Cook  replied  to  get  furtherdetails and she has not made  a  complaintsince!
   1 I have no connection with Prism Pd, only  with AlchNews.8
   1 I found that by creating a work  directory(eg. TEMP), directing .TAP  files  to  andfrom there, you could use TRANSIT to  copythe entire contents of a +D disk  to  thisarchive (using DISK TO TAPE). Now,  formatany floppy disk and copy  the  files  overfrom the TEMP directory  to  your  floppy.Hey presto, a 1.44MB disk full of Spectrumfiles,
   1 I first hacked  this  game  some years agowhen it was first  released and only owneda basic Spectrum at the time and wasn't upon any the 128  machines ... Having lookedat the code of the game, it appears a testis made to see what  type of machine it isrunning in, so I'm off to load the back-upcopy I made all those years ago into my +3to see how  differently  the game plays orsounds!
   1 I expect  the  majority  of  you  may havefound  what  I  outlined  very  hard goingindeed, though, as I  said at the time, ifyou are to become  a  hacker, the skill todisassemble and modify loading systems areessential.
   1 I don't relish  the  change  of  miles  toKilometres,  but  maybe  getting  rid   ofounces and pounds is  better.  A  base  10weights system is far easier to  remember,even if we don't know the  equivalents  atthe moment.
   1 I don't give a toss how PC  and  Amiga  PDlibraries run their concerns, or  to  whatguidelines. Chances  are  you'll  find  PDlibraries for these computers  that  don'tgive a toss either! And I know which  onesI would want to subscribe to!
   1 I do  not  expect  software  libraries  toprovide titles for free. What I do  expectthem to do is keep their word, whether  inadvertising or in  personal  letter.  Freemeans just that -  with  no  money  to  becharged for the product. Of  course  thereare  exceptions  to  this,  such  as  whenbrought with a  another  product,  requiesdisks to be supplied, copying  charges  tobe paid, but these must be  be  stated  atthe time of the advert. They must be  alsostated clearly, and unambiguously!
   1 I can't seem to load snaps, it needs to bedone with  a  seperate  prog  which  loadsSPANSPEC & then the snap.m
   1 I believe  you  snubbed  me  because  suchphrases as 'Deplorable  (actions)',  'Feelfree to try  elsewhere',  'You  complainedbehind my back', etc. are openly  hostile,and  discourage  /  prevent   any   futuretransactions.
   1 I am writing  to  give  notice  that  fromissue 18 - December 1995 - of AlchNews,  Ishall no longer be featuring a section  onyour activities.
   1 I am using my converted version of Tasword128 for the +D, commonly known as  Tasword128+D. This allows  me  to  load  OPENTYPEfiles from a +D disk. The only problem  isthat it won't let me save  them  for  somestrange reason.
   1 I am prepared to  stick  by  my  word  andfeature no further information.  By  doingso, it will only strengthen my  good  nameand honourable intentions. If only you haddone the same and not lied to Johan Koningwhen you had the opportunity to  end  thismatter,   you   may   have   gained   morepopularity. Then there was the time when Imade the suggestion of  a  joint  silence.Whoever broke it first  would  close  downtheir operation. You were too  gutless  toeven give that a try.
   1 I am positive that the letter cannot  havebeen  miscontrued  but  we  shall   see!!.Depending on the outcome we may also printa piece in the next newsletter."
   1 I am not about to describe all the variousroutines of  this  loading  system to you,though, if  you  are  interested,  why notdisassemble it for yourselves and work outwhat does what?
   1 I am a big fan  of  the  X-Files  (I  havebooks and posters from the series all overthe place!) and I think some coder  shouldmake a Speccy computer game of  it,  whereyou have to solve a case (well, they neverquite solve cases, do they?) or something,based on an episode maybe. They could  usemy digitised screens coloured on  the  ArtStudio. I've even done the  title  on  theSpeccy  (the  blotchy  X  stamp!)  for  noparticular reason. It's  better  than  theOuter Limits because in that, there  isn'tso much mystery  and  the  characters  aredifferent each time. Anyone want  to  takeon the task of making the game? I'd do  itmyself but I only know BASIC!
   1 I  will  now   load   in  "Rick1"  to  itsintended address  and  alter  a  couple ofbytes. I will tell  you what I am changingand why.
   1 I  know,  how  about  a  lottery  plan  toincrease   your   winnings!   This   one'scopyright of me, though, so if you win youmust send me, eeerm, 10% of the money!
   1 I  am   the   first   to   admit  that  myprogramming skills  are  not  the best andyou can probably do better , much better !But they do  work  , are easily understoodand are very flexible.
   1 Hulme Lane
   1 However,its a  bit  like  using  those oldGame designers  to  write  a  game. Theresnothing quite  like  a  bit  of Creativitythat you can at  the  end  of the day callall your own  work. Also programming seemsto be a dying art especially in boring oldbasic.
   1 However, in a survey of the most popular  PC  games  software  sold  last  year,  itemerged that the  best  selling  piece  ofsoftware was the speccy emulator!.
   1 However, having replied to Mr Sherwoods   letter, Mr Sherwood forwarded the factP
   1 However, based on my one time experience  with Prism pd, I chose to take my custom  elsewhere, namely to Alchemist research & Mr Davis whom I regard as offering a
   1 However, I must  thank  you  for  being  aworthy adversary in this entire matter. Ithas been most enthralling and challenging,not to mention extremely fun! Plus,  thereare the many customers  of  yours  I  havegained.  I  believe  that  you  have  verylittle chance of recovering what you  havelost. Then again, you didn't have much  tobegin with did you? From  the  moment  youtook over Total PD and launched PD  Power,you  made  the  mistake  of  selling  poorquality  software,  printing   unjustifiedarticles,  and   lying   to   cover   yourmistakes.  Perhaps  you  would  be  bettersuited in working in another  area,  sinceit is clear you have no positive  role  tooffer in the Spectrum world!
   1 However,  we  all  know  Chris  from   hisexcellent Spectrum programs  and  I  doubtany +3 user doesn't own,  and  depend  on,his utilities.
   1 However!,  the   shareware   Z80   does'ntsupport tape!, so if you plan  to  convertyour own software to run on Z80,  buy  thefull version.
   1 How new AlchNews logo was made:   AN9%
   1 How AR is run:
   1 How  petty  can  you  get?  It   certainlycontradicts his claim that he has  a  goodnature. What about all  the  programs  TheUnited Minds supplied which help  run  hislibrary and line his pockets?
   1 Hopefully I'll get some time to do  a  fewreturn visits in 1996.@
   1 Hooches. <Keith Chegwin? Ed.>
   1 History of Computing (ii):
   1 History of Computing (i):
   1 History of AlchNews, issues 1-9:  AN9%
   1 Hisoft Basic and Compilers:
   1 His muscles stopped twitching and he hearda rush of blood  in  his  ears  which  wasaccompanied by visions of his  past,  thenhe felt light, he opened his eyes to  findthat he was sitting about a foot above hisbody, with his legs swinging below him.
   1 His letter complains about  INDUG  renewalpractices and  also  that  he's  currentlyhelped Bill Richardson of  EEC  after  hisheart illness. Sherwood says "I heard thatsome magazine had given him  grief  duringhis illness which I  find  a  disgrace.  Acase of money first with some people."
   1 His letter also makes a further attack  onMarcus  Prichard.  Sherwood   claims:   Ofcourse,  feel  free  to  tell  Davis  thisletter  carries  no  restrictions.   Davisthough, cannot be  relied  upon  to  printletters in their entirety. The last one heincluded  from  Prichard  was  cut   shortmissing   2   vital
   1 His body, along  with  his  severed  limbswere rushed  into  an  operating  theatre,'Please let them be able to fix me up'  hesaid as he watched.
   1 His body was being lifted out of  the  vanby now, the ambulance-men had  no  troublefreeing him from his seat and now he couldsee the extent of the damage to  his  bodyas it lay lifeless on the stretcher.  Bothhis legs had been severed off  just  belowthe  knee  and  his  right  arm  was  justholding on with a  piece  of  muscle,  'Ohshit !, my god !,' he wanted to cry again,seeing his body in this  state,  'how  thehell can I live like this ?, I  hope  theycan put me back together  well  enough  sothat I  can  do  the  same  to  Mr  bloodyWhitehouse !' with that he lay down on thestretcher and fell into his body.
   1 Hilton Court
   1 Here, you wouldn't be using VAL  just  forthe 'A' (variables have  no  hidden  bytesafter  them,  so  it  doesn't   make   anydifference memory-wise, whether they're ina VAL or not), and since SGN PI is shorterthan a VAL, it's  better  to  use  SGN  PIinstead, i.e.:-
   1 Here,  there  are  two  aspects  to  thinkabout:  should  we   enclose   the   wholeexpression in a VAL, including the  1;  orwould it be  better  to  go  for  INT  VAL"RND*6"+SGN  PI,  and  get  rid   of   thebrackets. While SGN PI may take two  bytesas opposed to 1's one (if  I  may  put  itthat way!), this is outweighed by the two-byte saving achieved  through  eliminatingthe   brackets   -   making   the   latterpreferable.
   1 Here,  the  situation  would   have   beendifferent: 8, unlike 1, can't be expressedin two bytes:  VAL  "8"  is  the  shortestform: a  FOUR-byte  expression.  This  nowtips the scales in favour of  keeping  thebrackets (a two-byte deficit),  and  doingaway with the  second  VAL  (a  three-bytegain), i.e.:-
   1 Here's an explanation. Remember  that  NOTany non-zero number is zero, and NOT  zerois one. If N is one, NOT NOT 1 = NOT  0  =1. If N is zero, NOT NOT 0 = NOT  1  =  0.But if N has a different value, say 7, NOTNOT 7 = NOT 0 = 1, and 7 is not  equal  to1! Credit for such a clever  routine  goesto me! (Applause).
   1 Here's a thought, someone in a  back  roomin  twickenham  should  write   a   64-bitOperating   system   forl
   1 Here we are  just  checking all conditionsthat  will  jump  to  our  object handlingroutine.\
   1 Here are a few lines of Basic  to  do  thejob of loading the registers, as above.Q
   1 Hello, ready for the next bit ?
   1 Hello again  and  welcome  to  the  secondAlchventures page. Plenty to  get  excitedabout  this  time  as  Zenobi   has   justreleased  some  new  titles!  So   withoutfurther ado let's take a look at them...
   1 Hello Gerbils and germs and welcome to theboringly named ** Adventure Spot ** TMP
   1 He wound the window back up, 'I don't needanymore fresh  air  now,  i'm  wide  awakeafter that',  he  left  the  radio  on  tolisten to the road news,  hoping  that  hewould'nt end up in a jam or have to take adetour. The traffic report said  that  theroad would be clear, but there were  majorroadworks  starting  tommorow  on  the  M1south, 'Oh great, just what  I  need,  i'moff to Whales tommorow, i'll have  to  setout early, AGAIN !. No sod it !, i'll ringin and leave a message  on  the  answeringmachine, they'll have to send  some  otherpoor sod, there's no way i'm  getting  outof bed before dinner  time  tommorrow,  helooked  at  the  clock  on  the  dashboardagain, 12:17 am, 'or should  I  say  today!'.
   1 He woke up on the recovery ward, the  painhad  subsided  a  lot  and  he  found   itbearable. He looked at  his  shoulder,  itlooked as if his arm had been sewn back onbecause of the bandaged sausage that  hungthere. 'What about my legs ?' he  said  ashe lifted the sheet, hoping  to  find  hislegs bandaged up,  'Oh  shit  !'  he  saiddismayed, his legs were bandaged, but onlyto just below his knee, from there the bedwas empty.
   1 He watched as the other man stood  lookingdown at himself, 'This dream gets  wierderby the minute'  he  giggled  as  his  legsdissapeard, Ste thought about letting  himdissapear altogether, but he thought 'Thatwould be an easy way out for him, let  himsuffer without legs for the  rest  of  hislife, not to mention no money or friends',He jammed his own cord into  the  hole  inthe mans head and held it in place  for  acouple of seconds. 'When you  wake  up  inthe morning, I think you'll  realise  thiswas'nt such a good dream after all'.
   1 He was still sat on the floor sobbing whenthe police and the ambulance arrived,  thepolice-men took the driver  to  thier  carand the ambulance-men scurried around  hisvan, he never noticed when some of the menpassed right through him, he just sat  andwatched as they rushed around him, gettingall  sorts  of  equipment   out   of   theambulance, until one of them shouted 'He'sstill alive, barely breathing, and a  veryweak pulse but still alive.
   1 He told them that  when  he  saw  the  carapproaching, rather than slowing down  andavoiding  it,  he  speeded  up  and  aimedstraight for it, he wanted to kill himselfand the driver of the other car because hefelt like it and he did'nt like  the  lookof the driver. He also made it very  clearthat the driver of the other  car  was  aninnocent victim and he did'nt  deserve  tobe punished anymore, just because  he  wasrich it does'nt make him  responsible  andhe was telling the truth in court.
   1 He stood up and turned  to  face  the  carthat had hit him. The car did'nt look halfas bad as his van did  and  he  could  seemovement in the drivers  seat.  He  walkedtowards  the  car  expecting  to  see  thedriver injured, when he reached  the  doorhe looked in and saw the driver was  stillconsciuos, he had a little  blood  on  hishead, but otherwise he looked alright.
   1 He started to walk along the road  towardsHigh Top Road, it was'nt far away, just  acouple of miles. 'At this rate it'll  takeme about half an hour  to  get  there'  hethought 'I wish I could jump on a  bus  orsomething to get me there  quicker',  justas he thought that he realised that he wasno longer outside the hospital, but at thejunction of High Top Road in the rich sideof the town. 'Bloody hell, that was  quick!' he thought as he looked around. He  sawa sign on the corner of a road which  readHIGH TOP CRESENT. 'That's where I want  tobe !'he said to himself, and in  a  secondhe was stood in the cresent, in the middleof a row of high class buildings.
   1 He started to dream and within a couple ofhours he  was  aware  that  his  body  wassleeping, he started  to  imagine  himselfsitting upright on the bed and placing hisfeet on the floor, although  his  body  nolonger had feet, his "spirit" did. He feltas though his muscles had a mind of  thierown as they began to twitch, he ached  allover,  but  it  was  a  comfortable  ache,almost pleasant and a bit tingly.
   1 He reached for the handle, and was sure hehad it when he tried to lift it, his  handjust came up without touching anything, helooked down at the handle and made anothergrab for it. This time he saw his  fingersjust go through the handle as if it was'ntthere, he dissmissed it and put  his  handthrough  the  open  window  to  grab   thedriver, who was now  staring  through  hisbroken windscreen at the wreckage of Ste'svan.
   1 He passed straight through the door,  thenthrough a couple of  walls  until  he  wasoutside. The early morning air  must  havebeen cold, he knew  this  because  of  thesteam billowing out of an air vent at  theside of the hospital, but he  did'nt  feelcold, nor was he warm, he was just right.
   1 He looked at the nearest house to himself,'Number 16, that means number  64  is  allthe way at the top, I  want  to  be  therenow'he knew that if he thought  about  it,he would somehow  be  transported  to  thetop, which he was. He  looked  around  andsaw the house he was looking for.
   1 He lists a contact address as :- 
   1 He leaned his head towards the cold  nightair blowing through the window and let  itblow in his eyes thinking that  the  freshair might make them less heavy, instead itjust made them water and he  had  to  holdthe wheel with one hand  whilst  he  wipedhis eyes with the back of his other.
   1 He knew where  to  find  the  man  he  wasafter, the room with the biggest  door  atthe end of the balcony. He walked  throughthe door and saw Mr Whitehouse sprawled ontop  of  his   four-poster   bed   amongstnewspapers and magazine  articles  tellingof his innocence,  there  was  a  polishedsilver tray at the bottom of the bed  witha  bit  of  white  dust  spread  over  it.'Celebrating were you. You think  you  gotaway with it ?, not a bloody chance !' Stethrust his hand into the  mans  chest,  hefelt what he was looking  for,  the  man'sspirit. He grabbed it and yanked him out.
   1 He has also  put  pressure  on  Albert  bymentioning he  would  become  involved  inpossible  legal  action.   When   Sherwoodmentioned this to Brian Gaff,  it  cut  noice, as we discussed  exactly  what  legalaction  he  could  bring!  Both  AlchemistResearch  and  Prism  are  not  registeredbusinesses, only hobby groups!
   1 He had'nt seen any  accidents,  nor  othercars as he turned into the exit slip-road,much to his relief. 'Bed here I come !' hesaid as he turned onto the main road,  tenminutes away from home and a  good  nightsrest, after he'd phoned work and told themhe did'nt get home until 3am, it was  onlya slight exaggeration, as it was coming upto 1:15 am now, he thought it only fair toadd an hour or so for  his  troubles,  andhis near miss that was caused by him beingtired.
   1 He gave up after a short while and fell tothe floor, sobbing that he did'nt want  tobe dead, he did'nt deserve to be dead  andvowing that he would get the  driver  backif it took him until the end of eternity.
   1 He felt his whole body lurch forward,  andthe next thing he knew was that he was outof his seat on the road  between  the  nowmangled remains of his  van  and  the  redcar. He did'nt feel any pain  now  and  helooked down at his body to see that he wasintact, there was'nt a scratch on him,  noblood  and  no  bruises,  he  was   totalyconfused  by  this  and  started  to  prodhimself, 'Surely I must have an injury  ofsome sort' he said feeling his head  whereit had banged on the  steering  wheel,  'Idon't believe it !, I  came  out  of  thatwithout a mark on my body !'.
   1 He felt aware of his surroundings and  theintense pain all over his body, he  openedhis eyes, the blood had been  wiped  away,he was back in  his  body,  the  pain  wassharp in his legs and arm, he could  stillfeel them even though they were no  longerattached, 'Oh god help me  !'  he  shoutedbefore passing out due to the pain.
   1 He drove on thinking about what message hecould leave, about his near miss  and  howthe  driver  of  the  other   car   had'ntbothered to slow down and check everythingwas ok. He thought about it  for  a  whileand realised that he had'nt seen  the  carbefore wiping his eyes, then  suddenly  itwas  behind  him  approaching  at  a  fairspeed, 'That bloody idiot must  have  beenhitting  ninety,  maybe  a   hundred.   Itwould'nt suprise me  if  I  see  that  carsplattered all over the  road  further  onwith the driver a  few  hundred  yards  infront, plastered to the back of a lorry'.
   1 He could see his local pub was doing afterhours again as he passed, 'Frank has  morepeople in there when he should have closedthan  he  does  during  legal  hours'   helaughed to himself.
   1 He came round in the ambulance, just as itarrived at  the  hospital,  the  pain  wasstill there but, even  though  it  felt  alittle number than  before  it  was  stillagony. He looked around the ambulance  andcould see that they had found his legs andput them in a container filled with fluid.'He's come round again !' the man said whowas at his side, 'I can't believe that  hecould be concious  after  that,  he's  onehell of a fighter !'.
   1 He calmed down a bit and continued on  hisjourney at a safe sixty  miles  per  hour,'only forty or so minutes and i'll be  offthis bloody motorway  and  headed  up  themain road to home !' he said taking a deepbreath.
   1 He also attacks Miles for illegally  usingthe trademark FREEWARE  in  his  programs.Almost ALL of  the  programs  featured  inOUTLET have the mark 'FREEWARE'  on  them.Is he going to have a go at them too?
   1 He  was  feeling  pretty  exhausted  afterdriving from Inverness with just one  stopfor fuel and a cup of coffee, so he  woundthe window down  about  three  inches  andturned the radio on to keep him  awake  atthe wheel.
   1 Having saved off all the code of the firstsection, I can  now  turn  my attention toaddress 5D58 and  onwards  that deals withloading in the other two sections.
   1 Having loaded the entire section in, I cantell you that the main body of code beginsat address CF00 and  the  final byte of itwas loaded to FBFF.
   1 Have you ever wondered what  the  computerdoes with a program when you type  it  in?You probably know that it stores it  in  aspecial area of memory reserved for  BASICprograms, but how do you know where it is,and do you know  what  the  program  lookslike when it is converted  into  somethingthe computer can understand?
   1 Harrier,Surfchamp, Testmatch 128, Universal  Hero,Vendetta, Spectrum + user tapeP
   1 HACKERS CORNER - Part 3
   1 Grindleton
   1 Greatful appreciation must go out  to  allwho helped in the production of this  finepublication. Notable thanks must go to:{
   1 Great A'Tuin's younger
   1 Got one? Good, I can now continue."
   1 Going back to the NOT command, here  is  ashort program which asks for an input  butonly accepts it if it is either  0  or  1.This  could  have  been   done   in   manydifferent ways, but see if  you  can  spothow it works.
   1 Glasgow G60 5NQ
   1 Giving away titles  with  every  order  isdown to the individual Librarian. It  thencomes down to the individual  customer  ofany PD library; if they consider they  getwhat they pay for then so be it, otherwisethey seek out cheaper and better  services(yes,  even  on  the  Spectrum).  Look  atIMPACT PD run by Paul Howard,  he  chargesabsolutely NOTHING and good for him!
   1 Gives you  a  break  to  go  and watch theSound of Music anyway .A
   1 Gigantic computer club, boasting at  leastnine different interet groups, including anew computer music and MIDI group.v
   1 Gerrards Cross
   1 George Imrie
   1 Gastackerstrasse 33
   1 Gastackerstrasse 23
   1 GOODWILL: Costs nothing but it's pricelessif you lose it due to acting like a  Grade"A" prat.]
   1 GO plus NORTH/SOUTH/EAST  or WEST."
   1 GI Games Collection Vol 1
   1 GET TAKE and DROP (to handle the objects))
   1 G O O D   G R I E F 
   1 Furthermore, from now, I will not enter   into ANY correspondence on this subject,  (whether it be by phone, letter, fax,y
   1 Further more I hope that I will remain on good terms with Mr Davis AND Mr Sherwood, despite taking both of them to task onz
   1 Fundamentally  this  is  because  of   thedifference in thought  processes  requiredfor LOGO, since  the  vocabulary  is  muchsimpler than BASIC. LOGO is  a  much  morestructured language  than  most  forms  ofBASIC, and  it  encourages  you  to  adoptstructured thought patterns.  (Of  course,BBC BASIC has the capability  for  equallystructured  forms,   but   there   is   noparticular need to adopt them at an  earlystage as there is in LOGO.)
   1 Full justice can't really  be  done  to  atopic as complicated as memory-saving in asingle short article, so  in  this  follow-up,  we'll  be  exploring  some  of   theprinciples in greater  depth.  In  a  realprogram,  there  are   often   conflictingconsiderations to be taken  into  account,which the cut-and-dried  examples  in  thefirst article,  didn't  fully  bring  out.It's often more a matter of balancing  onefactor  against   another,   rather   thanrigidly adhering to any fixed rule.
   1 From now on the ONLY restriction placed onmy PD is that NONE of them are altered  inANY way without MY permission  in  writingfirst (this restriction  applies  to  bothBASIC loaders and actual CODE files).
   1 From Alchemist Software or
   1 Frequently asked questions:
   1 Four lines doesn't seem very much does it?*
   1 Fountain  PD   now   stocks   the   entireAlchemist  Software  collection.  Programsare just 10p each, fonts 5p! See elsewherein this issue for more details.
   1 Fortransportability, just select drive  A  asyour tapefile directory, and you will havea pseduo tape-disk  drive,  as  it  thinksit's saving to tape but  is  saving  to  afloppy disk!
   1 For those raised on one language, learninganother may come easily, or it may requirea more dedicated  effort.  The  differenceisn't only down to the individual it  alsohas to do with  the  relationship  betweenthe two languages.
   1 For those of you with the  +D  version  ofTasword, you  will  find  that  trying  toprint causes Tasword to crash. There is  asimple way around it.
   1 For the purposes of this section this willbe limited to :9
   1 For the benefit of Sherwood,   who  claimsthat I don't publish the full facts,  hereis the last letter from Marcus Prichard toSherwood IN FULL:
   1 For one time only I am going to start my  section with a brief (I hope!) report on asituation that has unfortunately netted menamely, the Prism Pd dispute.
   1 For more information on Register  7,  readthe  previous  part  of  this  feature  inAlchNews 16. The  easiest  way  to  handlethese bitwise commands from  basic  is  totake 255 as your "nil" value, and SUBTRACTthe following numbers from it to reach thevalue you want:
   1 For a number of months now, the coverage  of Prism Pd in this mag has grown to the  extent that I no longer read it, thex
   1 For   more
   1 Flight Simulation ZX81
   1 Flight Simulation
   1 Firstly, if you care  to look at the startof this loader, the  main screen stream isopened by loading the  A register with twoand then  calling  'CHAN-OP-1',  a channelopening routine in the  48K ROM, which canbe left alone,  but  note  that 'DF SZ' ispoked with a zero!
   1 First set up a variable
   1 First of all, the night started  out  likethis:  We  went  to  Whiskey   Joes   (thenightclub), and we weren't allowed to  getin! This wasn't because I'm not 18 yet, itwas because Dok felt silly enough to  weartrainers! Argh! So we had to  go  back  toDok's house so he could put on his  shoes.Then, we finally got  into  Whiskey's  andthen Dok, being the nice nice person  thathe is, paid for  a  crate-load  of  booze,(SAP!), which I drank,<Ha! Hoopers  Hooch!Girl drink! .DOK>, which I got  completelyout of  my  face  on  actually,along  withabout 3 Havana Clubs which are REALLY COOLVODKA THINGYS and also 2 Millers which wasa total of about
   1 First I'll draw any screens that are to beused in the demo.  Then  I  compress  them(using MIKROPOLS screen compressor).  Nextcomes the compilation  of  the  ST  song/sthat I'm going to use.  I  then  code  theINTERUPT routine to call  all  the  timingcritical  routines  (music  play  routine,scrollers, FX etc.) to HIGH memory. Next Iwrite the text for the  scrollers  in  thedemo. After writing the text I  write  theactual control program for the demo.  Nextit is time to bolt all the  bits  of  codetogether and save it out as one LONG blockof code.  Finally  I  compress  the  wholedemo/part into one small block, ready  forthe BASIC loader to be  written  prior  toactual release. Just before I release it Isend it on to a few personal friends for abit of feedback. If the feedback  is  goodthen I release the demo.  If  it  is  bad,then I USUALLY re-write it and repeat  theprocess.  Finally,  when  it  is   TOTALLYcomplete, I send it to  the  PD  librariesthat  I  PERSONALLY  recommend  (ALCHEMISTRESEARCH, FOUN
   1 First Division manager
   1 First BetaDOS bug fix:
   1 First  of  all,  while   working   on   myjust-finished project "Notepad +D" I  cameacross an odd bug  involving  the  SCREEN$command. Apart  from  its  common  use  infiling  (eg  SAVE  "pic"  SCREEN$),   thiscommand can be used to read characters offthe screen in  the  same  way  ATTR  readscolours - but graphics  count  as  a  nullstring "" when  read  via  this  function.Anyway, my routine was used  to  read  thescreen contents (all text) into the stringvariable Z$. The line I used was somethinglike this:
   1 Finally, try a string array:
   1 Finally, it should be pointed out the Z80 has a lot more technical features than JPPso the teccies  out  there  will  probablylove Z80!.
   1 Finally, here's a little teaser. Take  thestatement:-5
   1 Finally, here is something really funny  -I won't tell you what it does, but it onlyworks on a  Spectrum  +2A.  Go  into  128kBASIC and try the following two statements(they must be used outside of  a  program,ie typed in directly):
   1 Finally, DAVID LEDBURY of Sam Prime has  awide range of Spectrum software  for  saleranging  from   budgets   to   big   boxedclassics. I've seen this collection and itis absolutely priceless! For more details,send an SAE to:
   1 Finally,  AND  can  be  used  instead   ofIF-THEN when in conjunction with a string.For example:m
   1 Ferry Groothedde, SCB
   1 Ferry Groothedde
   1 Fearing  that  his  career  may   have   apremature ending Rodney calls  you  in  tohelp. The first thing  to  do  is  cast  aspell
   1 FOR O=0 TO 31:LET Y$=SCREEN$ (N,O):#
   1 FOR O=0  TO  31:LET  Z$=Z$+SCREEN$  (N,O):NEXT O:NEXT N:PRINT Z$@
   1 FOR N=10 TO 0 STEP -1:PRINT N:NEXT N$
   1 FOR I=23755 TO 23755+40: PRINT PEEK#
   1 FEAR NOT! spectrum lovers, do not dispair,for even  after  the  speccy,  the  speccylives on!.^
   1 F.  Ridout  is  still  selling  an  UNUSEDMultiface 128 with a copy of Lifeguard for`15. He is also  looking  for  a  completelist of EPSON Printer  control  codes  andcommands if anyone can help. Please  writeto:
   1 Exeter Crown Court heard that his bugs arestill causing havoc and his  textfiles  onhow to make undetectable,  custom  virusesare in  worldwide  circulation  and  couldcause incalculable further damage.
   1 Exclusive story by roving
   1 Every word is  true...  Well,  apart  from"bloke". That had to be edited slightly...T
   1 Ever since  the  day  the  magazine  "YOURCOMPUTER" called it  a  day  back  in  the80's, there has never been a multi  formatmagazine available. A few tried to emulateit's success, and a  number  of  magazinesstill do cover more than one machine -  infact, you'd probably be  hard  pressed  tofind one that  doesn't  today.  But,  truemulti formats magazines haven't made  muchof a success.
   1 Ever Wonder why?
   1 Especially big thanx  to  ANDY  D. for theloan of  the  books.Sorry  I  had  them solong but they were a big help. <Thats  ok.I really will get  round  to  sending  thephotocopies I promised soon. Ed.>
   1 Ernastrasse 33
   1 Er,, well, it seems to show  the  spectrumscreen, but it's  all  in  spanish,  so  Ican't understand a word of it!.s
   1 Er, hello. You're probably wondering why Ithink  you  should  be  interested  in  myopinions on psychic phenomena.  So  am  I!Anyway, lots of other writers for AlchNewshave been writing (typing?) about strange,spooky occurrences, and  my  qualificationfor  joining  in  is  that  I  like   "TheX-Files"  and  "The  Outer  Limits"!   I'musually a bit of a sceptic when  it  comesto things like this.  Okay,  on  with  theshow...
   1 Enigma 42 column shell:
   1 Enduro Racer
   1 End letter.
   1 Elite: Hacking game and files:
   1 Elite: Adding a new font:
   1 Edited by Phil Glaves
   1 Edited by Allie Weston
   1 East Sussex
   1 East  to room  1  the kitchen
   1 Each 'page'  of  screen  data  requires  acertain amount of memory. How much  memoryyou need varies, because the more  coloursyou use and the higher the  resolution  ofthe  graphics,  the   amount   of   memoryrequired for each screen is greater. Thereare in any case severe memory restrictionson some home computers, depending  on  ageand model, and  the  only  way  to  employpaged graphics on  these  is  to  restricteach screen of graphics to a  fraction  ofthe  normal  depth  -  a  third  or   lessperhaps. Also,  it's  often  necessary  tosacrifice colours and resolution.
   1 ENJOY IT!It  can  be  quite  a  rewarding   pastime(though NOT in the financial sense)!W
   1 END OF FILE. Identical to  Spectrum  error8, but applies to the +D rather  than  themicrodrive. Again,  this  can  occur  withcorrupted  files,  but   is   more   oftenencountered when you try to INPUT  #  froman OPEN  file  from  which  all  data  hasalready been read.
   1 ELECTRICITY: Spectrums, Monitors,  Drives,Tape decks, Printers, all  use  plenty  ofthis!Y
   1 E$ stands for E xits
   1 Due to a deterioration in Brian's  health,BG Services will be run as a  hobby  only,dealing with only the Z80 Emulator.  Thereare still a few  bits  of  Spectrum  stuffremaining,   including   cheap
   1 Drum machines, on the other hand, are pre-programmed to provide a  rhythmic  backingwithout the interevention of a  performer.But these, too, come within the  range  ofsynthesizers.   Until
   1 Double Agent- If you are having trouble atthe start be sure and make the two  agentsmeet up. The agent in the waste land is ina maze. Find the way out of  it  to  uniteyour agents.
   1 Don't worry  about  saving  memory at thisstage  by  using  VAL  statements.It's notneede and menas a lot more typing.v
   1 Dominic Morriss
   1 Dominic Morris's great Software Sale!%
   1 Do you remember our article  a  couple  ofissues ago about the guys who started  outon their Spectrums and progressed to worldleaders in PC software?  Well,  this  timethe opposite has occured.
   1 Depressing  isn't  it?  You  could  almostbelieve that the extra  90k  in  the  128kmachines is used completely for bugs! Thisarticle  comes  as  a  follow-up   to   myprevious collection of  bugs,  and  thoughthere may be  fewer  detailed  this  time,they're all different and I'm  sure  thereare still many I haven't yet found!
   1 Deja Vu is quite similar to a premonition,but appears  to  be  far  more  intense  -perhaps because a premonition could be putdown to a lucky guess, but  personal  DejaVu actually involves you.
   1 Death Stalker
   1 Dear Mr Sherwood.
   1 Dear Mr Sherwood,
   1 Dear Andy,
   1 David Crookes
   1 Dave came up from Nottingham one  Saturdayafternoon. I  went  to  meet  him  at  thetransport interchange  when  a  dodgy  guypassed me. I though "ooer, he looks a  bitdodgy!". I watched him move to a telephoneand suddenly my mobile went - A
   1 Dave Ledbury
   1 Dave Founain, 29th October 1995
   1 Darren Randle
   1 Dan Dare 2
   1 Daley Thompson's supertest
   1 DH. your right about dodgy sci fi - VR.5,)
   1 DH. yeah I know! ...Andy Davis first thing*
   1 DATA  statements  how  compact  the  shellprogram actualy is.=
   1 DARREN RANDLE: Recruited  by  Sherwood  topersuade us to stop. When we  forwarded  agreat deal of  proof  to  Darren,  he  wasextremely amazed at the cover ups Sherwoodhad made, and made some  very  interestingprivate, personal observations!
   1 D. Ledbury
   1 D  A   V   I   D  .. value .
   1 Crazy Golf
   1 Contrast lines 40 and 50. In line 40,  theNOT process  is  performed  on  the  wholeequation within the brackets. In line  50,only the 0 is processed. As you  may  havenoticed,  NOT  is  not  (!)  essential  inBASIC.  The  above  program   would   workexactly the same if the listing ran:
   1 Continental Circus
   1 Contained within each block loaded is:&
   1 Consider the following lines (At last ! ))
   1 Consider  infinity  in  another   context:infinite lives! Sounds silly? Think again.The Speccy can't cope with infinity - it'snot a matter of  saying  LET  A=(infinity)but  of  telling  the  computer   not   todecrease the lives counter (or setting  itto 1E+38; this is such  a  large  quantitythat when the Spectrum subtracts one  fromit,  there's  no  change).  So  you  don'tactually  have  infinite  lives,  just   apermanent three!
   1 Computing Terms (ii):
   1 Computing Terms (i):
   1 Computer engineers pocket book:   AN10&
   1 Complete with colour piccies!
   1 Coming back into the general theme  I  wasdiscussing some  time  ago,  Scotland  wasonce devoid of any  Spectrum  talent,  butwhere would we be without  Miles  Kinloch,The United Minds, Technium  220,  Psi-Co'sadventures, and so on?
   1 Co-incidentally, 2050 seems to be a fairlysimple binary number. It's top  four  bitsare 1000 or Decimal 8, and the lower eightbits are 
   1 Cloud 99- Having trouble getting  the  keyto the city gate?  Well  then  go  to  thegarage and unscrew the hook from the  woodand tie it to the string. Now you  have  afishing line to fish the key  out  of  thegarden pond.
   1 Cleaning computer and tape deck:  AN6,p120256k RAM?3
   1 Chris, from Efford in Plymouth,   designedthe viruses to prove that he could  do  itand they were equally  as  destructive  asforeign bugs. The viruses found their  wayinto   at   least   two   large   computercompanies, closing one down for weeks.
   1 Chris was described as a 'mad boffin', andwas known as the Black Baron, writing  twoviruses, called Queeg and Pathogen,  afterRed Dwarf characters.
   1 Chris has been dubbed a sad loner with  nojob and  no  friends,  a  mad  boffin  whosought  recognition,   by   the   tabloidscovering the story.
   1 Chris Thomson
   1 Chris Taylor, Triad
   1 Chris Taylor
   1 Chris Pile, the famous Spectrum programmerof the HIFORM utilities,  Shade  copy  andmore recently, PRODOS,  for  the  SAM  wasjailed  for  18  months  on  Tuesday  14thNovember for  causing  `500,000  worth  ofdamage  through  his  engineered  computerviruses, in the first case of it's kind.
   1 Chris Norfolk
   1 Chic Computer Club
   1 Cheques,  POs,   Eurocheques   to:   JAMESWADDINGTON.  Cash  can  only  be  sent  ifextremely secure. Please add 30p per  itemin  UK  and  60p   for   outside,   unlessotherwise stated. Items sold  on  a  firstcome, first served basis.
   1 Checks the same  conditions  in reverse toGET routine.If  you  hav  nor  got  it youcan't drop it !c
   1 Catalin Russen, MicroCRIFS
   1 Can you believe it? He has  the  cheek  tocomplain  to  Bob  Brenchley   about   notreplying in time, and then leaves a  replyto Miles some TWO MONTHS. Remember,  Milesis no less important. He is the leading +Dprogrammer still active on the Spectrum.
   1 CPC Undercover
   1 CPC UNDERCOVER (magazine)
   1 CONTACTS:  A  progressive  Librarian  willhave  a  good  relationship  and   be   inconstant touch with programmers  in  orderto receive all the latest titles and  newsof future projects. Sending out discs  andletters (especially to non EEC  countries)costs hard cash.
   1 CONSUMABLES: Stationary, ribbons etc.%
   1 CODE  ERROR.  This  is  quite   rare   andsometimes occurs when codefiles have  beencorrupted by G+DOS. You  are  unlikely  tosee this, but if you do, the  codefile  isprobably lost forever.
   1 CHRISTIAN AYMARD is on the lookout for thefollowing programs:=
   1 CATALOGUES: Printed at home or duplicationruns handled by High Street Copying firms.A twelve sided A4 catalogue will  cost  atleast 40p to produce (this is a  figure  Icurrently work to).
   1 CATALIN  RUSSEN  would  like  some   Amigacontacts, wishing to swap tips, advice andsoftware for the Amiga. If you would  likean Amiga penpal, please write to:
   1 CANNON BC01 inkjet cartridges, `5  each  o14 for `50.5
   1 C   B   A   C   B   A
   1 By selecting  drive  0  on  the  MD  /  +Dversion of Tasword 128. Tape users of  thestandard Tasword 128 or +2  will  have  itset to drive 0 as default.
   1 By Throatwobbler Mangrove (!)
   1 By Paul Warr
   1 By Paul Howard
   1 By Graham Collier
   1 By Chris Taylor
   1 By Antony Purvis
   1 By Andy Davis
   1 By  using  a  Dimensioned  array  you  candefine all your  locations  and objects inone  go  and  then  if  memory  becomes  aproblem   you   can
   1 By  the  time  we  had  gotten  home,  Dokdecided that he wanted to play a  game  ofpunch for punch  with  me.  It  went  likethis: "Hey Orson, want a game of punch forpunch?" "No" "PUNCH!" "Argh!"  The  "Argh"was optional  though,  as  I  didn't  feelanything!  However,  standing  after  thatseemed a bit of a problem! I had just  gotinto  a  nice  upright  position  and  Dokpunched me over! Good stuff booze is...
   1 Buying a VCR:
   1 But, regardless of how you  code  it,  theONE thing to remember is thisG
   1 But, last year, 8BIT MART started  up.  Itwas a  resounding  success.  The  magazinecovers  Spectrum,  Amstrad  and  Commodoremachines in equal proportions. Each  issuehas grown from strength to strength.  Whenthe  editor,  Brian  Watson,  planned   toresurrect the IEBA (in name  only),  therewould be no stopping him!
   1 But, if your expression had been, say:-'
   1 But,  should  any  individual  request  topublish an article relating to  your  poorbehaviour,  for  example  Miles   Kinloch,Robert Skene or Marcus Prichard  who  haveall  had  articles  about  you  published,their complaints will be  aired,  with  anopportunity from you to respond. You claimyou have such positive  cases  for  libel,yet you have forgotten  one  vital  point:Before a case can  be  pursued,  you  musthave  written   to   the   editor   first,explaining what you believe is wrong.  Theeditor then  has  a  duty  to  print  yourversion of events. If he fails to  do  so,then a libel case can be pursued. From  myrecords, your  first  such  complaint  wasafter AlchNews 10 and the article from RoyBenson  about  your   software,   and   mycomments about your 'faulty printer'.  Youdid make a letter of complaint, which  wasprinted to give your  version  of  events,and mistakes. From there, you adopted  thechildish act of copyrighting your letters,so the public could not see your mistakes,and making it 
   1 But what is this letter all about though?)
   1 But theres a way around it. You adopt  thetape format!6
   1 But first of all,  merry  chrimbo  to  allreaders of alchnews, so, I know thats veryhipocritical coming from someone who is  aborn-again-athiest, but all the same...
   1 But  it  doesn't  stop  there,   as   goodsoftware should put all  the  features  ofthe synthesizer at your disposal. You  cancontrol as many voices at  once  as  thereare voices on the synthesizer - a  typicalgood
   1 But   in   return   for   this
   1 Brother HR5 Dot Matrix  ribbon  printer  &RS232 lead - `15 (`20 outside W Europe)Q
   1 Brother EP22 typewriter  /  printer.  Verygood condition  and  print  quality.  Willhook upto any computer and comes with leadfor Spectrum - `20. UK ONLY.
   1 Bring your summer clothes,
   1 Brian Watson,  8-BIT
   1 Brian Watson
   1 Brian Gaff, BG Services
   1 Brian Gaff
   1 Brandlesholme
   1 Both the nurse and Barry looked at him  insuprise, he just nodded and  smiled.  'Whydo you want to give it to the hospital  ?'the nurse asked.  'I  don't  feel  that  Ideserve it after  putting  that  poor  manthrough the courts for something that  wasmy fault entirely !' Ste said  in  a  loudvoice for  all  to  hear,  even  the  newsreporters that were just  walking  up  theward. He looked at  Barry  and  could  seethat he  was  perplexed  by  what  he  washearing so he nodded and  winked  at  him,which seemed to make him  understand.  Thenews reporters quizzed and questioned  himabout the accident and why he  was  givingthe money away to the hospital, he made itvery clear that the accident was  all  hisown fault.
   1 Bonus points to all  who have spotted thatthe  room  names  are  taken  from  JETSETWILLY.Z
   1 Blackbeard
   1 Black  holes  are  a  natural   occurrencecaused by  imploding  stars.  Due  to  theincredible pull of a black hole, time (ourtime,  anyway)  slows  and  stops  for  anobject getting sucked in.  But  when  timestops, shouldn't the object remain frozen?Time is something of an  abstract  conceptas  it   cannot   be   seen   like   othermeasurements. We really know  very  littleabout time, or quantum mechanics as cleverpeople call it. (I must be a clever personthen!).
   1 Bl: L11  Ap: 86
   1 Bill Richardson, EEC
   1 Bill Richardson
   1 Bill Clark
   1 Big Sleaze
   1 Big   supplier   of   Spectrum   adventuresoftware,   including?
   1 Before he could steer back into the  firstlane he saw headlights in  his  rear  viewmirror  flash  and  heard  somebody   honkfuriously at him.
   1 Before I begin, a brief outline of how the'Bleep' loader operates.B
   1 Before I  go,  for  those  of  you  who domaster controlling this  loading system, ayear or so ago I hacked a game called DOWNTO   EARTH   and   discovered   that  someback-screen messages,  which were supposedto be available if  the  keys  1 to 5 werebeing  pressed  as   the  loader  finishedloading, though, they were not because theroutines crashed out as the 'Bleep' loaderfailed  to  enable  the  interrupts beforejumping into the game.
   1 Beach Buggy sim
   1 Basic compilers:
   1 Barry moved away  to  make  room  for  thedoctors that had just come into  the  roomand he asked one of them for the cheque asSte had told him to do, then he  sat  downin his chair to think about what  Ste  hadsaid to him.
   1 Barry looked at him, 'She saw us  but  shecan't hear us, she's dead.  I've  seen  itloads of times, the  cord  comes  out,  orjust  breaks   up,   then   the   "spirit"dissapears, sometimes for good,  sometimesit comes back but without the cord and  noway  to  get  back  into  the  body,  it'samazeing to watch, but a little sad'. Withthat Barry jerked, 'Whoops !, time for  meto go, they've just given me a shock, hopeto see you on the recovery ward in  you'rebody', he floated through the wall,  beingpulled by the cord.
   1 Barry looked at him and could see that  hewas a little confused and frightened, 'Caraccident was it ?, bet  you're  car  looksworse than you !' he  laughed,  trying  toput Ste at  ease,  which  seemed  to  workbecause he smiled a little. 'The  cord  inyou're head is what I call  the  lifeline,as long as it's attached to a body  you'lllive. As i've said this is the third heartattack  i've  had,  and  each  time   thishappens. Some people call  it  an  out  ofbody experience, or oobie.  The  real,  orscientific   name   for   it   is   AstralProjection, the first time  this  happenedto  me  I  thought  I  was  dead,  as  youprobably do now, but once I was back in mybody I knew  that  something  strange  hadhappened to me so I spoke to a few people,most of whom thought I was nuts, but  somepeople said they had heard  about  it,  oreven   experienced   it   themselves   andreccomended a couple of books to me'.
   1 Barry looked at him  strangely,  'Are  youalright ?. You seem very happy for someonewho's  lost   his   legs',   he   could'ntunderstand why he was  laughing.  'I  feelgreat' Ste  smiled,  'this  is  brilliant,come here I want to tell you something' hemotioned for Barry to move  closer,  whichhe did. 'Remember when we first  met,  outof our bodies ?' he asked excitedly,  'Yes?'  barry  said  looking  puzzled.  'Well,whilst I was asleep, I kept popping in andout of my body' Ste whispered, 'on one  ofmy journeys I met somebody else who was inhospital due to a car accident, he  had  aminor stroke at the wheel'.  Barry  lookedinterested 'Well, why has that made you sohappy ?' he asked, moving closer still.
   1 Back to supernatural phenomena!  The  nextsubject  I'm  going   to   mention   isn'tanything  spooky,  but  the   concept   ofmulti-valued  logic.   We   mere   mortalsconsider logic as true or false, 1  or  0.But what if we introduce a third element -"maybe"?  Most  people  would   say   that"maybe"   isn't   logic
   1 BIT:   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0$
   1 BIRTH FACTS: `1
   1 BEEP duration/5,pitch/5
   1 BASIC is made easier to  follow  by  usingcomments in the form of  statements.  thisis  true  of  any   programming   languageirrespective as to whether it is  high  orlow level. Pascal is no exception.
   1 Available from : Zenobi Software 
   1 At this point  you  should  now be able totest the adventure so  far and move freelyaround to check that everything works.z
   1 At the moment in  this game TAKE will meanthe same as GET but later this may change.For instance,there is  a big difference inmeaning between GET  the MEDICINE and TAKEthe MEDICINE isn't there ?
   1 At 5D51, after  replacing  the C9 with the31 that  was  originally  there, the StackPointer is placed at 5DFF, the screen datais moved to the  screen from CF00 and 1000of  the  loaded  game  is  transferred  tofrom EAOO to 5E00.
   1 Assuming all goes well, loading will  stopat the end of the second block with a tapeloading error. Don't worry about this - itjust means that the header and main  blockdidn't match (tape  headers  contain  infoabout file  length  etc).  Now,  when  youenter BASIC, your program will  be  whollyrestored to be  saved  to  disc  (or  evenanother tape!). Handy eh?
   1 As you can see, AND only  returns  1  whenboth inputs are 1. To look at this in moredetail, consider the BASIC statement:y
   1 As you can see, AND and NAND  always  giveopposite answers, as do OR  and  NOR,  andXOR and NEXOR. Here are the  truth  tablesfor the gates mentioned above:
   1 As you  can  see,  the  final  program  isvirtually the same as this algorithm.  Oneof the reasons why short  Pascal  programsare longer than the  equivalent  BASIC  isthat  you  must  give  steps  1.  and  5.,neither of which is needed in  BASIC.  Youhave to tell the computer what is involvedin the program, tell it to start and  tellit to finish.
   1 As with many games we will be braking downwhat  is  typed   into   into  the  simpleVERB/NOUN format and then branching off tothe appropriate part  of  the program thatdeals with those commands.
   1 As such the  section  of  the program thatdeals  with   objects   contains  its  ownroutine for  checking  the  NOUN for whatsavailable  but  later   on   this  can  beincorporated into a general VERB/NOUN listThis wil  be  dealt  with  in more deatailnext time  but  atl  east  it  allows thisstage of the game to be tested.
   1 As soon  as  the  cord  was  in  place  itreturned back to it's original clear form,he looked down at his legs and watched  asthey re-appeared, it looked like they werebeing poured back into shape. 'We've got aheartbeat again !' shouted the man.
   1 As proprietor of FPD, I adhere to  no  'PDguidelines'  (whatever  they   are!);   mypolicy is simple;  to  run  a  duplicationservice that I myself would want to  be  asubscriber  to.  No  red-tape,  no  hidingbehind rules and regs, just old  fashionedenthusiasm, common sense and pride.
   1 As present, there is  a  standard  set  ofMIDI  codes  which  work  with  any   MIDIcompatible  synthesizer.  But  these  tendonly to control the most  basic  functionsavailable. Special features  are  accessedby special, extented code  systems  -  andthese  usually  vary  from  instrument  toinstrument. As a result, a complex, widelyorchestrated  composition  may  call   forfamiliarity with a large  number  of  MIDIcodes.
   1 As mentioned previously, the  AY  chip  iscontrolled by 14 REGISTERS, each of  whichhave their own subtle effect on the  soundthat the chip produces. The registers  canbe easily controlled from BASIC by:
   1 As long as you followed  the  instructionsproperly, the bit of program past the  REMshould have been executed and the  messageprinted! (If not, check that PRINT  was  asingle key command and not  the  letters).Consider  the  possibilities!  You   couldreplace all  the  GOTOs  in  your  programwith:
   1 As long as the second block is  there  (ieonly  the  first  "d>
   1 As he looked back to the road,  he  saw  ared  car  appear  from  one  of  the  sidestreets a few hundred yards ahead, not farfrom the turning to his street. It  seemedto be going pretty fast and as  it  nearedhim he could see that it was swerving  allover the road, he slowed down and hoped itwould stop or  turn  into  another  streetbefore getting to him.
   1 As he looked around he  noticed  somethingelse that he had'nt seen before. It was  asilver cord that came  out  of  his  fore-head, it was'nt solid but it  looked  likeit was made of ice or glass so  fine  thatit could have been broken  by  a  gust  ofwind, 'What the hell is this ?' he said tohimself as he touched it. It felt  smooth,like woven silk, it was about half an inchin diameter and seemed to be connected  tothe centre of his head.
   1 As ever, too gutless to  respond,  BUT  hedid once again pester Brian Gaff about hiscomments! Brian has  been  forwarded  thisletter, along with other  forms  of  proofof Sherwood's  lies  and  snubs  to  otherindividuals who  have  tried  to  end  thetruce. To remind you, those who  tried  tointervene   to   end   the   matter,   andSherwood's reaction:
   1 As ever, the media had a  field  day  withthe whole business and got the  obligatoryopinions  of  the   elderly   who   didn'tunderstand nor want the change, much  likewith decimalisation, unveiling of the  ECUand other assorted changes.
   1 As all +D owners know, the Datel manual ishopelessly inadequate. This  article  willlist TEN disc errors, none  of  which  arementioned anywhere  in  the  manual,  withexplanations, and describe  two  filetypesmentioned only very briefly in the manual.<The new +D manual is far worse  than  theoriginal Datel one! And, yes,  Datel  HAVEbeen briefed about the +D bugs, but do youreckon they've included a fixer program ordocument? Ed.>
   1 As a result, shareware does cost a little more (`3-`5).7
   1 As a consequence, direct OUT commands  canget ignored completely. Therefore, all theexamples given here, should be entered  in48K Basic.
   1 As I will not be held responsible for any articles not written by myself OR written without my knowledge.i
   1 As I say, this is how I  usually  code  mydemos. This is only ONE way, and there areMANY others.`
   1 As I do not read the Prism sections of AN I do not know who has been using my name  in connection with complaints againsty
   1 As  I  said,  the  first  routine  in  the'odd-man-out' block will load in the finalblock of  the  section.  Once  it has beenloaded  successfully,  a  jump  to address5D12, the start of the decoding routine ofits own block, from address 5D40, begun.
   1 Arnold Yates
   1 Armeggeddon,  Bubble   Buster,   ChequeredFlag,  Chess,,  Feud,  Fighting   Warrior,Finders Keepers, Fist,  Flight  Simulator,Gauntlet,   Ghostbusters,   Horace
   1 Apart from the first  block, which is usedfor decoding,  all  the  blocks,  with theexception of  the  penultimate  block, aretransferred to successive  addresses - thenext begins  where  the  last ended (theremay  be  exceptions,  though,  I  have notfound so yet).
   1 Anyway, from  here  I  ventured  onto  TAPfiles. These deal with the tape,  and  canbe directed from a whole variety of media,including the sound card, tape  interface,hard  drive,  floppies  and  so  on.   Theprinciple  seems  quite  easy,   but   thedocument  made  it  look  VERY  difficult,especially how  the  emulator  can  handlesingle files, and multiple  files  all  atonce!
   1 Anyway, I'm going now to put the finishingtouches to my latest  demo  (THE  NAMELESSDEMO) which is available from  just  aboutANY  PD  library  (though  you'd  be  WELLadvised to get it in it's  ORIGIONAL  formfrom ALCHEMIST  RESEARCH  or  direct  frommyself:
   1 Anyway, I considered  this  multiple  filemethod for AlchNews.  Issue  17  convertedrather well, but it saves the files  in  aserial method. If you need to look  for  afile stored later in the line, it  has  tocycle through all preceeding files  beforeit loads. But, access  is  very  fast,  soisn't too much of a problem.
   1 Anyway,  I  got  Orson  into   his   firstnightclub the other week, so here  are  mytop ten tips  on  what  not  to  do  in  anightclub!
   1 Anyway what you need  is  a piece of paperand a pencil.A  computer  (A spectrum willdo but  you  can  use  any  with  a properversion of Basic  if  you like) and plentyof time
   1 Any resemblence or  names  of  persons  inthis story to real persons,  either  aliveor dead, is entirely co-incidental.w
   1 Any   adventure   game   need   a   decentinterpreter to break down what you type inso as to  compare  it  with  the VERBS andNOUNS  that  you   have  decided  on.  Thegreater  the  number   of  verb/nouns  youinclude in this  list  the  more your gamewill understand.
   1 Anttilis Mission
   1 Antony Purvis
   1 Ant attack
   1 Ant   Attack,   Avalon,   Blue
   1 Another useful  tool  would  be  a  SCREENCOMPRESSOR and a FILE COMPRESSOR.K
   1 Another quote from  Sherwood's  letter  toMiles is: "I do not  take  any  notice  ofpeople like you who prefer to mistreat thegood  nature  of  people   like   myself".REMEMBER THIS - it's  important  later  innumber three!
   1 Another problem with the +D is the fact itis very fussy what it  saves!  When  FerryGroothedde was my guest  in  September,  aprogram saved to +D  disk  ok,  so  did  ascreen picture, but a  CODE  file?  Not  achance! It won't  even  save  an  OPENTYPEfile from Tasword 128,  but  this  can  beexcused as it has been  modified  a  greatdeal.
   1 Another point to remember,  is  that  withINT PI, the 'INT' can often be dropped, asmany BASIC commands will round it  anyway.Constructions such as PAPER PI,  PRINT  ATPI,PI etc., are all quite acceptable.  Youcan also use other combinations with PI tosave memory over the VAL form. PI+PI,  forinstance, is only three bytes; VAL "6"  isfour. Again, the  fact  that  these  formsdon't   produce   round
   1 Another bug, or rather a  strange  effect,occurs when you CLEAR the memory while  ina GOSUB. I think this is mentioned in  theuser guide, but anyway, try this routine:
   1 Another bit of programming:
   1 Andy Davis Bsc
   1 Andrew Parish
   1 And, as you would expect, the new IEBA hasalso   been   successful.   So   far,O
   1 And what about all those other unexplainedphenomena? Telekinesis, psychic powers andthe like. The brain must be part of  this,only a certain few can access the power  -much like ear wiggling!
   1 And the reason for that (PARP!) there  wasto try and lighten the mood  and  give  meanother subject  to  talk  about  such  astexture mapped  lightsourced  3d  rotatingball vector cubes with bells on. Or was itthe fact that:
   1 And so here it is, in technocolour, cinemawidescope format :-=
   1 And remember: it was all done with 1's and0's!.
   1 And if you win a tenner, 70-ish quid,or  athousand-ish quid then you've tripled yourwinnings! so you can't lose,  as  long  asyou win!
   1 And if we RUN the program again, we  stillhear nothing. Remember, the volume is  setat zero, so to finally get the sound,  addjust one more line.
   1 And Dok he miffed!
   1 And  you  know   what   else?   For   someunexplainabley weird and  strange  reason,he's renamed Prism Pd! Yep, it's  now  theextremley  unimaginatively  titled  P.P.D.Great eh? (Bleurgh!)
   1 And  that,  really,  is  all   you   need.However, if you do not know Z80, then  theacquisition of a COMPILER would  prove  tobe to your advantage. As would a  copy  ofUNI-SCROLL by VISION of TMG.
   1 An expert pie maker  might  not  need  allthese steps,  but  the  computer  is  verydefinetly at the level  of  an  apprenticecook on the first day, so more informationis needed.
   1 An article on  coding  a  demo  eh?  Well,where the hell do you start?F
   1 An adult orientated Spectrum magazine witha difference.  This  excellently  producedmagazine  (NOT  a  fanzine)   covers   theSpectrum, world cinema and a wide range ofother topics. Although labelled as  adult,it is not of a sexual content. First issuecosts `1.80 and is WELL worth it.
   1 An IDEA for the actual  demo.  Now  simplemono-part demos are OK, but,  they  are  alittle bit boring (as are the one  screen,one scroll,  one  song  variety).  So  youshould really be aiming for at  least  twoor more parts to your demo.  I  personallyprefer  at  least  three,  though  I  havereleased a few single part  demos  in  thepast.
   1 Amy Pandagirl
   1 Amstradprogrammer included two silly messages  onthe +2A which  will  never  appear  unlessPOKEd out of hiding!  I  will  now  revealwhat the two messages are, so  +2A  ownersshould  reset  and  try  it   out   first,otherwise spoil the surprise...
   1 Amstrad-made
   1 Although it seems a  bit jumbled because Ihave given  you  the  listing in differentbits  and  pieces  all  the  routines workseperately providing the data is in place.If  you  list  out  the  program  in  it'sentirety you can  see ;apart from the
   1 Alternatively,  you  can  have  a  go   atE-mailing me on::
   1 Also, wouldn't the man in the episode havebecome  a  superhuman  light   being,   orinvisible  at  will,  or  something?  Thatwould be better than having poison glands.Maybe he would have  got  the  ability  tochange colours like a chameleon  (like  inThe X-Files  "Goblins"!).  The  most  fakething in the episode was when he  stuck  aknife into himself and it got  pushed  outby the nanobots! How could things the sizeof molecules push out a knife? And if theyused pressurised blood, we would have seenit. Hmmm. Apologies  for  these  last  twoparagraphs, I sound like a netpicker(*) !
   1 Also write out a  list of objects you wantto put  in  the  different rooms numberingthem 1 to whatever and also the rooms theystart of  in.  To  make  a  small map moreinteresting as I  have  done try to spreadout the objects so  that you need to visitall the roms  at  least  once  in order tocollect them all  rather  than having themall grouped together. This makes it easierto put objects  that  need  to  be used tosolve problems in a  logical order so thatsome rooms can  only  be  visited once youhave collected an object  that needs to beused to solve the  problem that opens up anew section of the map.  E.G A key to openup the  gate  that  leads  to  the tunnelsunderground.  Putting   the   key  in  thetunnels  would   mean   the  player  nevergetting there. Believe  it  or  not I HAVEseen this done.
   1 Also worth noting is that  feeling  aroundin the dark room produces a light switch.S
   1 Also when the game is complete saving withwith save "ADVENTUR"  LINE  F
   1 Allie Weston
   1 All variables in Pascal must be delared asa particuloar type.  The  next  line  saysthat  the  variables  "no1",   "no2"   and"result" respresent whole numbers; that isof type  INTEGER.  Again,  the  semi-colontells the computer that this is the end ofthat statement.
   1 All three games cost `3.49 on +3 disk  and`2.99 on every other format.F
   1 All this invoolves  is  checking the exitsand  the  players  input   to  see  if  itcorresponds to a valid direction. Then thecurrent room becomes the value of the roomspecified by the direction taken.
   1 All that remains  now  for  the purpose ofour "Bare Bones"  adventure  is to providethe routine that says  what objects are ina room if any and  allow the player to getor  drop  them  elsewhere.Later  on  theseobjects will  be  neede  to solve problemsthat are defined in the game.
   1 All that  remains  now  is  the routine tomove objects around.>
   1 All in all,  I  think  I  will  give  thisemulator a miss for now.B
   1 All Microspec titles run on Spectrum  128kmachines upwards. For help or  informationon any title,  telephone  Jamie  on  01896830560.
   1 All  I  have  to   do  now  is  modify  mymonitoring routine  to  poke  a  JP  to myBREAKOUT  just  after  the  first   decoderoutines in this  block,  and  correct theamended  bytes  of  the  loader,  once the'odd-man-out'  block  has  been loaded, toensure all the  section  is loaded in, butcontrol placed back in my hands.
   1 Alien Destroyer
   1 Alf Fairwheather
   1 Alchventures
   1 Alchemist garden, will be sure to take&
   1 Alchemist Research.
   1 Alchemist Research address
   1 Alchemist Research
   1 AlchNews reporter Paul Howard!
   1 AlchNews price breakdown:
   1 AlchNews 128k:
   1 Albert Harper
   1 Alan Clarkson, Crashed
   1 Alan Clarkson
   1 Air Traffic Control
   1 Ahem, yes,  quite  I'm  sure...  And  whatabout  all  those  sad  little  kids  withroller  blades  eh?  Zooming  about   likenobodys   business,   (unless   somebody'sbusiness is to zoom about like sad  littlekids). Just the other day  I  was  walkingalong the street, (as you do),  when  thislittle  kid  bally   well   zoomed   past!Incredible!  The  cheek  these  kids  havetoday... When I was a lad  we  were  neverallowed  to  do  that.  We   did   it   onskateboards!! Much more violent than  poxyroller blades! Especially when  the  frontof the skateboard hits an old fogey in theshin! Har Har!! (erk!)
   1 After our earlier detailings  of  Sherwoodfalsely claiming support from Chic in  hisletters to those in the Hall of Shame, thelatest action (at time  of  writing)  fromChic is, and we quote:
   1 After everyone had left and the  ward  wasquiet, he asked  Barry  for  his  address,which he memorized, then he told him  thatin the morning he would'nt  be  there,  hewould
   1 After all much of the point of  Pascal  isthat you do the majority of  writing  awayfrom the machine.e
   1 Adventures:
   1 Advanced Tactical Fighter
   1 Adrian  Mole,   Black   Crystal,   Cluedo,Doomsday Castle, Gyron, Head  over  Heels,The Hobbit,  Pettigrew  Diaries,  Psytron,Valyrie 17 (no instr), The Sold a million,They sold a million 3, Tasword 2, LinkwordFrench, GAC, Dream (learn mc)
   1 Address detailed earlier.
   1 Add these lines.
   1 Abductees: people who claim to  have  beentaken away by aliens. Are they doing it toattract attention to themselves, to  scarethe public or do they  believe  that  theyhave been  abducted?  Personally,  despitethe odds being against it,  I  think  thatthere is no other life  at  the  level  ofmankind on  other  planets.  If  space  isinfinite, though, there  must  be!  Forgetabductees, I've decided  to  write  a  bitabout infinity...
   1 ASCII areas in +D DOS:
   1 AR quits the IEBA:
   1 ANDY DAVIS: Requested a total silence, anywho broke it first would close down  theirservice. Letter ignored.l
   1 ANDREW  MARSHALL  has  the  following  forsale:/
   1 AN8,p141Tasword systems:
   1 AN8,p137+D Bug in save exposed:
   1 AN8,p135Uncle Clive picture:
   1 AN8,p134Magic Button (iii):
   1 AN8,p120What Now:
   1 AN8,p120Secret of St.Brides Tips:!
   1 AN8,p110Using Fax paper on thermals#
   1 AN8,p104Soapbox: Unscrupulous cash ins:   AN8,p106IEBA (ZAT) launched:F
   1 AN7,p154Rasputin & Propac PD close:#
   1 AN7,p141Spellunker 3:
   1 AN7,p138192 line copy routine:
   1 AN7,p134External +2 tape lead / socket:   AN8,p131Upgrade your Z80 chip:H
   1 AN7,p132128k RS232:
   1 AN7,p126Spellunkler tipstore:
   1 AN7,p124Other adventure Tips:
   1 AN7,p110Making amendments to AlchNews:&
   1 AN7,p110Changes to AR:
   1 AN7,p102Establishing special user clubs:  AN7,p150Forth User Group:C
   1 AN6,p140Terrormolinos:
   1 AN6,p12832 column system, even faster:&
   1 AN6,p127Magic Button (ii):
   1 AN6,p125Custom ROM program tips: 
   1 AN6,p110Spectrum Gold - Steven Mullen:&
   1 AN5,p110APD grows:
   1 AN5,p102Hisoft Basic to machine code:%
   1 AN4,p148The MF, Genie and Lifeguard#
   1 AN4,p146Clock, font and edit routines:&
   1 AN4,p144Spectrum video signal improved:   AN5,p143Monitor sockets:B
   1 AN4,p120Espionage Island Solution:"
   1 AN4,p120APD update:
   1 AN4,p110APD Launch:
   1 AN3,p170New instant 42 column system:%
   1 AN3,p165Spellunker 1:
   1 AN3,p133128-48 flip routine:
   1 AN3,p1302 Specs and a VTX (comms):"
   1 AN3,p121Installing a font:
   1 AN18.D    
   1 AN18.9  : FOUNTAIN PD. The in's and  out's*
   1 AN18.9    
   1 AN18.8  : OPEN LETTER. Chris Taylor  makes*
   1 AN18.8    6
   1 AN18.7  : BUGS 128. Sir Clive's & Evil  Dr*
   1 AN18.7    1
   1 AN18.61 : CREDITS.  The worthy mentions to*
   1 AN18.61   K
   1 AN18.60   r
   1 AN18.6  : THE END. The Prism  business  is*
   1 AN18.6    
   1 AN18.59 : MICRO  SPEC  SOFTWARE.  Program)
   1 AN18.59   [
   1 AN18.58 : WADDSALE.  James   'Spellunkler'*
   1 AN18.58   B
   1 AN18.57   
   1 AN18.56   
   1 AN18.55   d
   1 AN18.54 : TRADING POST. The  original  andAN18.55 : best  free  way  to   get   yourAN18.56 : products seen.  Format  is  sameAN18.57 : as issue 17.
   1 AN18.54   
   1 AN18.53   
   1 AN18.52 : PUTTING
   1 AN18.52   
   1 AN18.51   
   1 AN18.50   
   1 AN18.5    B
   1 AN18.49   
   1 AN18.48   
   1 AN18.47 : A CHANGE OF SPIRITS.  A new  eraAN18.48 : for AlchNews, Jackanory Corner! AN18.49 :]
   1 AN18.47   
   1 AN18.46   
   1 AN18.45 : ROY'S RANTINGS. He's  here,  theAN18.46 : reason you buy AlchNews!!M
   1 AN18.45   D
   1 AN18.44   
   1 AN18.43 : HACKERS   CORNER.
   1 AN18.43   '
   1 AN18.42   |
   1 AN18.41 : TYPE IN.  Paul  Howard  explainsAN18.42 : how  to  convert  programs   forT
   1 AN18.41   
   1 AN18.40   
   1 AN18.4  : EMULEARNING.  First  steps  with*
   1 AN18.4    i
   1 AN18.39 : ALCHNEWS   INDEX.   A
   1 AN18.39   .
   1 AN18.38   
   1 AN18.37   
   1 AN18.36 : RAY'S   ADVENTURES.
   1 AN18.36   
   1 AN18.35   `
   1 AN18.34 : BENS BITS. Tossing his  +3  workAN18.35 : aside in gay abandon, Ben  seeksT
   1 AN18.34   E
   1 AN18.33 : CODING A DEMO. Invaluable advice*
   1 AN18.33   
   1 AN18.32 : P.H. RANTS. More  soundings  off*
   1 AN18.32   
   1 AN18.31 : THE  GARDEN.  Relax,  with  some*
   1 AN18.31   
   1 AN18.30 : ORSON2. More Minds' mayhem.%
   1 AN18.30   z
   1 AN18.3  : VISIT. More welcome  guests  pay*
   1 AN18.3    z
   1 AN18.29   
   1 AN18.28 : ROY REPORTS.  Roy  Benson  givesAN18.29 : his story on how HE STARTED  THET
   1 AN18.28   
   1 AN18.27 : ZEN AND THE ART OF  NOISE.  Part*
   1 AN18.27   
   1 AN18.26 : DOK'S DOMAIN. See above!"
   1 AN18.26   
   1 AN18.25 : ORSON1. Mad humour  from  Orson.*
   1 AN18.25   >
   1 AN18.24 : REMJUMPING.  Using  those  silly*
   1 AN18.24   
   1 AN18.23 : LETTER. Sherwood accused  me  of*
   1 AN18.23   
   1 AN18.22   
   1 AN18.21 : PSYCHIC PHENOMENON. Paul  HowardAN18.22 : turns   his?
   1 AN18.21   ~
   1 AN18.20 : BALLS. Problems for CHIC, INDUG,*
   1 AN18.20   
   1 AN18.2    
   1 AN18.19 : TASTUTOR.  Using Tasword 128  on*
   1 AN18.19   
   1 AN18.18 : M-DAY MADNESS.  The  media  went*
   1 AN18.18   
   1 AN18.17 : PAGED GRAPHICS.  Concluding  our*
   1 AN18.17   
   1 AN18.16 : +D ERRORS.  Comprehensive  guide*
   1 AN18.16   
   1 AN18.15 : CRACK  CITY.  Deja  Vu,  by  Des*
   1 AN18.15   
   1 AN18.14 : PRISM PROBLEMS. This  SHOULD  be*
   1 AN18.14   e
   1 AN18.13   y
   1 AN18.12 : LOGIC GATES.  Another phenomenalAN18.13 : undertaking  by   Paul   Howard.T
   1 AN18.12   
   1 AN18.11 : MUSIC, MICRO, MIDI. What is  it?*
   1 AN18.11   #&
   1 AN18.10 : ALCHVENTURES.  Reviews  of  more*
   1 AN18.10   
   1 AN18.1  : NEWS. The IEBA relaunch!
   1 AN18.1    J
   1 AN18.0  : This file.
   1 AN18.0    
   1 AN17,8  Mixing colours:
   1 AN17,6  Repairing and replacing +D drive: AN17,16 ABBA switch on the +3:H
   1 AN17,23 New memory saving technique:$
   1 AN17,22 Attack of `1 per title PD idea:   AN17,301
   1 AN17,20 Silly computer names:
   1 AN17,19 PAW System Variables:
   1 AN17,11 Desert Island Specs - Orson UM:   AN17,18 Desert Island Specs - P Howard:   AN17,21 Fountain PD lauch guide:t
   1 AN17,1  New staff to run ASW:
   1 AN17,1  AR granted rights to GREMLIN:%
   1 AN17,1  128 BASIC bugs (ii):
   1 AN16,55 Fitting an Amiga 500 disk drive:  AN16,57 Installing MF3 internally to +3:  AN16,57 DIY Lightgun:i
   1 AN16,54 RS232 protocols:
   1 AN16,53 Clipart collection:
   1 AN16,51 Hacker's corner (ii):
   1 AN16,50 Artificial intelligence: 
   1 AN16,5  Microdrive Microguide:
   1 AN16,5  DIY Joystick:
   1 AN16,49 Hacker's corner (i):
   1 AN16,47 Using the second 128k screen:%
   1 AN16,45 Music Maestro:
   1 AN16,43 Mobile telephones:
   1 AN16,4  Second hand Speccy price guide:   AN16,15 Today's software houses:J
   1 AN16,37 Using morse code on the Speccy:   AN16,38 More time travel:C
   1 AN16,35 Noise supression:
   1 AN16,34 Better BASIC programming:!
   1 AN16,33 Paged graphics:
   1 AN16,31 Keydefine:
   1 AN16,30 Crack City - time travel:!
   1 AN16,3  128 manual project:
   1 AN16,26 DLS:
   1 AN16,23 Converting Tasword files (ii):&
   1 AN16,20 YS Megabasic (ii):
   1 AN16,19 Desert Island Specs - D Fountain: AN16,22 128 BASIC bugs (i):E
   1 AN16,18 Powerprint (ii):
   1 AN16,16 Fonts:
   1 AN16,1  AR changes:
   1 AN15,5  Rescuing a damamged +D catalogue: AN15,18 8 bit library guideline idea:O
   1 AN15,44 Games with odd scenarios:!
   1 AN15,42 Funny filenames:
   1 AN15,41 Crack City - Virtual Reality:%
   1 AN15,4  Ribbons:
   1 AN15,4  Modifying Tasword 128:
   1 AN15,4  Machine prices:
   1 AN15,4  DIP Switch settings:
   1 AN15,39 Maxiprint ribbon re-inker:"
   1 AN15,37 Converting Tasword filetypes:%
   1 AN15,36 Guide to demo coding:
   1 AN15,34 Lifeguard:
   1 AN15,33 Uniscroll:
   1 AN15,3  Encoding Tasword 2 files:!
   1 AN15,27 Powerprint (i):
   1 AN15,27 All Formats Show - Worksop:#
   1 AN15,25 Classics? Best & worst games:%
   1 AN15,22 YS Megabasic (i):
   1 AN15,21 +D Problems and dangers: 
   1 AN15,2  Sending secret messages (ii):%
   1 AN15,16 Editview 2:
   1 AN15,14 Modifying Tas128 2nd char set:&
   1 AN15,12 Hey you device (ii):
   1 AN15,11 RS232 Spectrum to PC / Amiga:%
   1 AN15,10 Sound socket splitter:
   1 AN15,10 Magic Button / Hey you device:&
   1 AN15,10 Computer links without RS232:%
   1 AN15,1  Keyboard cleaning, updated:#
   1 AN15,1  AR takes over SCB:
   1 AN14,8  Prestel:
   1 AN14,7  Tape socket amplifier:
   1 AN14,7  Frequency counter:
   1 AN14,7  Amplifier:
   1 AN14,6  Monitor circuits:
   1 AN14,4  Versatile on / off switch:"
   1 AN14,4  Using a Tandy printer:
   1 AN14,3  Overline 'bug' cured:
   1 AN14,27 Womo 23 collection
   1 AN14,27 Traffic Lights game:
   1 AN14,27 Syntax
   1 AN14,27 Booklet A6
   1 AN14,27 +3 Doctor and Disckit:
   1 AN14,25 Disk loading syntax differences:  AN14,31 ZAT & Spellunkler close:J
   1 AN14,23 Sending secret messages (i):$
   1 AN14,21 DLAN:
   1 AN14,20 Why PD is being restricted:#
   1 AN14,2  More Multifacing
   1 AN14,19 Slowdos
   1 AN14,15 Tobos versus Uschi compilers:%
   1 AN14,14 AR on Internet:
   1 AN14,12 Fireview 2 (ii):
   1 AN14,11 +3 DOS Masterclass (iii):!
   1 AN14,1  Ribbon prices:
   1 AN14,1  Chris Box drive - faults found:   AN14,9  Crack City - reincarnation:M
   1 AN14,1  AR gets permission for INPUT:%
   1 AN13,8  +3 DOS Masterclass (i):
   1 AN13,7  Demon Hacker on holiday: 
   1 AN13,6  D.Hacker's holiday at AR:!
   1 AN13,5  Fixes to PCG system:
   1 AN13,5  +D Hook codes:
   1 AN13,3  PD interview with Womo:
   1 AN13,22 Star Users Club Launch:
   1 AN13,20 Star LC-100 reviewed:
   1 AN13,2  Other programs for Multiface$
   1 AN13,19 Maxisweep & CP/M utils:
   1 AN13,18 DU52:
   1 AN13,16 +3 Utilities:
   1 AN13,15 GAC:
   1 AN13,15 Fireview 2 (i):
   1 AN13,14 Nickel RF screening:
   1 AN13,14 CP/M:
   1 AN13,14 AR launches Star Users Club:$
   1 AN13,12 +3 DOS Masterclass (ii): 
   1 AN13,11 6 in 1 power adaptors:
   1 AN13,10 Good external +3 disk drives:%
   1 AN13,10 Disk drive care:
   1 AN13,10 Battery Backup power supply:$
   1 AN13,1  1982, SUC, Turbo PDF close:#
   1 AN13,1  +D versus +3 - buying guide:$
   1 AN12,8  Tobos - Basic compiler:
   1 AN12,7  +3 Utilities:
   1 AN12,6  More DOS fixes:
   1 AN12,5  Miktor's +D Tutor:
   1 AN12,5  Bumper Boogie Pack:
   1 AN12,4  Refilling inkjet cartridges:$
   1 AN12,4  DX1 DOS problems:
   1 AN12,3  Dust cover ideas:
   1 AN12,2  Spectrum +3 Tasword utils:"
   1 AN12,2  Eurovision Eurotrash:
   1 AN12,2  128k AlchNews:
   1 AN12,10 Undocumented +D commands:!
   1 AN12,1  Sinclair Classic:
   1 AN12,1  How APD is run:
   1 AN11,7  Modifications to Opus emulator:   AN12,4  Modifying Gens3.51 to +D:K
   1 AN11,5  Sinclair Classic:
   1 AN11,4  Spectrum PD discouraged (BB):%
   1 AN11,3  Cheap source of software:!
   1 AN11,2  Fish review:
   1 AN11,2  +D Bug buster - more bugs:"
   1 AN11,0  SAM arrives and is binned!:#
   1 AN10b, AND, they forward me the article   in the hope of gaining my approval, inP
   1 ALL  the  current  PD  services   on   theSpectrum make  it  perfectly  clear  aboutcopying  fees  for  software,  why  it  isenforced and what it  is  used  for.  OnlyPrism has failed to do this!
   1 ADVERTISING: Not for ones ego but to  pullin ex-users and just to  announce  to  theconverted  that  you   exsist   and   havesomething new/better to offer. There are agreat number of  Spectrum  related  titlesbut not all take on free adverts.
   1 AAASSSTTT!!!" So we  loadedup Tasword, got some toast and started  towrite some text. If you want to  see  whatwe wrote, get the British Battle  Trackersdemo, we've got a part in that.
   1 A typical MIDI  software  package  is  themusic composer program which allows you tobuild up your piece on screen in much  thesame way as you would write it on paper  -adding notes  to  a  musical  staff.  Fullreplay and editing facillities  allow  youto   check   your   progress   and
   1 A table like the above,  showing  all  thepossible inputs and their  outputs  for  alogic gate, is called a  truth  table.  Sohow does this relate to the  Spectrum?  Asan example, look at BASIC. The NOT commandcan be used as a logic gate. Try this:
   1 A seed sown in the fertile soil of the&
   1 A routine within  the loader, which beginsat address  CD41,  is  only  called if theblock the loader  was  looking to load wasloaded without an error. It's main purposeis to look  for  the  JUMP address held inthe loaded block  and  to  increment the Dregister, the  'load  block  No.' counter,and the final op code of this routine is aJUMP (HL) -  to  an  address in the loadedblock, which will  be  a  JP, Address, andwill be to CD1B, except when the 'odd-man-out' block has been loaded.
   1 A recent article published in AlchNews andreferring to Martyn Sherwood of  Prism  PDcontained some false  information.  MartynSherwood's organisation  has  at  no  timebeen under police investigation. <When  MrSherwood was under  investigation  by  hisemployers, Bradby Boys  Club,  for  makingfalse   claims   about   his   links   andsponsorship with  the  club,  the  managerclaimed he contacted the local police  foradvice on the matter.  Ed.>  Apologies  goout to Mr Sherwood for  any  inconveniencethis article may have caused. Paul Howard.
   1 A person could work this  out  in  half  aminute with a piece of paper - the  Speccycan do it in under a second using only thecalculator stack! Note that the (0 = 1) inthe above is equal to 0, because (0  =  1)is false (0)! So the statement  PRINT  1=1will return the value 1,  because  1=1  istrue.
   1 A new section by  me  this  one,  this  iswhere we ponder the human  condition,  andmore importantly, WHERE PEOPLE WENT WRONG!~
   1 A lot of  todays  PC  programmers/experts,were yesterdays 8-bit computer buffs.O
   1 A logic gate is a  process  which  acceptsone or two binary  inputs  and  returns  asingle binary output. The  simplest  logicgate (and the only one which has a  singleinput) is the NOT gate. (Remember  that  abinary input can only be  0  or  1).  Thisgate has the effect of swapping the  inputfor its counterpart, so:
   1 A flag exists  in  adventures to indicatewhether  an   action   or   condition  hasoccured.[
   1 A few weeks later, Barry recieved a letterthrough the post, it read :-F
   1 A few other commands: CALL  is  equivalentto PRINT USR, but don't use  this  becauseall the  addresses  are  different!  WIDTHcontrols the number of characters per lineand isn't possible to convert.  SOUND  hasabout fifteen parameters and is  like  the128k's  PLAY  command  based  on   numbersrather than lettered note  names.  In  itssimplest (BBC) form, it's  something  likethis:
   1 A familliar example of an algorithm  is  arecipe in  a  cookery  book.  The  printedrecipe is like a  finished  program  -  itcontains all the information necessary fora cook to be able to make the dish. In thesame way, a complete program contains  allthe information the  computer  needs.  Butthis  is   many   stages   down   in   thedevelopment of  the  algorithm.  When  youfirst sit down to design your program, youwill have much  less  definite  ideas.  Solet's look at how you might put together arecipe. Suppose  you  want  to  make  somemince pies.
   1 A copy of this text will also go to Mr&
   1 A compiled language is  much  faster  thanan interpreted one because it only has  todo the translation once, rather than  manytimes. While BASIC compilers do exist, thelanguage is not designed for  compilation,and so the machine code that results  fromcompiling a BASIC program is often so longthat the finished program may be nearly asslow and large as if it were interpreted.
   1 A compendium of other people he's upset'
   1 A Fistful of Necronomicons-
   1 A Dungeon Romp-
   1 A A DD   V  EEE R R  T
   1 A 'false friend' in this respect, is  BIN.On the face of  it,  it  looks  the  idealsingle-byte expression for '0'  -  but  itisn't!  BIN  expressions,   like   regularnumbers, are  always  accompanied  by  thehidden bytes. BIN on its own still impliesan argument of 0, and  therefore  requiresfloating-point representation.
   1 A   quiz   on
   1 ?  ?  STOP
   1 ?   A   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?
   1 ?   ?  ?  PRINT "  H  E
   1 ?   ?  ?  ?
   1 ?   ?   A   =   2   ?   ?   ?
   1 ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?
   1 ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   "   H   E
   1 <Would six be too many? I  know  you  keeppestering me to code  demos  but  I  wouldrather be part of  the  UK's  biggest  andliveliest coders. Ed.>
   1 <The speed depends on your PC. Ed>"
   1 <The article of Roy's was  passed  to  themanager of Bradby Boys Club, who requestedany negative reports or  complaints  aboutPrism PD who were,  at  the  time,  makingfalse claims about their  links  with  theclub. No doubt the manager  presented  thewevidence to Mr Sherwood, who  then  foundout the author  of  the  article,  shortlybefore his employment  was  terminated  atsaid club. Ed>
   1 <Should Mr  Sherwood  wish  to  present  asigned   statement<
   1 <Roy's name was printed as he was  one  ofthe  many  third  parties  who   had   hadproblems with Prism in the  past  and  nowwished  to  remain  neutral.  Mr  Sherwooddistorted this by saying contrary to  whatwas printed! It is incredible  to  believethat he didn't think  people  would  checkhis claims against  the  original  articleand see the differences! Ed>
   1 <Roaming? I'll tell you where he  roams  -between pubs, thats where. Ed.>I
   1 <POKE 23736,181 to remove the "Press Rec &Play and press any key" message and  beginsaving immediately. Ed.>l
   1 <Oh it's all right. Don't stick a title onyour section. It's always down to  me.  Hohum. Ed>\
   1 <My advice to anyone  who  does  not  wantany   aleged   sub-standard   group   fromdistributing  their  work  is  to  put   anegative comment about it in the  program,or  a  heavy   promotion   for   AlchemistResearch!  After  all,  they  are   hardlylikely to sell that if it criticises  themor promotes the competition! Ed.>
   1 <It's the best you're getting. Ed.>#
   1 <If you think PC prices are bad,  considerthis. I was one of the first owners of theAtari 2600 Video Games System. In the late70's, when it was released, it cost  `130,with games at `29.95! Use Garry  Rowland'sDEFLATOR  program   to   check   inflationdifferences and you'll see today's  pricesare almost justified! (But it doesn't meanto say that they have to implement  them!)Ed.>
   1 <I drank LOTS of booze! .DOK>  Yeah,  mustbe  true,  anyway,  we   eventually   leftWhiskey's and  went  to  this  wierd  foodplace and Dok bought some of this mushroompakora  stuff!  <Smooth  on  the   inside,crunchy on the outside! Pakora! .DOK>  <Ohno, not more Ed's comments  .Ed>  <Hey!  Inever said that! .Ed> <Yes you  did  .Dok><No! .Ed's  split  personality>  <Who  areyou?  .  Ed>  <What's  going   on!   .Osn><Nothing... .Dok> <Honeslty! .Psico> <Who?.Dsoft> <What on earth is this!!  .Dev  D><Hello. RB> <Hmm, seem to be a  bit  lost.DH> <Ah, we're in that section back there.RB> <Best get off then. DH> <S T O P I T !! .Pointy brackets man> Then I ate a wholeload of that, didn't taste any of it,  andwe went home.
   1 <Did you know that Roy is considered a Godin a small South American tribe? Ed.>O
   1 <BANG! Andy shoots himself, after renamingAlchNews to RANTNEWS. Ed.>D
   1 <Anyone who ends a letter in this  manner,and I quote:6
   1 <A cheap alternative would  be  to  definethe procedure with a name. Eg:H
   1 < I think it was supposed to be a joke Roy. ED.>0
   1 ;"Next, Prev, Index or Choose:"
   1 ;"M to change Music (+D)":
   1 999 REM SETUP
   1 9866 TM LUTJEGAST
   1 98 146 18 124 0 0 225 0
   1 9012CM RAERD
   1 9010 PRINT "OBJECT ";O$(N);" IS IN ";O$(N)9020 NEXT N5
   1 9000 CLS:FOR N=1 TO 7
   1 90 GOSUB 220: LET DEST=DEST+16
   1 90 FOR N=1 TO LEN A$
   1 9. Dont  drink  tripple  vodkas  after   8   pints, the world seems to  move  a  bit   fast after these! (in a  nice  rotating   fashion!)
   1 9 West View
   1 9 STOP statement, 0:1
   1 83 84 82 73 78 71 65 82 82 65 89 32#
   1 80p each (cased + instructions)
   1 80,6,-6,143,118,0,7,118,138,10,-3,10,3330 DATA 133,114,1,-1,198,30,8,-8,160,L
   1 80 GOSUB 260
   1 8. Do not question the owners  parentage..   especially when you are talking to  him   face to face!d
   1 8 and B is more than 4."
   1 7In the front garden"   1120 DATA "01000700In the Bathroom";
   1 7:READO$(N),O(N),R$(N):NEXT N
   1 78 Holtdale Avenue
   1 76   76   79   34   13   0
   1 70794 Filderstadt
   1 70794 FILDERSTADT
   1 70 PRINT '"WHAT NOW  ?": INPUT LINE A$:LETV$="":LET N$=""9
   1 70 FOR M=4 TO  21:  PRINT  AT  M,0;"  <32)
   1 7. Dont tell the DJ to  put  on  "saturday   night fever!" as  they  probably  will,   DJ's are notoriously sadistic!u
   1 7 OBJECTS. 7 START  LOCATIONS  AND A $ FORRecognition5
   1 7 Manor Drive
   1 650 PAUSE 0:RETURN
   1 65 6 0 83 84 82 73 78 71
   1 64 Roebuck Road
   1 630 NEXT L
   1 620 FOR  L=1  TO  7:IF  O(L)=-1 THEN PRINTO$(L):LET MATCH=1;
   1 60 Queensfield
   1 60 FOR N=0 TO 7
   1 60 ENDPROC
   1 6. When approaching a girl and asking  her   if she wants a drink,  then  make  sure   she  is  not  with  a  six  foot   tall   powerlifter!
   1 6 Ravensmead
   1 560 LET L=L+1:IF L<=7 THEN GOTO 520#
   1 550  IF   O(L)=-1   AND  N$=R$(L)THEN  LETO(L)=ROOM:RETURN:
   1 530 LET L=L+1:IF L<=7 THEN GOTO 520#
   1 520  IF  O(L)=ROOM  AND  N$=R$(L)THEN  LETO(L)=-1:RETURN8
   1 515 IF V$="INV" THEN GOTO 610
   1 51069 KOLN
   1 510 IF V$="DRO" THEN GOTO 550
   1 50p each (caseless)
   1 505 LET L=1
   1 5020 RETURN
   1 502 IF LEN N$>3 THEN LET N$=N$(1 TO 3)&
   1 5010 of routine..
   1 500At  the  edge  of theroof"
   1 5000 REM Name 'procedure'
   1 50 IF NOT 0 = N THEN PRINT "The number was   1."0
   1 50 IF 1 = N THEN PRINT
   1 50 FOR N=1 TO 20: PLOT RND*(255),RND*(40))
   1 5. Dont ask the bar staff  for  a  "aggroo   humphaa!!" they will tell you that  you   have  had  enough   already   (probably   true!)
   1 5 Various art packages
   1 5 POKE 23618,10 : POKE 23620,2 7 STOP%
   1 4x4 off road racing
   1 48kadventures, plus many compilations.  Printand presentation quality of  this  companyis outstanding, which  reflects  the  highstandard  it's  software  is.   The   CP/Mcatalogue is  just  as  impressive,  goinginto greater detail of each adventure!
   1 48k users could try to replace it with:'
   1 48 IF WE<>0 THEN PRINT "WEST"
   1 46 IF EA<>0 THEN PRINT "EAST"
   1 42 column print driver:
   1 40 REM print name
   1 40 PRINT N;" NAND ";N;" = ";NOT (N AND N) 50 PRINT N;" NOR ";N;" = ";NOT (N OR N)Q
   1 40 OUT 65533,8 : OUT 49149,15
   1 40 LET SRCE=64: LET DEST=110
   1 40 IF NOT (0 = N) THEN PRINT  "The  number   was not 0."8
   1 40 IF 0 <> N THEN PRINT
   1 40 DEFPROCprint_name
   1 40  PRINT  '"I   AM":PRINT  'L$(ROOM,9  TO):PRINT "EXITS ARE"=
   1 40   lenL lenH STOP   eol
   1 4. Print result
   1 4. Dont ask the bouncer for a dance!  this   is a good way to get chucked out.N
   1 4. Cook them
   1 4 most sports
   1 4 PRINT USR 0
   1 4 Bethune Close
   1 3Drendering and other technical  drawing.  Ihad installed it  on  a  friend's  Amstrad8086  some  time   before   and   it   wasnotoriously  slow,   but   this   was   animprovement, although 128 mode was  slowerthan normal.
   1 3D Grand prix
   1 39 High Stret
   1 39 High Street
   1 37 Trimingham Drive
   1 36 Grasmere Road
   1 36 Budges Rd
   1 350 DATA 128,120,1,-1,140,105,4,-4,80,&
   1 35 POKE 23692,255:POKE 23658,8
   1 34680 ST GEORGES
   1 32 Dursley Road
   1 310 RETURN
   1 300In the master bedroom" 1080 DATA "00030806Up on the roof"<
   1 300 PLOT X,Y: DRAW A,B: DRAW C,D 
   1 30 PRINT N;" OR ";N;" = ";N OR N 
   1 30 PRINT A
   1 30 PRINT "The input was zero or one."%
   1 30 PRINT "Binary output ";N
   1 30 OUT 65533,7 : OUT 49149, 255-1!
   1 30 LET NO=VAL  E$(1  TO 2):LET SO=VAL E$(3TO 4):LET  EA=VAL  E$(5  TO  6):LET WE=VALE$(7 TO 8)^
   1 30 LET N = NOT N:IF INKEY$ = ""
   1 30 LET N = NOT N:GOTO 20
   1 30 IF NOT (N > 5) THEN PRINT  "The  number   was less than 6.">
   1 30 IF N = 0 THEN PRINT "It was 0"!
   1 30 IF N <= 5 THEN PRINT
   1 30 GOSUB 170
   1 30 of program..
   1 30   lenL lenH  PRINT ?   ?
   1 30   lenL lenH   PRNT  A   eol  0!
   1 3. Wear  shoes,  going  home  because   of   trainers is no fun.@
   1 3. Shape the pies
   1 3. Add numbers
   1 3-17. Be lost no more!
   1 3) When Sherwood first sent  the  Hall  ofShame to Marcus, he left off the  category"Unhappy Customer".  Therefore  trying  tomislead Marcus who indeed WAS  an  unhappycustomer!
   1 3 LET F(2)=200
   1 3 LET B$(2)="ARRAY"
   1 298 Holton Road
   1 290 READ X,Y,A,B,C,D
   1 29 Barber Street
   1 280 FOR J=1 TO 3:READ X,Y,A,B:  PLOT  X,Y:*
   1 270 PLOT 118,120: DRAW -118,-80:PLOT  138,*
   1 260 PLOT 0,120: DRAW 255,0
   1 250 RETURN
   1 245  65   13   0
   1 245  34   72   69
   1 241  65   61   50   14   0
   1 240 RANDOMIZE USR 28000
   1 230 POKE 28008,SRCE
   1 23 Cleveland
   1 220 RETURN
   1 220 POKE 28005,DEST
   1 218 PRINT '"I can't go that way
   1 216  IF   D$="W"   AND   WE<>0   THEN  LETROOM=WE:RETURN8
   1 214  IF   D$="E"   AND   EA<>0   THEN  LETROOM=WE:RETURN8
   1 212  IF   D$="S"   AND   SO<>0   THEN  LETROOM=SO:RETURN8
   1 210 RETURN
   1 210  IF   D$="N"   AND   NO<>0   THEN  LETROOM=NO:RETURN8
   1 2050: 1000 
   1 200 NEXT I
   1 20 PROCprint_name
   1 20 PRINT PEEK A;"  ";
   1 20 PRINT N;" AND ";N;" = ";N AND N"
   1 20 PRINT N
   1 20 PRINT ("It was 1" AND N = 1); 
   1 20 POKE 23606,N:PRINT AT 0,0;
   1 20 Owen Close
   1 20 OWEN CLOSE
   1 20 OUT 65533,1 : OUT 49149,8 <upper 8>&
   1 20 LET N = NOT N
   1 20 LET E$=L$(ROOM,1 TO 8)
   1 20 LET A=2
   1 20 INPUT "What is the password? "P$#
   1 20 IF P$<>"SAUSAGES" THEN GOTO 10!
   1 20 IF NOT (N = 4) THEN PRINT  "The  number   was not 4."8
   1 20 IF N = 1 THEN PRINT "It was 1"!
   1 20 IF N <> NOT NOT N THEN GOTO 10!
   1 20 IF N <> 4 THEN PRINT
   1 20 Greenill Drive
   1 20 GOSUB name
   1 20 GOSUB 40
   1 20 CLEAR 27999
   1 20 BORDER N+3:PAUSE 0
   1 20   lenL  lenH  LET A
   1 20   lenL   lenH  LET A
   1 2. Make the filling
   1 2. Input numbers
   1 2. Dont drink Hoopers Hooch, its  a  girls   drink!3
   1 2) Many months ago, Sherwood  got  into  aVERY  long  running  argument  with   MarkHarris about HD disks being used on a  +D.Sherwood would not let it drop. It's funnyhow he's done the same here!
   1 2 Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k+'s,  both  needrepair or use for spares - `4 (`6  outsideW Europe)]
   1 2 North Hill Road
   1 2 Microdrive units
   1 2 LET F(1)=100
   1 2 LET B$(1)="STRING"
   1 2 Joysticks
   1 2 Cromwell Close
   1 2 "Twin" joystick / mouse interface#
   1 1d. Add water
   1 1c. Mix fat with flour
   1 1b. Weigh fat
   1 1a. Weigh flour
   1 1a) With reference to false support in theabove, this  is  the  same  as  Sherwood'slatest false claims from Chic.r
   1 1995 A.Davis & Alch. Research
   1 198,30,8,-8,133,114,1,-1,-1,118,120,$
   1 194 17 0 2 2 0 6 9
   1 190 IF N$="" THEN LET D$=V$(1):GOTO 210   200 LET D$=N$(1):
   1 19 Lyme Avenue
   1 180 LET D$=""
   1 18 Tivoli Crescent
   1 18 Clyde Grange
   1 170 DATA 1,0,16,17,0,0,33,0,0,237,176,201 180 FOR I=28000 TO 28011+11E
   1 17 Le Mas Blanc
   1 16th August 1995
   1 166 Valley Drive
   1 165 GOTO 20
   1 164 97 118 105 228 0 0 30 0 0
   1 160 IF V$="GET" OR V$="TAK" OR V$="DRO" ORV$="INV" THEN GOSUB 500A
   1 160 GOTO 110
   1 16 The Avenue
   1 150 NEXT N
   1 150 IF V$="GO"  OR  V$(1)="N" OR V$(1)="S"OR V$(1)="E" OR V$(1)="W" THEN GOSUB 170  155 IF LEN V$>3 THEN LET V$=V$(1 TO 3)z
   1 145 PRINT A$
   1 140 PAUSE 4
   1 14 De Verose Court
   1 134 13 0 1 2 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 200 0 0&
   1 130 NEXT N
   1 130 GOSUB 220: LET SRCE=SRCE+16
   1 128K Music:
   1 128K BUGS - THE REMIX
   1 128,120,1,-1,140,105,3,-3,138,120,0,2,&
   1 128 Renumber changes:
   1 126 Hayward Road
   1 1250 DATA "The *Front Door Key*",13,"KEY" 1260 DATA "A face Mask",15,"MAS"J
   1 1240 DATA "A Bee Hive",12,"HIV"
   1 1230 DATA "A Toilet roll",11,"ROL""
   1 1220 DATA "A Cricket Ball",6,"BAL""
   1 1210 DATA "An Oiling can",5,"CAN"!
   1 120: DRAW 117,-50
   1 1200By the swimming pool"  1170  DATA   "00151100In   your  own  backgarden"L
   1 1200 DATA "Some Food",1,"FOO"
   1 120 IF A$(N)=" "THEN LET N$=A$(N+1 TO):GO)
   1 120 FOR N=0 TO 7
   1 12 blank MD cartridges
   1 12 Miller Avenue
   1 12 Frederick Street
   1 1180 DATA "14
   1 118,140,10,-5,10,5,130,118,1,-1,160,$
   1 1150 DATA "00110013In next doors garden"  1160 DATA "5
   1 1140 DATA "12100114West of Kitchen"#
   1 1130 DATA "11001600In the Cellar"!
   1 112,0,15,118,136,10,-1,10,1,140,105,4%
   1 1110 DATA "
   1 1100 DATA "02090800In the Hallway""
   1 110 LET SRCE=116: LET DEST=64
   1 110 FOR N=LEN A$ TO 1 STEP -1
   1 11 Finsbury Drive
   1 11 CAMEL ROAD
   1 10In a dark corridor"
   1 1090  DATA  "
   1 1070 DATA "
   1 1060   DATA   "05020004On   the   UpstairsLanding"2
   1 1050 DATA "03070001In the living room"&
   1 1040 DATA "00090211In the Kitchen""
   1 1036 RETURN
   1 1035 LET ROOM=4 : REM START IN ROOM 4%
   1 1020 for n=1 to 16:read l$(n):next n$
   1 1010 DIM O$(7,32):DIM O(7):DIM R$(7,3)&
   1 1000 DIM L$(16,136)
   1 1000 CLEAR:RETURN
   1 100,0,30,118,138,10,-3,10,3,130,118,1,&
   1 100+ Crash / YS / SU magazines.  Odd  bitsremoved but  FREE  to  anyone  willing  tocollect them or  pay  postage.  Write  forfurther details.
   1 100 NEXT N
   1 100  IF  A$(N)<>" "  THEN  LET  V$=V$+A$(
   1 10. If your name is Orson, dont  talk,  as*
   1 10,3,10,-3,160,80,6,-6,130,118,1,-1   340 DATA 220,90,0,50,118,134,10,1,10,-1,N
   1 10 or Decimal 2.
   1 10 REM This is a remark : NEW
   1 10 REM This is a remark :
   1 10 PRINT"HELLO"
   1 10 OUT 65533,0 : OUT 49149,2 <lower 8>&
   1 10 INPUT "Your name? "A$
   1 10 INPUT "Your name? ";A$
   1 10 INPUT "What is the password? ";P$$
   1 10 INPUT "Any number ";N
   1 10 GO SUB 1000
   1 10 FOR N = 1 TO 100
   1 10 FOR A=PEEK 23627+256*PEEK 23628"
   1 10 DIMA(5)
   1 10 DIM A(5)
   1 10 Blank microdrive cartridges  -  `4  (`6outside W Europe). Can supply 22 cartridgeholder if necessary, total cost  -  `5  (7outside W Europe)
   1 10 BORDER 0: PAPER 0:INK 7: CLS
   1 10  lenL lenH PRNT "
   1 10  lenL lenH PRINT "
   1 1. Set up initial conditions
   1 1. Make the pastry
   1 1. Dont take Orson with you.
   1 1)  It  should  be  made  clear  that  theproblems with  Mr  Prichard  and  Sherwoodhave NOT been resolved.  Mr  Prichard  hasmade this clear, yet Sherwood has  ignoredhis  points  and   is   falsely   claimingsupport from Marcus.
   1 1 XOR 1 = 0
   1 1 XOR 0 = 1
   1 1 Spectrum 128k
   1 1 Spectrum +3
   1 1 Rubber keyed 48k
   1 1 QL computer and spare machine
   1 1 Pelham Street
   1 1 OR 1 = 1
   1 1 OR 0 = 1
   1 1 LET name=5000
   1 1 LET DAVID=30
   1 1 LET B=15
   1 1 LET A$="STRING"
   1 1 Interface one
   1 1 GOSUB 1000:STOP
   1 1 FOR N=10 TO 0
   1 1 DK Tronics keyboard
   1 1 DIM F(2)
   1 1 DIM B$(2,6)
   1 1 AND 1 = 1
   1 1 AND 0 = 0
   1 1 +D interface
   1 1 +D 3.5" drive (780k DSDD)
   1 0,4,118,136,10,-1,10,1
   1 0 XOR 1 = 1
   1 0 XOR 0 = 0
   1 0 OR 1 = 1
   1 0 OR 0 = 0
   1 0 AND 1 = 0
   1 0 AND 0 = 0
   1 .Assembler, art package and music  package.You got all this so far? Good then  I  canmove on\
   1 ..because for some reason, DOSCOP fails totransfer the last few characters.K
   1 ...ehm... sorry. That's all I can say. Er,oh look at the time! Must rush! Bye!N
   1 ...Erk, wait a minute! I'm  not  going  towaste  valuable  time   writing   nonsensestories... no no no... I'm going to  thinkof something nice and informative to say!
   1 ...And then there were five...
   1 .. value .. .. value ..
   1 -4,128,120,1,-1,184,105,0,30,118,132$
   1 -1,160,80,6,-6,5,55,0,100,118,139,10,%
   1 - Specialised pokes such as break preventi*
   1 - Screen effects like horizontal hold.&
   1 - Direct all files to tape.
   1 - Direct all files to disc.
   1 - Catalogue (BBC can catalogue tape!).&
   1 ,when you get round  to trying this out foryourselves.6
   1 , the systemvariable 5CBO is poked with what HL shouldhave held  and  DF  SZ  is  restored to 2.Following  on,   the   entire  section  isdecoded yet again, using both the bytes ofthe loader and the reference block.
   1 +D users can avoid an "Overwrite?" messagedeleting  the  bottom  of  the  screen  byloading, then erasing, then saving, in onecommand line - be very careful to get themin the right order or  you  may  lose  thescreen! Tape users can only get around the"REC & PLAY" message by loading the screento  a  different  address  (art   packagesalways save  screens  at  addresses  above16384, but  they  can  be  loaded  to  anyaddress).
   1 +D Utilities collection (early):  AN10&
   1 +D Support:
   1 +3 & CP/M Support:
   1 +130: NEXT N
   1 *DISC or *DISK
   1 *CAT or *.
   1 ** STOP PRESS! **
   1 ** END OF SUB-ARTICLE! **
   1 ** Adventure Spot ** TM all the time.%
   1 ** Adventure Spot ** TM
   1 *  Why PC software houses can afford to'
   1 *  Recover  that  cassette   file   you'
   1 *  My  address!  (Possibly  the   least'
   1 *  Hudson  Soft  in  Sega   bomb   raid'
   1 *  How to save  memory  by  decolouring'
   1 ),  prints  "Rick Dangerous" tothe upper  part  of  the  screen,  loads ablock of code,  "Rick1",  and jumps to thestart of the  code,  at  CD00,  by doing aRANDOMIZE USR 52480.
   1 ) and the lack ofa comma or  semicolon  between  the  inputtext and string name. This kind  of  thingis fairly obvious  and  can  generally  besorted out without consulting any manuals,but still, you need to look out for  smallchanges of syntax.
   1 (which I believe was entitled 'HALL OF&
   1 (quellesurprise!). When the NEW command  is  used(returning to the "opening menu"), certainaddresses in high  memory  are  corrupted,even when they are above RAMTOP. Miles didsend me an article about this  which  gaveexamples of PEEKable addresses which  werealtered, but it's buried under my mail forthe past five years upstairs somewhere  soyou'll have to write to  him  as  I'm  notleaving my nice grey swivel chair!
   1 (letterbombs returned to sender) 
   1 (l)ocation.
   1 (Triangles!!)
   1 (The BBC needs no ; separator)
   1 (Thanks Orson ??)
   1 (Source:Letter, M.Sherwood, 23/9/95)$
   1 (Source: Letter, S.Winter, 28/9/95)#
   1 (Source: Letter, M.Sherwood, 9/8/95)$
   1 (Source: Alan Sharvell 7/10/95)
   1 (REPEAT can  also  be  prefixed  to  otherkeywords without a  semicolon,  eg  REPEATPRINT "PRESS A KEY":UNTIL INKEY$<>"")y
   1 (PROC identification not needed) 
   1 (No, NOT a Prism report!)
   1 (No change necessary here!)
   1 (N): NEXT N
   1 (Make sure the PRINT is a  single  keywordby typing SHIFT G for THEN,  P  for  PRINTand then deleting the THEN).  On  RUNning,again the second statement is ignored.  Weneed to jump to the  second  statement  inline 10. The BASIC command GOTO  can't  beused for this because it only jumps to thestart of a given line. This  is  where  itgets clever!
   1 (Jump neatly back to main program)"
   1 (Gives report - BBC END doesn't) 
   1 (C) 1995 Paul Warr.
   1 (Alledgedly...)
   1 (A GOSUB must be used - you could!
   1 (1 OR (0 = 1))) THEN STOP
   1 (...Alledgedly)
   1 (*) Netpicker, n. (US) A person who  chatsto others via the Internet simply to pointout faults in TV  programmes.  Apparently,it's  a  popular  American  pastime!   Sadpeople...
   1 ("It was 0" AND N=0)
   1 ("CafaC" AND N = 1)
   1 (" " AND N = 1)
   1 'government'
   1 'You've gone mad !'  Barry  said,  leaningback a little. 'Good let them think  that,it's  all  the  better'  Ste  had  stoppedlaughing and looked very serious, 'Do  youknow what happened to the drugged up  shitthat put me here ?' he asked.
   1 'You have no choice !' Ste said as he  lethim go. His smile  turned  to  a  look  ofsuprise as he was catapulted  out  of  hishouse  through  a  wall,  the   cord   hadsuddenly become very  strong  elastic  anddragged him back  into  Ste's  body  in  amatter of seconds.
   1 'You dumb shit !' Ste shouted, he could'nthold his temper, 'you could have killed meyou stupid  bastard',  the  driver  did'ntlook at him, he just sat and held his handagainst his head, 'Are  you  bloody  deaf,i'm talking to  you,  you  stupid  shitingbastard !' Ste shouted,  then  he  made  agrab for the door handle, aiming  to  dragthis bloke out and smash  his  teeth  downhis throat.
   1 'What are you talking about, you nutter ?,this is the best dream i've ever  had.  Itfeels so  real  and  I  keep  getting  madrushes, I don't think I want to come  downfrom this trip it's great fun'  he  lookedat Ste and giggled.
   1 'Unfortunately i'm right handed and my armdoes'nt work too well, so will you fill itin for me ?' he asked Barry as  he  passedhim the pen. 'Sure, why not' Barry said ashe took the pen and cheque,  'What's  yourfull name ?, I know  your  first  name  isSteven, or is it spelt with a P.H.  ratherthan V. ?'. 'No don't write my name, writethe hospital name, I don't want the money'Ste said.
   1 'This is no dream you dumb  idiot  !'  Steshouted  at  him,  'this  is  your   worstnightmare, and it's going to continue  forthe rest of your life !' Ste  grabbed  thecord in his  head  and  the  cord  in  hisenemy's head, with a  quick  pull  he  hadthem   both   out,   he   saw   his   legsdissapearing and felt the air rushing  outof his body so he quickly jammed the  cordout of the other guy's head, into his  ownand felt his body fill up again.
   1 'Shit !' he yanked the steering  wheel  tothe left and the van jerked to  the  side,'Oh shitshitshit !' he shouted as he triedto pull the van back to the right to  stophim going onto the hard shoulder. He  feltthe tyres skid on the  road  and  the  vanseemed to  be  sliding,  he  steered  leftagain to stop the van tipping and  slammedon  the  brake  pedal,  the  brake   shoesscreeched so loudly that  he  thought  hisears would burst and the  van  jerked,  hejolted forward and bounced back  into  hisseat, he had slowed down enough to  regaincontrol  and  steered  furiously  to   gethimself off the  hard  shoulder  and  backinto the first  lane.  'Bloodyshit  !'  hebabbled as he entered the lane and the vanhad stopped jerking.
   1 'Ok you have'nt been drinking' the  policeofficer said 'but you can't talk  straightand you look as though you've had  a  few.Do you take any medication or are  you  ondrugs ?' the man let his face drop and  hemumbled something that  Ste  did'nt  hear.'Cocaine,  ok   anything   else   ?'   thepoliceman asked  the  man  mumbled  again,'ecstasy, is there more ?'  the  policemanwas looking annoyed with the man, 'Nothingelse, I swear !' the man replied.
   1 'Oh bloody hell !' the driver  said  in  alow voice as he approached the van,  'Holyshit man, you don't look  too  good',  Stefollowed the driver to look at his mangledvan, 'Who are you talking to ?', he  askedin a shaky voice 'do you talk to  cars  orsomething ?' he gave a nervous laugh,  butstopped when he could see who  the  driverwas talking to.
   1 'Know what happened ?' Barry said  raisinghis eyebrows, 'The whole world and his dogknows what happened, it's been on the newsnearly  every  night  over  the  last  fewweeks. He's a rich bastard, he  damn  nearbought himself free. Show a copper a  bankbook and he'll turn a blind  eye,  all  hegot  was  a  five  year  driving  ban  andslapped with a compensation fee of  twentythousand pounds to be paid to you when youwoke up. He  somehow  convinced  the  jurythat the accident was  you're  fault,  andsome  people  think  that  he   paid   thepolice-man off to keep him quiet for  somereason !'.
   1 'I'm lucky I did'nt get the  brakes  fixedlast week or they'd have locked up  on  meand i'd be  through  the  window,  kissingtarmac by now !'  he  looked  through  thewindow at the car that he had just missed,it was so far in front that all  he  couldmake out was it's colour, deep red, or  soit looked under  the  lights.  'You  couldhave slowed down to see if I was  alright,you bloody pillock !' he  shouted  at  thecar, he knew he could'nt be heard  but  hefelt better after shouting.
   1 'I'm  out'  he  thought  to  himself,   hethought about being stood on the floor andhe was there instantly. He looked  at  hisbody lying there in a peaceful sleep,  andcould see the cord that  attached  him  tohis body 'My lifeline'  he  said  touchingit, 'this is the last time i'll see myselfas I look now, so, goodbye Ste' he said ashe walked away towards the entrance.
   1 'I don't give you much chance  of  walkingagain !' a voice spoke from behind him, heturned around to see  a  middle  aged  manlooking directly at him. 'You can  see  me?' Ste asked, 'Of course I can, i'm Barry,my  body's  in  the  next  theatre,  heartattack again !'.
   1 'Hello again !'  came  a  voice  from  hisleft,  he  looked  around  to  see   Barrysitting in a chair in his  dressing  gown,'I hear you've been in a  coma  for  quitesome time !'. Ste looked  at  him  puzzled'What do you mean a coma ?. How long  haveI been asleep ?'. Barry stood up  and  satback down on Ste's bed,  'Well  it's  beenabout six weeks since I was last  here,  Igot sent home after i'd recovered, only tohave another attack the other day,  that'swhy i'm back, when I heard you were  stillhere I asked to have a bed at the side  ofyou. I told them you were my friend,  hopeyou don't mind'.
   1 'Drugs !' Ste shouted, 'it  was'nt  drink,it was bloody drugs. Just wait,  i'll  geteven with you !' he said  as  he  put  hishead through the car window to look at theofficers pad.
   1 'Dean Whitehouse, 64 High Top  Cresent,  Ihave your name and address now you  druggysod, when I can, i'm coming for you !' Stesaid, putting his face right in  front  ofhim,  'you  won't  get  off  with  just  adriving ban and a slap on  the  wrist'  heshouted as he headed back to his van.
   1 'Are  you  still  alive  ?'   Ste   asked,puzzled. 'Yes, but only just, this is  thethird heart attack  i've  had  and  I  getbored watching them bring me back. I heardall the commotion so I decided to  take  awalk to see what was happening.  You're  abloody mess, what happened ?'.
   1 'Another hour and i'll be home, tucked  upin my nice cosy bed  with  a  cup  of  hotchocolate', Ste looked at the clock on thedashboard it read 11:46 pm. 'Driving solidfor six and a half hours, next  time  theycan  send  Brian,  he's  much  better   atrepairing the motors on these  new  rollershutters, it took me bloody ages  to  findthe limit switches  and  then  the  bloodything was knackered !'. He looked  at  themotorway  sign,  MANCHESTER  AIRPORT  NEXTJUNCTION. 'I feel like turning  there  andjumping a plane to Barbados, where I couldjust relax and soak  up  the  sun.  If  itwas'nt for the mortgage payments  and  allthe other bills i'd have enough  to  leavethis bloody job and  sod  off  to  anothercountry where I could think about startingmy own roller shutter business',  he  knewit was all a pipe dream and that he  wouldnever have  enough  money  to  even  visitBlackpool, never mind anywhere abroad, butit was his dream and nothing  could  spoilthat.
   1 & Contributions:
   1 "slightlynon-standard".
   1 "You should never see this"
   1 "We were contacted by Martyn Sherwood, butI think we made it clear in our reply thatwe were very happy with the  products  andservices of  Alchnews,  and  we  certainlyhave no complaint at all. Whilst writing Iam pleased  to  enclose  a  further  orderwhich I am sure will be met with the usualexcellent speed!!"
   1 "The number was not 4."
   1 "The number was not 0."
   1 "The number was less than 6."
   1 "The number was 1."
   1 "Personally, I find  it  astonishing  thatthere appears to  be  a  large  number  ofpeople who seem to be "taken"  in  by  hismisdemeanours."
   1 "In short, I can account for 20 out of  29   names and your letter now makes 21."Q
   1 "In   my   opinion,   the   bloke   is   ahorizontally  challenged  pile  of  bovineexcretive matter"e
   1 "I intended to contact  you,  re  Hall  OfShame - but in my OWN GOOD  TIME.  I  havecontacted others on this list, and now  itis your turn."
   1 "Hello there?!f"
   1 "Enter Part:";cnt:
   1 "Enclosed is an SAE for your reply to%
   1 "Could I have a  box  of  88.9  millimetredisks please?". Nah, doesn't have the samering to it!_
   1 "9th November 1995
   1 !  Yes,   I'm   back   with   asemi-original  non-specific  title   whichwill allow to me to  rant  (!)  about  allthings  Spectrum-related.  Hello  to   RoyBenson - I don't know him but he mentionedme in his column a while ago so I  thoughtI would put in a greeting! (I also  nickedhis title, but that's not important  rightnow).
   1  will alsosave  the  variable  with  the  program soeliminating the need to  include to set uproutine when reloading. Also very handy tostop  people  just   looking  through  thelisting  to  see  what  all  the locationsobjects and solutions are.
   1  stupid. And proud of it!!!
   1  is stored  inthe next  five  bytes  in  floating  pointformat. The  last  two  bytes  225  and  0signify the end of  the  variables  store.They are  always  there  and  so  will  bemissed out from the next examples.
   1  erm, I don't know butit was too much for my system anyhow, so Igot drunk as a... erm... drunk as  a  fartin a thunderstorm!|
   1  end of file
   1  argh! I cant remember... Oh!That's it,  Mister  Sherwood!  Yeah,  him,well, a while back, he  wrote  this  sillyletter, (not really silly,  I  just  thinkit's silly), to our  dear  friend...  DOK!
   1  LOAD PART 
   1  LOAD +D INDEX 
   1   stunned  bythis marvelous peice  of  lovelyness  thattook 1 hour to write, that he's had to  goaway and think of something to  say  back,and he's not written back yet!  (...As  ofyet anyway...) (...alledgedly...)
   1    -   BLIP!"   ismissing), you can actually  recover  thesefiles with 100% success.  First,  load  inthe header (the bit that says  "Program:")of another BASIC program, then swap  tapesand load the rest of the other program. Itis vital that the file  whose  header  wasused is a LONG program  -  if  the  secondblock  is  longer,  there'll  be  a   tapeloading error halfway through.
   1                     DECEMBER 1995